The next two days, Guo Lingfeng was asked by Han Youlin to draw two needles of blood. It was not the exaggerated needle in the sketch, and the total was less than 30ml.

Guo Lingfeng and Han Youqi finally ended their seclusion life, because the army finally occupied Guangzhou.

A large number of zombies in Guangzhou were slaughtered. Huang Jie led the survivors. Yang Chuankai was surprised to hear that Han Youlin analyzed the components that can kill zombie virus from Guo Lingfeng's blood. However, this is great news. He dare not neglect it, He immediately took Han Youlin to meet the top military leader in Gwangju, lieutenant general Jin Shilin, commander of the Eighth Army.

At present, lieutenant general Jin Shilin is one of the top three figures in the Korean military, because those senior military officials are basically dead... No, they have become zombies.

Since Dr. Han Youlin is very likely to develop a super vaccine or super weapon that can restrain zombies, and she has her own assistant (Han Youqi, who almost became a female doctor), lieutenant general Jin Shilin immediately gave instructions.

The laboratory of the building in Gwangju was directly assigned to Han Youlin and her sister. Lieutenant general Jin Shilin also convened several biological experts to help Han Youlin through the strength of the military. These experts are very rare in South Korea today. It is estimated that there are no 10 people in total.

An old expert old enough to be surprised when Han Youlin's grandfather saw her. He didn't expect that the young beauty in front of him was a biological expert at his same level. He couldn't help asking, "Miss Han, I'm really surprised that you are so young. Who was your mentor when you were a doctoral student at Seoul University?"

Han Youlin said, "my teacher is Professor Jin shangmin!"

The old expert immediately said, "Jin shangmin? Are you Jin shangmin's student?"

Han Youlin smiled and said, "yes, I'm Professor Jin shangmin's student!"

The old expert smiled: "It turned out to be Lao Jin's student, so no wonder it's so powerful! I wonder why such a young doctor of biology suddenly appeared. He turned out to be a good student taught by Lao Jin! Jin told me about you a few years ago. He told me on the phone that he would have another favorite student soon. I asked what favorite student was worth calling him in the middle of the night He told me that she was a female doctor under the age of 23. At that time, I didn't believe it. He said that the old guy bragged. I didn't expect to see you today! "

Han Youqi also interrupted: "Grandpa, are you an old friend of the teacher? What's your name? I'm also Professor Jin's student!"

The old expert said, "my name is Li Shilong, and Lao Jin and I have been old friends for many years... By the way, did Lao Jin escape from the outbreak of the zombie virus?"

Han Youlin's eyes suddenly darkened. Han Youqi couldn't help but say sadly: "we called the teacher many times, but no one answered. I'm afraid the teacher told him..."

Li Shilong also lost his smile, sighed and said, "Alas... Who could have thought that such a great disaster would happen suddenly? Lao Jin is two years older than me. As the saying goes, when he was seventy, he lived seventy-four years, and he is not a short-lived ghost... Alas, I hope he will be all right down there?"

After a burst of greetings, the research group headed by Han Youlin and Li Shilong was officially established and stationed in this tall laboratory.

Lieutenant general Jin Shilin also transferred a company of soldiers to guard the research team. This laboratory immediately became the most heavily guarded place in Gwangju.

These soldiers pulled up barbed wire around the building, set up many sentries and set up many checkpoints. A team of soldiers patrolled the building every half an hour, and soldiers were stationed on the roof for 24 hours.

If Guo Lingfeng didn't know the company commander, I'm afraid he couldn't get into the building even if he took out the certificate of "special adviser".

It has to be said that it was such a coincidence (mainly because Lao Wang was too lazy to think of other names). The company commander of the company serving as the guard of the experimental group was captain Jin Zhien who took Guo Lingfeng to see Yang Chuankai.

Jin Zhien didn't look surprised when he saw Guo Lingfeng. He knew that Guo Lingfeng, a "special adviser", had long come to Guangzhou, but he was a little strange about his coming to the residence of the special research team.

"Mr. Guo, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing. It's just that the army has an attack plan for the next one. I'm going to go to quanluo North Road first tomorrow. I came here to say goodbye to two friends."

Jin Zhien suddenly realized that he certainly knew that Guo Lingfeng had friends with the Han sisters in the research group. When these survivors "welcomed" the army into the city, he saw Guo Lingfeng with them, so he took him to the laboratory with a smile.

Han Youlin was shocked when she heard that Guo Lingfeng was leaving... So she quickly took him to draw a full 200 ml of blood

Guo Lingfeng's heart couldn't help bleeding.

Shit, I came to say goodbye to you. You took me to draw blood, didn't you?

We have lived together for several days. Even if the relationship is not very close, is it a neighbor at least?

You just think about my blood?

Han Youqi was much better. When she heard that Guo Lingfeng was coming, she immediately put down her experiment and trotted all the way to see him.

Han Youqi wore a white coat like her sister. At first glance, she looked like a young female doctor.

Seeing Guo Lingfeng's bitter face pressing the needle eye on his arm with a cotton swab (in fact, he doesn't have to do this at all, because even if he has a foot long wound on his body, he will heal in a second or two), Han Youqi couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe, Mr. Guo, you look so cute!"

"Hey... Little sister, don't be so mean, will you? I've been bled by your sister for several times, and you're still sarcastic about me?"

"Hehe, Mr. Guo, you are more lovely when you say this!"

"... well, I won't gossip with you. I'm here to say goodbye to you and your sister. The army is taking action again. I'm leaving for quanluonan road tomorrow!"

"Ah? What? Are you leaving?"