(today's meteor ink star has been repaired, and its speed is 20% faster than that of that year. Its limit speed in the dark universe can even reach 70 times the speed of light.

However, this trip is really far away. It will take at least more than a year to fly back to the dry witch universe country from the original secret land by meteor ink star. Therefore, Guo Lingfeng chose to transmit from the God country of yueling'er, which is much faster and costs much less money.

The Ganwu branch of the virtual universe company is located in Qiongyu star, which is 980000 kilometers in diameter and even comparable to many stars.

After Guo Lingfeng came to the sky jade star, he first came to the "cosmic Star Bank" and transferred all the money left by huyanbo to his account.

There are 10 billion dry witch coins in the stellar account, 3 mixed yuan units in the cosmic account and 3122810 mixed yuan units in the domain master account.

When huyanbo was the richest, his deposit must have exceeded 10 million yuan, otherwise he would not be qualified to become a five-star customer of "cosmic Xinghe bank".

However, he spent 3.6 million yuan to customize the meteor ink star and 6.2 million yuan to cultivate his own moyunteng. These two expenses alone have been nearly 10 million yuan. Even so, there are 3.12 million yuan left in his account, which is really more than ordinary immortal gods.

Guo Lingfeng won the bonus of 10000 mixed yuan units as early as the end of the talent war. At that time, he had been upgraded to a four-star customer. Now, with more than 3.12 million mixed yuan units, he is still a four-star customer, and there is still a big gap from the threshold of five-star customers of 10 million mixed yuan units.

Yueling'er looked at the virtual interface of the bank account and said, "Your Highness, you teacher huyanbo is really generous. You left so much money for you!"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "teacher, how can he treat the closed door disciples he wanted to cultivate before he died?"

Babata stood on Guo Lingfeng's shoulder and said with a smile, "the old master's full wealth has been given to you. What are you going to do next?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "of course, I went to the dry witch branch first!"

Although it is said that the human group in the universe is controlled by the Five Big Macs, the real core forces are actually the virtual universe company and the Tomahawk arena, with half of the two forces in charge of 1008 universe countries. Fortunately, Qianwu universe country is controlled by the virtual universe company, otherwise Guo Lingfeng can only choose another Universe country to serve.

The dry witch branch of the virtual universe company is in the center of the sky jade star, where there is a very special place name - Amethyst island. This is an artificial island with a radius of 1000 kilometers, just in the center of a huge lake. The whole island is composed of purple unknown crystals. It looks like the purple halo is constantly flowing, especially gorgeous.

However, Guo Lingfeng did not go directly in reality for his first check-in, but first came to the dry witch branch on Amethyst island in the virtual universe.

The three giants of Qianwu branch, "black annihilation waiting" Weisa, "Purple electricity waiting" Zhenqian and "golden feather waiting" iver, led 322 immortal gods and hundreds of millions of department staff to meet him.

Guo Lingfeng was stunned when he saw the countless crowds behind the three Marquis immortality... Isn't it too big?

As the saying goes... When the greatest superstar on earth holds a concert, the maximum audience is more than 100000?

What is the concept of hundreds of millions of people?

Apart from China and Afghanistan, which country has such a large population on earth?

"Welcome Mr. Guo Lingfeng, special envoy for supervision!"

Hei Anning Hou and other three people took the lead in warmly greeting him. The 322 immortal gods behind him bowed slightly, and then said in unison: "meet your highness Guo Lingfeng!"

"Meet your highness Guo Lingfeng!" hundreds of millions of people behind the immortal spirit knelt down and shouted in unison.

This sound is really resounding all over the world... If there is no cultivation above star level, it is estimated that you will be instantly deafened?

Guo Lingfeng hurriedly greeted the three immortals of Fenghou and said, "black annihilation, purple electricity and golden feather, nice to meet you... I said, you're a little too big? You really scared me!"

Seeing the exaggeration of his joke, Jin yuhou said with a smile: "Guo Lingfeng, today is your first day in office. Of course, everyone will come to see you!"

Jin yuhou is very handsome, with long blond hair and a brilliant smile, which makes Guo Lingfeng suddenly associate with Apollo, the "Sun God" in ancient Greek mythology.

Hei Anning Hou is a beautiful woman in black gauze. She is quite hot. She also said with a smile: "yes, Guo Lingfeng, all the staff of our dry witch branch came today. Except for the three of us and 322 immortal gods, there are about 820 million staff behind us!"

820 million people?

No wonder you can't see the end at a glance. There are so many people!

However, Guo Lingfeng can also understand that there are as many as tens of thousands of star regions and more than 100 million galaxies in the whole Qianwu universe. If you calculate this way, the average staff of each galaxy is less than 8, not much at all.

