There is a valley not far from Xiangyang City. It looks no different from other valleys, but because of one person, the valley eventually becomes extraordinary.

This is the burial place of a great man, who has never officially appeared in any of Jin Yong's novels, but has been described in several books.

As early as the year of weak crown, he competed with the heroes of Heshuo. He was invincible before the age of 40. Later, he asked for an opponent but couldn't get it. He had no choice but to live in seclusion in the valley, take carving as his friend, and finally ended up depressed.

Yes, this man is a sword demon who only wants to lose but can't get it!

How high is the martial arts of seeking defeat alone? Let's talk about Wang Chongyang first!

Is Wang Chongyang good at martial arts?

He defeated the four masters of east evil, West poison, South emperor and North beggar in succession when he first discussed sword in Huashan. Judging from the description in the original book, it seems that he is not much higher than these four people.

Hong Qigong once lamented that his "Eighteen dragon subduing palms" had not been successfully practiced when Huashan discussed swords, otherwise Wang Chongyang might not be able to win the title of No. 1 in the world.

But what about going it alone?

Before he was 40 years old, he had fought all over the world with a black iron heavy sword. After he was 40 years old, he "didn't lag behind things, and plants, bamboo and stones can be used as swords. Since then, he has refined and gradually moved to a state where no sword is better than a sword."

Look at the words he engraved in the sword tomb: "I have been in the Jianghu for more than 30 years, killing all enemies and defeating all heroes. There is no resistance in the world. I have nothing to do but live in seclusion in the deep valley and take carving as my friend. Alas, I can't get an enemy in my life. It's really lonely and embarrassing."

It can be said that the martial arts of seeking defeat alone is so high that it can definitely rank among the top five in the whole Jinyong martial arts world. I believe no one will question this!

When he arrived at Xiangyang City, Guo Lingfeng inquired around. It was not easy to find such a valley.

This is not in the real world. You can use mobile navigation.

He can only slowly look around Xiangyang City. There is only one way to determine whether it is the valley - to find the divine carving.

Fortunately, he bought a camping tent. Otherwise, he was in the wilderness. There were snakes, insects, mice and ants everywhere. It was really disgusting.

He searched the mountains outside Xiangyang City for more than ten days and finally got a harvest.

This is a very wooded valley. As soon as Guo Lingfeng entered the woods, he heard some unusual sounds, including wind, animal calls, and... What's this call?

Guo Lingfeng's heart was cold and hurried over. He saw several poisonous snakes fighting with a big eagle. The eagle was taller than people, with ugly appearance and sparse feathers. It seemed that more than half of it had been pulled out. Its hair color was yellow and black, which looked very dirty.

The ugly eagle's fishing mouth is curved, and there is a big blood red sarcoma on his head.

Guo Lingfeng has seen thousands of birds in the world in animal world, but he has never seen such an ancient and magnificent Raptor.

I saw the eagle stride forward and backward. His legs were very thick. Sometimes he stretched out short wings. It seemed that he couldn't fly. He just swaggered and had a powerful spirit.

The eagle screamed for a while, only to hear the rustle nearby. In the moonlight, the four poisonous snakes flew at the ugly Eagle like arrows.

The ugly Eagle bent his beak and pecked four poisonous snakes one by one. His mouth was accurate and his movement was fast. He was close to the first-class expert in the Wulin.

Guo Lingfeng secretly compared it. His master, Wang Chuyi, estimated that he could not beat the divine carving.

The divine eagle raised his head and shouted three times, as if challenging the enemy.

There was only a loud noise, and a triangular python with thick and thin bowl mouth hung upside down from the tree opposite, and rushed to the divine eagle.

Instead of retreating, the divine eagle stepped forward and suddenly bent his mouth and stretched out quickly, pecking the poison Python's right eye blind.

The head and neck of the divine carving is short and thick. It seems inconvenient to rotate, but it expands and contracts very fast. With Guo Lingfeng's eyesight of practicing martial arts for many years, he didn't see how it pecked the eyes of the poisonous python.

