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The time came in August 2056. Although Luo Feng still participated in the college entrance examination, he had already signed an appointment with extreme martial arts school, so it was impossible to go to any university.

Over the past six months, Luo Feng has made great progress. His genetic energy has broken through to the general level, and his mental strength has also reached the advanced general level. Therefore, Guo Lingfeng called him into the elite training camp at the end of 2056.

In the past few months, a wave of animals broke out in city 023. The God of war Lu Gang, who had died here, entrusted Guo Lingfeng's blessing, learned the "air dance", flew high and fast and survived safely.

However, some things can be changed, but some things can't be changed. For example, Li Wei, the guy who died, met Luo Feng again in city 023. Then he wanted to kill Luo Feng in one fell swoop with the help of four high-ranking generals and bodyguards under his hand, in order to avenge the humiliation of Guo Lingfeng a year ago.

So... Luo Feng killed four bodyguards like killing chickens and dogs, and then killed Li Wei.

There's no way. There are more than a little stronger spiritual masters below the planetary level. In the face of enemies of this level, the combat power of Luo Feng's instant outbreak is absolutely comparable to the peak of the medium God of war.

Luo Feng also felt the seriousness of the matter after killing Li Wei. After all, Li Wei's father, Li Yao, is an advanced God of war, and is the strongest among the advanced gods of war. When his only son is killed, he will never give up.

Sure enough, Lee yew flew into a rage when he learned of his son's death. He began to investigate the cause of his son's death at the first time, and his wife weinina offered a reward of 100 billion Chinese dollars on the black market to pursue the murderer of his son.

Luo Feng has been hiding well. When Li Yao found out that Luo Feng was a spiritual teacher, Luo Feng has been in the elite training camp for more than four months.

Jiangnan City, Jiangnan landscape community.

Winina hurried home and saw Li Yao sitting on the sofa. Her face was so gloomy that it was almost freezing.

"Li Yao, what do you think?" weinina asked with cold eyes, sitting directly on the sofa opposite him.

"Luo Feng, he must die!" Li Yao gnashed his teeth in hatred. "Kill, not only kill him, but also his whole family! If you dare to kill my only son, I will kill his whole family!"

"That's right! We must let him die without a burial place!" vinina also said fiercely, "but extreme martial arts school absolutely prohibits retaliation against their martial artists' families, so..."

Li Yao said with a grim smile, "do you think I would be so stupid? To deal with a few ordinary people, of course, we can't use the means to deal with martial artists! With the huge network and power of HR alliance in the secular world, it's really simple to deal with Luo Feng's family. We promise to let them die quietly. Absolutely no one will doubt us!"

Winina frowned and said, "if anything is found, you are the only one to bear it!"

Behind her is the "bolenas" family, one of the nine core families of HR alliance, and she herself is the executive president of HR alliance Huaxia district. She can never compete with extreme martial arts school.

If you really annoy Hong, the whole "bolenas" family will be destroyed.

Li Yao said in a nonchalant tone, "don't worry, there will be no accident, and I won't find it on my head! In case... In case I do find it on my head, I'll carry it alone!"

"On May 1, they will go to the Australian mainland for a life and death adventure. This is the only chance to kill Luo Feng!"

Li Yao said: "wife, this time I'm going to go to mainland Australia in person and take some elite attendants. You can arrange for me. I'll take a flying plane directly from China!"

Nowadays, the air is basically dominated by birds and monsters. In addition to a very few private aircraft, there are a very small number of flying airliners.

Only these aircraft can have strong defense and can resist the attack of Lord level monsters.

Of course, if you encounter a king level monster, you can only admit bad luck! Because the airliner can only resist the attack of Lord level monsters at most.

As a senior manager of HR alliance, it's easy to arrange seats for several airliners, but she was worried and said: "no, you can't start from China. The goal is too obvious! You should go to the EU first, and then start from the EU to mainland Australia!"

The headquarters of HR alliance is in the EU. If you start from there, you can at least minimize the monitoring of extreme martial arts school.

Weinina and Lee Yao didn't know that when they were plotting, Guo Lingfeng summoned Luo Feng at the headquarters of the elite training camp to talk about it.

"Luo Feng, what do you think?" Guo Lingfeng smiled. "Now Li Yao must be ready to kill you in mainland Australia. What have you done?"

Luo Feng said with a smile: "now I can control 10 throwing knives. Each throwing knife can ensure an impact of 500000 kg, and the combat power amplitude has reached 12 times. There is also a 'black god suit', which should be able to defeat Li Yao!"

"Well, your mental power has reached the level of advanced God of war, and your genetic energy has reached the threshold of primary God of war. It's really no problem to defeat Li Yao. However, if you want to kill him, you're still a little close. After all, he also has a 'Black God suit'!" Guo Lingfeng smiled, "I have a weapon here, which I'll lend you this time!"

His mind moved, and a piece of metal, red as blood, flew out and landed on the floor in front of Luo Feng, making a loud noise of "Dang".

"What's this?" Luo Feng tried to control the metal fragment with his mental strength, and found that such a palm sized piece of metal weighed about a ton. His expression was not calm for a moment, "so heavy?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "this piece of metal doesn't belong to the earth, and you don't need to know its name. I know it should be easy to control it with your mental strength. Don't worry, as long as you use this killer mace, 'black god suit' will never stop its attack!"

Luo Feng was surprised and pleased and said, "in this case, Li Yao is dead!"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "don't be too blindly optimistic! I can give you this killing move. Li Yao has been a high God of war for so many years, and his wife is a senior manager of the HR alliance. Can't you get some good things?"

Luo Feng said with a smile, "what good things can they get? Can they get two laser cannons?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "maybe!"

Luo Feng was surprised and said, "no, it's not. It's a weapon forbidden to use against humans by the God of war palace. Does he Li Yao really dare to be so bold?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "you killed his only son. Do you expect him to calm down? This time, don't worry. I'll come later. As long as I see illegal weapons on the scene, Li Yao is dead. I said! God can't save him!"