(after all the contestants arrived today, the team leaders of the universe countries ordered everyone to line up. They all stood in good order. At first glance, they looked like a million troops.

It is reasonable to say that these contestants are the peerless talents of all cosmic countries. They should be rebellious people, but now they all stand in good order and dare not breathe.

No way, there is an immortal leader standing in front of the cosmopolitan queue. A whole 1008 immortal strong people are standing there. There is an unprecedented sense of oppression above the huge square. Who dares to make the first of these stellar contestants?

A man in a blue war robe suddenly appeared over the square. He had thin scales on his face, but it didn't affect his appearance at all.

Guo Lingfeng clearly felt that the momentum emitted by this man was stronger and many times stronger than those immortal team leaders. He guessed that he should be a cosmic venerable.

"Welcome to the 'peak talent battle' held by our 'virtual universe company'. My name is' nine swords'. You can call me 'nine swords venerable'. I will preside over your finals this time!"

"In this' peak talent competition ', 1008 universe countries, each universe country selects 1000 contestants, with a total of more than one million talents! In this finals, our' virtual universe company 'will select the strongest 1000 people from you and absorb them into the core of our company!"

"You want to compete for these 1000 places. The competition will officially start at 11 a.m. this morning. At that time, all of you will enter a 'trial space'. Our 'virtual universe company' has prepared 1008000 'trial spaces' for you, one for each!"

"Every 'trial space' is the same. There are seven 'trial towers', and each tower has seven floors!"

"According to your progress in the 'trial tower', you will get unequal points, and we will rank you according to the points!"

"No. 1 in points - No. 100, will be directly absorbed by our 'virtual universe company' as the core member, occupying 100 places!"

"No. 101 - No. 7300, these 7200 people will enter the challenge arena and decide the remaining 900 places!"

"Below 7300, all eliminated!"

After hearing the words of the nine swordsman, all the people present couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

Isn't that cruel?

A total of 108000 people will be eliminated after this round of "trial training tower"!

Even among those who are promoted, 7200 are just to be determined. If they can't stand out in the decisive battle in the challenge arena, they can only pack up their bags and go away.

"If everyone is ready, we'll start transmitting now!"

With a gentle wave of his hand, the nine sword venerable saw that millions of contestants on the scene disappeared in an instant and entered their own "trial space".

"It's worthy of being the cosmic master who has completely mastered the laws of space!" Guo Lingfeng only felt that the white light in front of him had come to a meteorite floating in the void. The meteorite was very large, which was estimated to be similar to the moon.

There are only seven test towers on the whole meteorite. Each tower is very tall, tens of thousands of meters high. This is the venue for Guo Lingfeng's competition in the next stage.

Like the "pre selection and elimination" in Qianwu universe country, his auxiliary optical brain has shown the competition rules:

"Contestant: Guo Lingfeng (Qianwu universe country), ranking: none, test space: No. 0425623."

"There are seven trial towers in the trial space, and each trial tower is seven stories high."

"The first trial tower can get up to 10000 points on each floor. If all the seven floors are successful, you can get up to 70000 points."

"The second trial tower can get up to 100000 points on each floor. If all the seven floors are successful, you can get up to 700000 points."

"The third trial tower can get up to one million points on each floor. If all the seven floors are successful, you can get up to seven million points."


"The seventh trial tower can get up to 10 billion points on each floor. If all the seven floors are successful, you can get up to 70 billion points."

"Note 1: there are two methods to pass through each layer. The first is to kill all targets in this layer and get the highest score; the second is to persist in this layer for 10 days and can be transmitted to the next layer through this layer to evaluate the score according to the number of targets."

"Note 2: once you die, the trial is over!"

"Note 3: all contestants die. At the end of this trial, the final ranking will be determined according to the points."

After reading the rules, Guo Lingfeng directly clicked on the page of the ranking list. At present, a guy named ledorf ranked first, who has got 64 points.

"The boy is still in a hurry?" Guo Lingfeng glanced. "It seems that he didn't look at the rules carefully!"

Come on, I've finished reading the rules, so let's go to the trial tower?

Guo Lingfeng flew directly into the first training tower.

From the outside, the test tower is already very tall, but when you go inside, you find that the space inside the tower is surprisingly large. It is obvious that the test tower integrates extremely clever space rules.

"On the first floor of the first building, kill the fierce beast 'blood wool mammoth'. You can get 1 point for each kill, and 10000 points for all kills, which can be directly transmitted to the second floor. If you don't finish the kill, you can persist in this floor for 10 days and sadly transmit it to the second floor. If you are killed by the fierce beast, the trial is over!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled: "it should be very relaxed at the beginning. I'll use 'duntiansuo' to find my feeling?"


The competition in the trial space stage is not broadcast live, so now only the immortal strong and nobler dignitaries from all cosmic countries present have the right to watch the situation in the trial space.

The big screen on the square is being broadcast live, and thousands of immortal strong people on the court are watching it with interest.

