Guo Lingfeng returned to the Hummer, put down the back of the driver's seat and slept wrapped in a military blanket.

I don't know. After a few hours, the army finally arrived. As soon as their car drove into the gas station, Guo Lingfeng woke up and got out of the car.

He didn't know the officer who came, but the officer knew him.

During this time, Guo Lingfeng, the "special adviser" of the 121 regiment, was very famous in the whole South Korean military. All companies distributed his photos to avoid not knowing him after meeting him.

"Hello, Mr. Guo! I'm Lieutenant Li Dongguo, company commander of the third company of the 26th battalion. Nice to meet you!" the officer respectfully saluted as soon as he saw Guo Lingfeng.

Guo Lingfeng noticed that they were also company commanders. Li Dongguo's military rank was one level lower than that of Huang Jie.

Guo Lingfeng has learned that the general company level cadres in the Korean army are Lieutenant ranks, and there are few captains. It seems that Huang Jie, as a captain, is also about to be promoted.

"Hello, company commander Li!" Guo Lingfeng said, "those three people are in the house. Why don't you pick them up first?"

As soon as Li Dongguo waved his hand, more than a dozen of the soldiers who followed him immediately entered the house.

"Not busy!" Li Dongguo said with a smile. "My main purpose here is not to pick up the three zombies who have been transformed into normal people, but to convey the brigade commander's order to Mr. Guo!"

Guo Lingfeng was stunned: does Yang Chuankai want to convey orders to himself alone? It seems that things are not small! So he asked, "what order does brigadier Yang have for me?"

Li Dongguo said with a smile: "the brigade commander asked me to tell you that the plan of an all-round attack on quanluo North Road has been suspended for the time being. Please go back to Guangzhou with us!"

"Hmm?" said Guo Lingfeng, "why? Isn't the attack plan well planned? Why should it be stopped so soon?"

Li Dongguo said with a smile, "I don't know. This kind of plan is not something that I, a little lieutenant, can involve?"

Guo Lingfeng thought it was the same. This kind of attack plan that often involves 10000 or 20000 troops was studied and decided by the high-level military. A company level cadre like Li Dongguo is just an executor. It's normal to be unclear.

Since you don't know, go back and ask Yang Chuankai. As a colonel and brigade commander, he should know a lot, right?

Guo Lingfeng didn't tangle, so he drove behind Li Dongguo's team and returned to Guangzhou together.

At the station of the 47th brigade, Guo Lingfeng went directly to the brigade headquarters to find Yang Chuankai.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Yang Chuankai was talking with several combat staff. When he saw Guo Lingfeng coming, Yang Chuankai waved his hand and said, "go down first and follow what I just said!"

The combat staff all got up and left the brigade headquarters. Guo Lingfeng went in and asked, "Colonel, why did you call me back in a hurry? It's just less than a day!"

Yang Chuankai said with a smile, "it's not all because of you!"

Guo Lingfeng said, "because of me?"

Yang Chuankai motioned him to sit down, took a cup of tea and handed it to him. He said, "you met zombies less than a day after you set out, and successfully transformed the three zombies into normal people with the injection given to you by Dr. Han. I reported the news directly to the military commander at the first time. The military commander was very surprised when he heard the news. He decided to temporarily stop attacking north."

Guo Lingfeng asked, "your commander means... I guess it's not to push North until the special research group has achieved results?"

Yang Chuankai nodded: "That's right! You transformed three zombies into normal people with injections this time, which means that Professor Li and Dr. Han's research team have made a major breakthrough. Now they have been able to make finished injections that can transform zombies into normal people! Think about what the army will do when it advances all the way North and meets zombies? Can't we just kill them all? If each of us Soldiers are equipped with weapons that can turn zombies into normal people, so they don't have to kill zombies? "

Guo Lingfeng thought for a moment. The truth is right. After all, these zombies are transformed from normal people. If they are all killed, even if all the sites are recovered, the population of South Korea will lose at least more than 90%. By then, even if South Korea has not been subjugated, it will be greatly weakened.

But if these zombies can be transformed into normal people, won't they be able to return to the state before the disaster?

But Guo Lingfeng knows that the top military officials are too optimistic!

It's easy to turn this kind of injection into a weapon. For example, it can be made into an anesthetic bomb. It doesn't have to break the hands and feet of the zombie like him to inject smoothly.

However, do the military leaders know that the most important component of this injection is the blood of someone?

If you want to make weapons, will you let me draw blood every day?

According to the physical quality of normal people, can you draw blood every day? Even if you draw blood every day, how much can you draw? 100ml? 200ml?

It's estimated that this man will fart in a few days?

Moreover, it should be equipped with an army of tens of thousands of people. How much blood does it need to draw?

Guo Lingfeng decided to tell the truth. After all, it was related to his fate.

"What?" as expected, when he told the story in detail, Colonel Yang Chuankai was so surprised that his eyes almost fell to the ground, "you mean... Now this kind of Injection... Can't be made without your blood?"

Guo Lingfeng nodded and said with a wry smile, "yes, at present... That's it!"

Yang Chuankai was depressed. He was in a good mood because the research team had achieved results so soon. Seeing that the recovery of the whole South Korea was expected, he didn't expect that such results could not be produced in large quantities at present?

"No! You wait first. I need to report this news to the commander immediately!" Yang Chuankai sighed, turned into the inner room and picked up the phone.

After a while, Yang Chuankai came out, his face coagulated and said, "an important meeting will be held at the top of the military in an hour. The commander asked me to take you to attend the meeting!"

Guo Lingfeng nodded, "no problem!"

Yang Chuankai's eyes revealed a trace of concern and said, "Mr. Guo, aren't you worried?"

Guo Lingfeng said, "what am I worried about?"

Yang Chuankai said, "don't you worry that the military will control you and draw a certain amount of your blood every day to make weapons to restrain zombies?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "what's to worry about? I have only one person. How much can I draw even if I draw blood? There are tens of thousands of people in your army. Even if I am drawn to dry, that blood is just a drop in the bucket? The top level of the military is not an idiot. How can we do such a thing?"

That said, Yang Chuankai also understood this truth, but he still frowned, as if he was still worried that the top military officials would make such a decision.

An hour later, Yang Chunkai had no time to be wordy, so he drove with Guo Lingfeng to the military headquarters of the Eighth Army.

In the large conference room, there are already many senior officers, including six or seven major generals alone, and the rest are colonel ranks.

At the first sight, Guo Lingfeng saw lieutenant general Jin Shilin sitting in the chair. As one of the highest ranking leaders in the South Korean military, he was the person with the highest rank and military position attending the meeting.

Guo Lingfeng also saw Li Shilong, Han Youlin, Han Youqi and several other members of the research team. Han Youqi looked at him and his eyes showed a trace of fear.

Seeing that Yang Chuankai and Guo Lingfeng had both sat down, Jin Shilin cleared his throat and said, "since everyone is here, our meeting will start early!"