(on the second watch today, Lao Wang kneels down and asks for monthly tickets and subscriptions! Lao Wang's new book "the king of death in infinite space" has been published, and there are a wave of collection and recommendation tickets? Lao Wang is very grateful! Lao Wang's QQ book group number is 574112236, welcome to join the group for discussion!)

In the large conference room of the conscription office, Guo Lingfeng met young officers.

As soon as they met, the young officer smiled and introduced himself: "my name is Tang Junbo, a soldier of the Southwest Military Region!"

His unit is a top secret unit, and he is not allowed to disclose the unit number to the outside world, so his self introduction can only be like this.

"Guo Lingfeng, I saw your test results today, very good!" Tang Junbo smiled. "However, there is a very special test. Ordinary soldiers are not qualified to participate. I want you to try!"

Guo Lingfeng was noncommittal. Although he lost his memory and his accomplishments were all sealed, his calm character did not change at all.

"You don't seem curious at all?" Tang Junbo asked a little surprised.

"Chief... If I'm not mistaken, do you want me to take part in the pilot test of 'skua mecha'?" Guo Lingfeng said calmly.

"Young man, you really surprised me!" Tang Junbo stood up with a smile. "How could you guess that?"

Guo Lingfeng still looked calm: "when I was 12 years old, I measured my IQ in the orphanage. My IQ was 158 at that time, and the IQ of 'skua mecha' drivers was very high! As far as I know, the higher the IQ, the more developed the brain is, and the people with developed brain can better enter the 'synaesthesia' state!"

Tang Junbo said with a smile, "you're very smart! You're right. Your speculation is completely correct. How about it? Are you willing to accept the test of the 'skua mecha' driver?"

Until this moment, Guo Lingfeng finally showed a trace of excitement in his eyes: "I do!"


Since the first monster attacked San Francisco, the second monster attacked Manila, the capital of the Philippines, and the third monster attacked Cape San Lucas, Mexico, mankind finally realized that the monster's attack would not stop.

At this critical moment of life and death, human beings on earth have united unprecedentedly to form the "earth coalition government", and invested a lot of resources to develop the latest weapon - "skua mecha"!

The "skua mecha" is very large, and is no inferior to those monsters as tall as hills. The driver is located in the cockpit at the head of the mecha, and controls all parts of the mecha through the "Synaesthesia" between the brain and the mecha.

The earliest generation of "skua mecha" has great disadvantages, because human brain function has a certain limit. Frequent overload use of the brain will endanger life.

Many early drivers died for this reason. Even if they didn't die, they would suffer from incurable diseases.

In order to overcome this "side effect", starting from the second generation of mecha, each mecha has two drivers. Because two people "Synaesthesia" operate the mecha together, their brains will not exceed the limit.

Since the advent of the second generation of mecha, the human war against monsters has become much easier. Every time a monster appears, it will be beaten bloody by the "skua mecha".

Now the "skua project" research team has successfully developed the third generation of mecha, which is larger and faster than the previous two generations. Because the internal "reflex nerve" is more and more detailed, the "skill" of the mecha is much more flexible than the previous two generations.

For example, the latest model of mecha built in the United States is called "dangerous Ranger". The mecha is 79 meters tall and weighs 1980 tons. It is powered by nuclear energy, equipped with plasma cannon and extended wrist blade "chain sword", and its combat effectiveness is very strong.

Naturally, the test of "skua mecha" drivers cannot be carried out in the mountain city, and the test location is in the capital military region.

After Guo Lingfeng followed Tang Junbo to the capital military region, he first conducted the most elementary test, and he entered the second round of test with an all-round result.

There are thousands of people participating in the first round of test, and there are many fewer people who can enter the second round of test, less than 200.

The first item in the second round is the reaction speed test. Participants in the test need to stand in a circle with a diameter of 3 meters to avoid rubber bullets from all directions. They must be hit less than 50 times in one minute.

Of course, if the tester goes out of the circle or lies on the ground, it will be eliminated immediately.

Guo Lingfeng finished the test and was hit 23 times, ranking first among all the people participating in the test.

The second item is the IQ test. Contestants need to complete 100 test questions within 60 minutes. Contestants hand in their papers in advance with a score bonus.

For example, if you hand in your paper between 56 minutes and 60 minutes, if all the answers are correct, your IQ will be rated between 151-160; Hand in the paper in 51-55 minutes. If all the answers are correct, your IQ will be rated between 161-170

Guo Lingfeng finished the whole set of test questions in the 47th minute and came to the rest area after handing in the paper.

The topic is not difficult for him. Handing in the paper in 47 minutes is not his limit speed, but he estimated that he could not finish it in 45 minutes even if he did his best, so he simply slowed down a little.

Finally, his IQ was rated between 171-180, ranking first among all the testers again.

After the first two tests, there are still 32 people who have not been eliminated. The third test in the second round is very special, which is called "brain domain test".

The tester needs to wear a helmet like test instrument, and the test results can be obtained after about 5 minutes.

Guo Lingfeng was ranked last in the first two tests. The first 32 subjects have completed the test. The lowest brain domain value is 143 and the highest is 182.

It was Guo Lingfeng's turn to test. He walked into the test room and was quite nervous. A military doctor in a white coat said expressionless, "come and sit down and put on your test helmet!"

Guo Lingfeng sat on the chair and put on the helmet like tester. Just after a minute or so, he heard a burst of rapid electronic sound.

"What's the matter?" said the old military doctor who had been sitting in the corner of the room.

"Dr. Zhou, the brain domain value of this tester is very high!" the young military doctor who just gave orders to Guo Lingfeng shouted excitedly, "at present, he has reached the full value of the first gear. Do you want to open the second gear?"

"Yes, of course!" Dr. Zhou also got up and walked over. He could see that there was a little more joy on his face.

The young military doctor operated on the computer and said with a smile, "the second gear has been opened!"

This time it was less than a minute. The sharp "didi" sound sounded again. The young military doctor couldn't help exclaiming, "it's full value again... How can it be?"

Dr. Zhou's face was excited and his tone became more and more excited: "what's impossible? It's said that the brain domain values of two drivers of 'dangerous Vagrants' in the United States have reached more than 420. Why can't we be a genius in China? Listen to me and turn on the third gear!"

The young military doctor's hands were trembling. After the computer operation, he said in a trembling voice: "the third gear has been turned on!"

The time spent this time was still less than a minute, and the electronic sound of "didi didi" sounded again.

"This... This... How could it be?" this time even Dr. Zhou could not help stuttering. "The brain domain value has reached 600, but he has not detected his limit? This man... Is he a monster?"