(the second watch today, asking for subscriptions and monthly tickets! It exploded too much yesterday, and it's a little Carvin today!)

Due to the existence of Guo Lingfeng, sol didn't fight with iron man and the United States, but safely took a plane to the aerospace aircraft carrier.

Rocky was put in that special prison. It could be seen that the prison should have been prepared for hawk. In addition to him, Guo Lingfeng really can't think of who the s.h.i.e.l.d. bureau can use to imprison.

American team? Tony? It's impossible.

When the people came to the conference room, Nick Frey first said, "sol, I'm glad you can help. You're very welcome to join us!"

Sol said noncommittally, "I'm just helping you rob the cosmic cube. Then I'll take rocky with the cosmic cube. It's estimated that you'll rob with me again, but I don't care!"

Tony Stark said with a smile, "big man, I can see that you are very confident in your strength, but I want to tell you that it is not easy for you to steal the cosmic cube with me, iron man, Guo and Steve. Of course, we don't want to fight with you. After all, we are not enemies!"

The US team also said, "yes, sol, we don't want to fight you!"

Sol has a earthman girlfriend, so of course he doesn't want to stand against earthmen, but he must bring back Asgard and rocky.

Guo Lingfeng didn't speak. He knew the story behind. Eagle eye should be coming soon, because he saw that my sister had gone to talk to rocky.

"Everybody, do you have anything else to do? If not, I'd like to go back to my room and have a rest!" Guo Lingfeng stood up and stopped when he came to the door, "I want to remind you that if you want to dig out any clues from Rocky's mouth, I advise you not to spend so much effort, because he has pulled more things out of your mouth than you. Don't forget that he is the 'God of lies and fraud'! And, sol, I hope you can stay with Dr. banner all the time. I'm afraid he's on this ship now It's our only unstable factor. Once he can't control himself and turns into hawk, it's estimated that only you can slightly suppress him! "

Sol was stunned, looked at Nick Frey and said, "who's Dr. banner? Who's Hawk?"

Guo Lingfeng didn't mind what happened behind him. He went back to his room alone, lay in bed and closed his eyes.

It's not that he doesn't want to stop Rocky's plot, but that he can't. instead of watching rocky escape, he'd rather stay out of it from the beginning.

Forget it, you'd better get some sleep first. Maybe it's time for the New York war when you wake up?

Guo Lingfeng fell asleep in a daze. I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, a violent vibration accompanied by the explosion. Guo Lingfeng woke up and looked back a little. He murmured, "it seems that eagle eye has succeeded. Rocky is going to run! Well, I'll go and have a look!"

He went out of the room and ran to the command center. He remembered that eagle eye's men in the original play attacked here. If Nick Frey hadn't broken out the shooting skills of level 10 agents, I'm afraid the meeting center of the aerospace aircraft carrier would have been destroyed by them.

Guo Lingfeng knows himself very well. It's not dangerous to help director Nick. If he goes to hawk, it's not necessarily. He doesn't want to compete with hawk. There's no comparability at all. It's just a unilateral abuse.

Although Hawke can't kill him now, if his injury is too serious, he will recover for a long time, so he may miss the upcoming New York war.

It's better to leave it to sol, a muscular man, to deal with hawk. Although Thor is still too young to beat hawk, his combat effectiveness is still better than Guo Lingfeng.

Guo Lingfeng trotted to the headquarters. As soon as he appeared, he was shot in the head. His tears almost burst out in pain.

"Hey! How about playing on time?" Guo Lingfeng couldn't help yelling.

The shot he got was shot by general Nick. It seems that he has shot and killed several enemies in a row.

"Oh, it's Guo? I'm sorry. I instinctively shot as soon as I saw someone rush in!" Nick Frey's rare face showed a trace of apology. "Just now we were attacked, a turbine engine was completely damaged by explosion, and a Tony was in emergency repair, and the captain went to help!"

Guo Lingfeng saw blood on Nick Frey's head and asked, "you're hurt, are you okay?"

Nick Frey showed his strong nature. He just wiped the blood with his hand and said, "I'm fine. Let's go to Rocky's side right now. I'm worried that Clint came to rescue rocky!"

Guo Lingfeng immediately set out with Nick Frey, although he knew he would be late even if he rushed, but he always had to pretend.

Before he came to the special prison, he saw that the prison was gone and should have fallen. Agent Colson was lying on the ground next to him, with a wound several centimeters long on his chest, which seemed to have been pierced by a sharp blade. Guo Lingfeng thought: "Sol has also been cheated by rocky. Now the only hidden danger on the ship is hawk, but he will soon fall down with the fighter."

Nick Frey took out the American team Limited card from Colson's coat pocket, thought a little, then bent down and rubbed some blood on Colson's wound on the card

Things are developing completely according to the original plot. Next, director Nick will start pouring chicken soup into these superheroes one by one?

Americans just like this set. With more and more inspiring film music, superheroes drink bowls of hot chicken soup, instantly increase their fighting will several times, and then overcome difficulties and defeat strong enemies at one fell swoop

"Guo, when I talk to the captain later, would you please cooperate and don't expose me?" Nick Frey said slowly.

"No problem!"


Guo Lingfeng really became an audience.

He witnessed director Nick's acting. The iron and blood director who looks like Samuel Jackson burst into tears when he talked about Colson to the U.S. team. Moreover, when he took out the blood stained U.S. team card, the U.S. team burst into tears on the spot. Tony also changed his cynical attitude and turned to repair his steel armor.

They're angry!

However, they haven't speculated on Rocky's position, so Guo Lingfeng needs to play the baton again.

"Tony!" when Guo Lingfeng found him, Tony was welding his rather damaged steel armor. He almost didn't die in it to repair the turbine engine.

"Guo, please don't disturb me!" Tony kept moving. "I'm going to find rocky right away and teach him a lesson!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "but where are you going to find him?"