The poisonous Python lost his right eye and was in severe pain. He opened his mouth and snapped, biting the blood tumor on the top of the divine eagle. This time, Guo Lingfeng was surprised and couldn't help shouting "ah".

The two Zhang long body of the poisonous Python fell directly from the top of the tree and circled the divine eagle for several times. He saw that the divine eagle's life was worrying.

Guo Lingfeng said in his heart, "it's impossible for the divine carving to hang up like this?"

In that case, Guo Lingfeng took out his sword and flew to cut the snake. Suddenly, the divine eagle's right wing spread rapidly and patted Guo Lingfeng on his right arm.

Guo Lingfeng was unprepared. He took off his sword in his right hand and flew out for several feet.

The divine eagle stretched out his mouth and pecked several times on the python. With each peck, python blood spurted out.

Guo Lingfeng realized that the original carving was to solve the enemy alone, and he did not want him to help him. He had to make complaints about it.

The more the poisonous Python's plate is tightened, the more the divine carving hairy cardia is stretched, and he tries his best to resist each other.

Seeing that the divine carving seemed to be out of support, Guo Lingfeng picked up a big stone and hit the python. The Python's body was slightly loose, the divine eagle's head and neck stretched out sharply, and pecked the poison Python's left eye blind.

The poisonous Python opened its huge mouth and bit everywhere. At this time, its eyes were blind. How could it bite anything? The divine eagle lifted the snake's head seven inches and pressed it in the soil. On one side, he poked and pecked at the Python's head with a sharp beak.

After all, the divine carving is a natural divine power. The poisonous Python's whole body is twisted, tossed and waved, and the snake's head is always difficult to move. After a long time, it finally stiffened and died.

The divine eagle raised his head and shouted three times, then turned to Guo Lingfeng and whispered softly.

"Without Lao Tze's help, you'll fart if you're arrogant, you know?"

Guo Lingfeng walked closer with his stomach Fei and patted its wings. The divine eagle whispered and stretched out his wings and patted gently on his shoulder.

It seems that the beast is really human. His IQ may be higher than that of the border shepherd?

The divine eagle whispered several times, bit Guo Lingfeng's clothes and pulled a few times. Then he let go and took a big step.

Guo Lingfeng had already guessed its intention. He wanted you to lead the way, so he followed closely.

The divine eagle's feet were unusually fast. He walked in the mountains, rocks and grass as fast as a galloping horse. Guo Lingfeng's speed was already very fast, but he almost used his best to catch up. He was surprised and admired in his heart.

The divine carving goes lower and lower, and goes straight to a deep valley. After a long walk, he came to a big cave. The divine carving nodded three times in front of the cave, called three times, and looked back at Guo Lingfeng.

Guo Lingfeng saw that the cave was dark and didn't know how deep it was, so he took a flashlight and came out. When he came near, he found that the cave was very shallow and came to the end less than ten meters.

There is nothing else in the cave except a stone table and a stone stool.

The divine eagle shouted to the cave corner. When Guo Lingfeng saw that there was a pile of rubble rising in the cave corner, which was very like a tomb, he was awed: "it seems that this is the tomb of the sword devil alone?"

Guo Lingfeng looked up and saw that there were words written on the cave wall, but it was covered with dust and moss. He couldn't see clearly in the dark.

Guo Lingfeng turned on the flashlight and reached out to erase the moss on the cave wall. As expected, there were three lines of words. The strokes were very thin, but the stone was very deep. It was obviously drawn with a very sharp sword.

The three lines are like this: "I have been in the Jianghu for more than 30 years, killing all enemies and defeating all heroes. There is no resistance in the world. I can't help but live in seclusion in the deep valley and take carving as my friend. Alas, I can't get an enemy in my life. It's really lonely and embarrassing."

Guo Lingfeng looked down and saw that the signature was written with six words - "sword devil seeks defeat alone!"