"Brother, your Kung Fu is really good!" Guo Lingfeng said to Duan pengman with appreciation. "I'll bring up the old story again. Now I invite you to join the Eighth Route Army again. Would you like to?" Duan Peng nodded: "special mother, the little devil deceives people too much! OK, I'll do the Eighth Route with you! By the way, chief officer, may I ask your name?"

Before Guo Lingfeng answered, monk Wei said, "boy, don't be frightened when you say it! This is the political commissar of our independent regiment, Guo Lingfeng and Guo!"

Duan Peng was overjoyed when he heard the speech: "political commissar Guo? The independent regiment? Is it the independent regiment headed by Li Yunlong?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled bitterly. Although he has become a little famous in recent years, he is still much worse than Li Yunlong.

Monk Wei said with a smile, "is that still false? Our leader is Li Yunlong!"

Duan Peng said excitedly, "political commissar Guo, I Duan Peng will work with you from now on. The knife rest is not vague around my neck! I didn't expect that Duan Peng can also be the Eighth Route Army and join the independent regiment. It's great!"

Guo Lingfeng asked, "your name is Duan Peng, isn't it? Where are you from?"

Duan Peng smiled and said, "yes, my name is Duan Peng, from duanjiagou!"

Guo Lingfeng arranged: "monk, you take him to Wangji scissors shop and arrange someone to take him out of the city and back to the regiment headquarters. Hurry up, we should change our clothes and prepare for the banquet!"

Monk Wei answered and hurried to take Duan Peng.

Not long ago, Guo Lingfeng and monk Wei changed into the clothes of the puppet army investigation team, that is, a black satin coat with a shell refuting gun slung. They both wore hats and sunglasses. At first glance, they really looked like two dog traitors.

When they came to the teahouse, Chu Yunfei and Sun Ming had been waiting for a long time.

Chu Yunfei asked them to sit down and asked in surprise, "Brother Guo, I thought brother Yunlong came. I didn't expect you to come!"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "of course Lao Li wants to come, but he made a bet with me. He lost, so I came!"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile, "hehe, it's harmless. I'm happy that any of you came! By the way, Brother Guo, you're all right?"

Guo Lingfeng looked around and said with a smile, "brother Chu can really choose a place. The environment here is good!"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile, "I asked you to come here. Well, it's also a matter of deliberation. After thinking about it, this place can meet your and my identity! Brother Guo, where have you made a fortune recently? It's said that you broke up into parts, hid in the mountains, dived into the plains, and had no trace or news. Have you been separated from the battle sequence in the second world war area?"

Guo Lingfeng laughed and said: "Brother Chu, don't be so happy with me! Haven't you seen the notice all over the street? Lao Li's head is the same price as yours. It's all 50000 yuan. It's worth 20000 yuan! I wouldn't have come if brother Chu hadn't invited us to dinner! Brother Chu, to tell you the truth, our independent regiment really made a small fortune! It's a transport team guarding the highway and fighting devils, Chu Brother, you probably don't like our small fortune? "

Chu Yunfei said with heartfelt admiration: "Chu admires the great husband's indomitable spirit! However, Brother Guo, there's a small thing I want to discuss with you!"

Guo Lingfeng guessed a few points, but deliberately pretended to be stupid and asked, "what's the matter? Brother Chu, just say it!"

Chu Yunfei smiled cunningly and said, "last time the Li family town mutiny, thank you very much for your righteous help from the independent regiment. I'll pay it back sooner or later! But my battalion's equipment... Brother Yunlong promised me to return it in full! Brother Guo, you should know about it?"

Guo Lingfeng looked very sad. "Brother Chu, you don't know the rules of our army. In our independent regiment, I only live, but has the final say in military affairs. I don't know what is going on with these equipment, brother."

Chu Yunfei showed such an expression and said with a smile: "OK, it's no wonder you did it! Forget it, Chu specially came to talk to my brother tonight, and I won't mention the unpleasant things. I'd better find brother Yunlong in the future! It's said that the cook in juxianlou is good. Chu specially prepared some drinks. I hope Brother Guo will appreciate it?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "brother Chu didn't drink at all in our independent regiment?"

Chu Yunfei laughed and said, "Chu, what if I make an exception today?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "brother Chu, is this offering flowers to Buddha? I heard that the Juxian building was wrapped today. Ichiro Hirata, the captain of the Japanese gendarmerie in Heyuan County, celebrated his birthday in Juxian building today. Brother Chu doesn't know? Is brother Chu reluctant to spend money on a treat?"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile, "really? Brother Guo's information is very accurate! Why, is there any inconvenience?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "brother Chu is so kind to invite you. How dare I refuse?"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile, "well, let's meet at Juxian building later?"


Juxianlou is the largest restaurant in Heyuan county and the most high-grade restaurant.

The chefs here are very skilled and can cook very authentic Henan cuisine. They are quite famous in dozens of miles around.

Japanese gendarmerie captain Ichiro Hirata celebrated his 45th Birthday today. He specially wrapped up the whole juxianlou for a birthday banquet and invited many military people and many people with status in Heyuan county to the banquet.

They first took a group photo in front of the Juxian building, and then everyone began to enter the restaurant one after another.

Chu Yunfei and Sun Ming mingled in the crowd and entered the lobby. Guo Lingfeng and monk Wei came a little late. When they entered the door, they saw a devil taking a camera.

Monk Wei was careless and took a full body picture. Guo Lingfeng was very alert. He deliberately lowered the brim of his hat and didn't take off his sunglasses.

The devil was just stunned, but looking at their costumes, he subconsciously thought they were from the puppet investigation team, so he let them into the lobby.

Into the lobby, Guo Lingfeng and Chu Yunfei's seats were far apart. They just arched their hands to say hello and sat down respectively.

As today's birthday star, Ichiro Hirata was surrounded by many stars and the moon. He came to the middle of the restaurant lobby. The host was an officer of the puppet army. He began to say: "everyone, be quiet! Today is your 45th Birthday. Now we welcome your excellency Ichiro Hirata to lecture you with warm applause!"

With a smile on his face, Ichiro Hirata walked to the scene and began his speech. The more he spoke, the more excited he became. Not long later, he cried and sang a song. It seems to be a minor of Japanese flavor.

Monk Wei couldn't understand Japanese. He ate his mouth full of oil and asked in a vague whisper, "boss Guo, what's the devil crying? Isn't he his birthday?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled a few times and whispered, "I didn't hear clearly. It seems that I miss his mother!"

While eating, monk Wei said, "he still has his mother? I thought these devils jumped out of a crack in a stone?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "are you scolding him or praising him? It jumped out of the crack of the stone. It's the great saint of heaven. Can a devil compare?"

"That's right!" monk Wei stopped worrying about this problem and focused on the delicious food in front of him. Soon he ate half a roast chicken and a lot of beef.