"Thirteen, you Qianwu universe country. Rong Jun is very good. You see, his points have ranked 12th!"

"This is just the beginning. It's not necessarily a good thing to make efforts now!"

"Well... This is an interesting man named Bolan. He rushed to the first place so quickly and left the second place far behind!"

"Don't you know Bolan? This little guy is not simple. He has been the champion of genius war for more than 300 times in the past. It is said that his cultivation in the origin law of 'space' is better than most world leaders!"

"What? So powerful?"


The immortal strongmen are chatting enthusiastically. Now they are the watch of the universe country. The performance of the contestants directly represents the face of the universe country. For example, "Thirteen adults" now feel in a good mood, because Rong Jun is doing very well.

As for Guo Lingfeng... What is this boy doing?

"Thirteen adults" didn't see his name in the top 1000 of the list. They couldn't help wondering, so they specially clicked on the on-demand screen on their auxiliary optical brain.

In the picture, Guo Lingfeng is controlling "Dun Tianshuo" to deal with a large group of "blood woolly mammoths" slowly. His face is very leisurely.

"This smelly boy... Takes the test space as a place for cultivation?" "Thirteen adults" couldn't help smiling bitterly, "OK, your boy has a good mentality. It seems that you have to wait a few more days to see your strength!"

He had clearly felt Guo Lingfeng's will strength before, and since he found Guo Lingfeng, a good seedling, he specially read the competition video of Guo Lingfeng's "pre selection and elimination" stage, which showed his strength.

In his opinion, although Guo Lingfeng's strength is a little inferior to Rong Jun, there is still a good chance to rush into the top 1000 of the total ranking.

But he didn't know that he had seen those videos four and a half years ago. At present, Guo Lingfeng has not only improved much than that time.

So even the immortal strong will sometimes make some mistakes!


In fact, the goal and quantity arranged on each floor of each trial tower are the same, but the strength is different.

On the first floor, there are 10000 "blood mammoths", on the second floor, there are 10000 "nine Python", on the third floor, there are 1000 metal life "tora warriors", on the fourth floor, there are 1000 cosmic strange creatures "flying roars", on the fifth floor, there are 100 mechanical puppets, on the sixth floor, there are 10 starry giant beasts "Cang", and on the seventh floor, there is a "Zerg mother nest".

Guo Lingfeng always kept a slow pace. It took almost a day to kill 10000 "blood mammoths" on the first floor, and 10000 "nine Python" on the second floor. It took him one day, and it took him one day on the third floor

For most contestants, killing 10000 "nine Python" is much more difficult than killing 10000 "blood mammoth", but it makes no difference to him.

It's similar to killing those contestants in the "pre selection and elimination" of the Qianwu universe national competition area. Anyway, they are abusing vegetables, and these monsters in the trial tower are not as smart as those contestants!

At the beginning, his score ranking was very low, even ranked 901526, basically at the bottom.

At the end of the first day, he ranked 752012.

At the end of the next day, 501728.

At the end of the third day, 201982.


At the end of the seventh day, 999.

In only seven days, he came from the bottom to the top 1000. His outstanding performance blinded the titanium dog eyes of many immortal strong men.

At the second test tower, he obviously felt that the strength of the opponents on each floor became stronger, and then the strength of the opponents in each test tower would increase step by step.

Some contestants dashed and hit hard at the beginning. At the third trial tower, they finally began to appear the eliminated.

After Guo Lingfeng arrived at the third training tower, he spent more time on each floor. It often took three or four days to pass the first floor.

It's not that he can't continue to abuse vegetables when he gets here, but that he hasn't shown his true ability - until he kills the "Zerg mother nest" on the seventh floor of the third trial tower, he still uses "duntiansuo".

At the fourth training tower, he replaced "Dun Tiansuo" with "Lei Longshan".

At the fifth test tower, he finally showed "Lei yunsuo"... The first four test towers, and even the mental weapons he stepped on were just "Lei Longshan"!

However, the strength of the opponents in the fifth trial tower has been very terrible. When it came to killing the "Zerg mother nest", Guo Lingfeng also felt a lot of pressure and finally used the "shock magic weapon".

The vast majority of contestants participating in the trial have been eliminated. Even players as strong as Rong Jun finally ranked 13th, while Guo Lingfeng has risen to 6th!

The "zhenshenbing", one of the nine magic soldiers of the spiritual master control division, was born in the air and immediately attracted the attention of countless people in the square.

At this time, there were more than 1000 immortal strong men in the square, and millions of eliminated contestants gathered in the square to watch the live broadcast.

Now there are only four contestants left in the test tower, two of whom have broken their halberds and sunk sand on the first floor of the sixth test tower.

Apart from Bolan, these four people are all on the first floor of the sixth test tower. According to the situation, only Guo Lingfeng is still stable, and the other two are at the end of their strength.

Bolan, worthy of being the only super genius in hundreds of centuries, has successfully arrived at the seventh floor of the sixth trial Tower!