The dress outlines her Miaoman's figure, and his big hands swim back and forth on her back.

In his heart, he could not tell whether it was anger or desire. His hands tried to move down again, trying to lift Fu Zhiran's skirt.

Fu Zhiran's eyes are hazy. He has a little consciousness. He knows that he is in the elevator and he can't.

She put her hands against LAN Jingyan's chest and tried to push him away, but she couldn't make any effort. She shook her head desperately, "Lan Jingyan, you beast, let go."

As soon as she got rid of the man's overbearing lips, she was occupied again. She pursed and frowned bitterly

The more she resisted, the more LAN Jingyan wanted to invade. The whole picture in her mind was just her picture in the arms of Yun Mu Su, which made him wild.


The elevator didn't know which floor it was and stopped. Fu Zhiran suddenly woke up again. She opened her eyes and looked nervously at the door of the elevator.

A group of people in formal clothes stood outside the elevator door, some of them familiar faces. She was flustered and stunned.

In a hurry, she gave up resistance and struggle. Her petite body was blocked by Lan Jing Yan, praying that those people didn't recognize her.

"It's exciting."

Outside a startled voice, voice sounds like did not recognize her, Fu Zhiran relieved.

Those people see a scene in the elevator, have the heart of beauty, did not enter the elevator.

"That woman's dress is a bit like blue face, isn't it?"

The moment the elevator door closed, suddenly someone pointed to the inside of the elevator and asked in surprise.

Fu Zhiran's heart clattered, holding LAN Jingyan's shirt tightly in both hands for fear that they would press the elevator to come in.

But fortunately, the elevator door closed and did not open again, continue to go up.

All the way to the floor, LAN Jingyan's lips have never left Fu Zhiran, and they almost suffocate.

The elevator door opened, and Fu Zhiran began to push LAN Jingyan.

But LAN Jingyan's tall body is like Mount Tai. He moves his big hands to Fu Zhiran's legs, grabs her two thighs and holds her up easily.

With an ambiguous posture, she was carried out of the elevator and went to the room.

Fu Zhiran doesn't dare to move, because the man's desire is clamoring. She will have great risk if she moves casually.

Her hands still clung to his clothes, afraid that she would fall.

This is not the floor of her and Wang Qiong's rooms, but the highest floor of the hotel. This floor is full of suites.

Because LAN Jingyan hasn't come back to her room, her secretary and her entourage are waiting at the door. When they see him coming back, they immediately take the room card and open the door.

Enter the door, waiting for the door to close, LAN Jingyan's hand directly touches Fu Zhiran's back, and rudely tears off the belt that fixed the dress.

Second second time, Fu Zhiran's body all the shackles have been removed, even if the heating is very full, she felt all over the body of a cold, cold she hit a cold war.

LAN Jingyan still holds her in the same position as before and pushes her against the wall. Then he uses his usual posture to give her a hard look.

Last night's injury is not good, now Fu Zhiran almost fainted in pain, she bared her teeth, eyebrows straight twitch.

There was a "hissing" sound in his mouth, but LAN Jingyan ignored it.