That is, in the virtual universe, otherwise how can we gather all the staff of the whole dry witch division?

Zidianhou is an ape man wearing a purple robe. He is only about 1.5 meters tall, but his breath is very strong, even stronger than Heiyan Hou and Jinyu Hou.

"Guo Lingfeng, I've heard of your name for a long time. I'm really young and promising. Our human race has not appeared for tens of thousands of ages. We've never been a genius who can break through the ninth floor of Tongtian bridge in 30 years since we first came to chaos city!" Zidian Hou smiled. "I really admire you. Since you're here, our dry witch branch must hold a grand reception banquet for you!"

Guo Lingfeng hurriedly said, "three, don't be so troublesome..."

Hei Yan Hou smiled: "Why is it trouble? Guo Lingfeng, you need to know that you are the special supervision envoy of the dry witch branch of our virtual universe company. You sit down with our three department heads in the dry witch branch. If we don't even have a reception banquet, what will people outside think of us? This is not just your face, but the face of our virtual universe company!"

When it comes to this, what else can Guo Lingfeng say? He can only nod his head and say, "OK, but I think it's better not to be too extravagant. It can be done on a smaller scale, just in the sky jade star!"

Zidian Hou said with a smile, "smaller scale? No problem. I'm the head of the Ministry of Commerce. I'll do it!... by the way, Guo Lingfeng, where are you now? When is the time for the reception banquet more appropriate?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "I've arrived at the dome jade star!"

"What?" the three exclaimed in unison.

Black annihilation waited for a moment and said, "you have arrived at the sky jade star, so hurry to Amethyst island?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "haven't I had time to meet you in the virtual universe? Besides, I still have something to deal with. After meeting, I have to hurry to do it. It will take more than a month to come back."

Zidian Hou said with a smile: "it's all right. Just go and do your business first. Come back when it's done. It's not a day or two to prepare your reception banquet!"

Guo Lingfeng hugged his fist and said, "please three!"

Jin yuhou said with a smile, "Why are you polite with the three of us? Go and be busy!"

Guo Lingfeng broke the link of consciousness and returned to reality. He couldn't help smiling.

The three giants in charge of the military department, the military department and the commercial department of the dry witch branch were so enthusiastic about him, which was beyond his expectation. However, it was normal to think about it. After all, his duty as a monitoring envoy was to monitor the work of all the personnel of the whole dry witch branch. The three giants were in a high position, and it was estimated that their buttocks were not very clean. They just took the initiative to show their kindness to him 。

Guo Lingfeng doesn't have much interest in worldly chores. Now he just wants to improve his strength and doesn't want to pay attention to other things.

The main reason why he said he had something important to deal with was that he wanted to go back to earth. After all, there was a master level Zerg mother nest in the Shennongjia jungle. Although she had already fallen into a deep sleep, if she woke up, let alone an earth, even the whole galaxy would not be ravaged by her.

In the original work, Luo Feng enslaved the Zerg mother nest with the enslavement soul seal, but later, in order to cultivate her, she spent a lot of money to buy all kinds of strong corpses for the Zerg to devour in her body. As a result, the Zerg mother nest has not been of great use.

Guo Lingfeng's plan is very simple - sell it!

The price of the Zerg mother nest at the peak of the world Master level is not cheap. It can definitely sell millions of mixed yuan units at the dry witch auction. It's better to sell it for cash than to cultivate it hard!

Besides, which of the three giants of the dry witch division is better at spiritual secrets than huyanbo? Anyone can easily enslave the Zerg mother nest. Maybe they are interested in buying it.

In addition to the Zerg mother nest, there is another peerless treasure that attracts him, that is, the mysterious black metal plate, which records the Jiujie secret code created by mountain riders for Yan Protoss. Although this metal plate contains only one ninth of the whole secret code, there is exactly Jiujie secret code in this part The whole content of the first robbery can be used for self-cultivation.

Although Guo Lingfeng doesn't know where the black metal plate recording the nine robberies secret code is, can he not find it on earth with babata's super detection ability?

So Guo Lingfeng didn't delay at the dome jade star, but took a spaceship to the earth as fast as possible, and then spent a day or so to find the black metal plate, and then asked Yue linger to put away the Zerg mother nest.

He probably had no problem shooting by himself, but yueling'er is an immortal God after all. Her cultivation is much higher than him. It's safe to have her shooting.

After all this was done, he went back to the sky jade star nonstop. It was time for the reception banquet of the monitoring envoy of the dry witch branch of the virtual universe company to be held.