However, after the phone was dialed, there was only a long wait for the ring, and Zhou Yuanyuan did not answer it at all.

"What's the matter?" Hu Junbo became more and more flustered“ Is Zhou Yuanyuan ready to give up on me in order to protect himself? No, I have a lot of evidence from Zhou Yuanyuan in my hand! If he dares to give up on me, I will dare to burn with him! "

Thinking of this, Hu Junbo calmed down a little.

Call Zhou Yuanyuan again.

"Not yet? What's wrong with Zhou Yuanyuan? Won't it be taken away? " Hu Junbo is full of doubts.

Both worried that Zhou Yuanyuan had given up on himself, and worried that Zhou Yuanyuan had been taken away by relevant personnel.

Anyway, it's not a good situation for Zhou Yuanyuan not to answer the phone.

"No, I have to find a place to hide for a few days! Wait until you get in touch with Zhou Yuanyuan. " Hu Junbo made up his mind and immediately stood up to get ready to pack up and escape.

Shasha, the night wind outside the window blows through the treetops, blowing off the few leaves left on the branches.

A vague shadow came to the door like a ghost.

"Who?" Today's Hu Junbo is a soldier of every kind, and he immediately yells at him.

No one responded. On the contrary, the door creaked and was slowly pushed open.

A man wrapped in a black robe gently raised his head, his eyes full of abuse and sympathy.

"Who are you?" Hu Junbo was so scared that he was really weird. From this person, we can not feel a trace of human breath, on the contrary, there is an illusion of facing ghosts.

Moreover, Hu Junbo always feels that he is familiar with this figure and seems to have seen it anywhere.

"I'm sorry, Dean Hu. You have to die for the sake of the overall situation. Don't worry. The God of heaven will remember all you have done and protect you in the underworld. " A man in black makes a hoarse voice, like a crow.

Hu Junbo was shocked: "you are a foreigner! I see, I see... "

The black robed man gave a cold smile: "it's good to understand, and then go to die."

With that, the man in black walked slowly to Hu Junbo and threw a dagger to Hu Junbo.

The meaning is very obvious, let Hu Junbo solve it by himself.

Hu Junbo looked at the shining dagger on the ground, and his eyes constantly flashed all kinds of emotions.

Finally, he picked up the dagger with trembling hands. Suddenly, a ferocious flash flashed across his face. The dagger drew an arc and stabbed the man in black robe in the neck.

"Do you want me to die? no way! You'd better die for me! " Hu Junbo roared.

The black robed man was indifferent, only the abusive smile at the corner of his mouth remained unchanged.

Just as the dagger was about to approach the body of the man in black, it suddenly stopped in the air.

Hu Junbo and the wind up puppet doll were stunned.

At the same time, the color of pain flashed on his face, and his eyes were full of panic.

"No! Don't come here! I don't want to die, I don't want to die... "Hu Junbo yelled in front of the air, and the dagger in his hand was also waving wildly, just like assassinating a demon in the void.

The man in black shook his head gently: "it's not good at all. I've given you the chance to make your own decisions, but I have to force you to do it. It's time to go to hell! "

Hu Junbo did not respond, as if he could not hear the words of the man in black.

Just the next second, Hu Junbo is like crazy general, reverse dagger aimed at his body.

Poop, poop

The sound of stabbing the flesh and blood with a dagger rang out in the room. Hu Junbo stabbed more than ten knives on his body in an instant. The knife was deep and bone could be seen.

Blood flies in the room, Hu Junbo is bathed in blood, like a terrible blood man.

"Kill you, kill you! Ha ha ha... "Hu Junbo laughs wildly, and the faster the dagger falls.


Suddenly, Hu Junbo's dagger fell on the heart and penetrated deeply. But this time, Hu Junbo no longer had the strength to pull out. He made a whoosh sound in his throat and fell to the ground with a strange smile on his face.

"I killed you." Hu Junbo's lips hummed and he said the last sentence without any breath.

The man in black looks coldly at Hu Junbo's death, just like a wild dog on the side of the road. He has no pity.

Hu, the night wind blows, the door of Hu Junbo's room is closed, and the man in black has disappeared.

No one knows what happened here.

It was not until the next morning that several reporters who wanted to interview Hu Junbo arrived at Hu Junbo's home that they were shocked to discover Hu Junbo's death.

The police soon arrived, and the forensic immediately made a preliminary analysis of the cause of Hu Junbo's death, and then came to an incredible conclusion: Hu Junbo died of self mutilation.

A group of reporters looked at each other and felt a bit absurd.

Hu Junbo, who was alive yesterday, committed suicide tonight? And the way of suicide or self mutilation? Even if the story of Wenwen Academy was exposed, it would only be a disaster of imprisonment for him. He would not be guilty to death.

People instinctively feel that the cause of Hu Junbo's death is different, but they can only believe in Science in the face of the test report.

Finally, there is a popular saying: Hu Junbo has always been a self mutilating freak, so he constantly beat students in Wenwen academy to satisfy his abnormal hobby.

This kind of saying can be related to the truth of the exposed articles, which is quickly accepted by the public.

At the same time, in the process of people's reflection on the event, a kind of reflective speech has become very popular and has become the mainstream.

That is from first to last advanced Chinese ancient Chinese literature search is a fraud of interest. It is no longer advanced as traditional Chinese medicine. It should be eliminated by the age.

The whipping teaching carried out by the academies and the feudal dross books read by the students have become synonymous with the traditional Chinese culture.

In a short period of time, the keywords of "Sinology swindler" have become the hot search words on the Internet.

This time, it is obvious that a swindler Academy under the guise of Sinology has been exposed, but it is the whole Sinology that has been hurt in the end.

Not only the Sinology lovers, but also some Sinology masters.

It seems that Hu Junbo is dead, but the black hand is still there, and a bigger plot is brewing.


Hongcheng branch.

After Hu Junbo's death, there was no plaintiff in the case of Wang Yong's suspected beating. According to the confessions of the children of Wenwen academy, Wang Yong beat people out of rescuing Xu Jiajia at that time, and Hu Junbo also had provocative behavior.

Therefore, the police finally made a ruling: Wang Yong was detained for three days and fined 1000 yuan.

Wang Yong has been in custody for more than three days, so he can leave directly.

This can also be regarded as Hongcheng branch's consideration of social influence and Wang Yong's previous help. Please be merciful. Otherwise, the time for investigation and evidence collection alone will be enough for Wang Yong to stay in the detention center for half a month.

Wang Yong walked out of the detention room, thanking team Zhang while casually asking: "has the cause of Hu Junbo's death been found out? He doesn't look like a person who will commit suicide by self mutilation! "

Team Zhang looked around and saw that no one noticed. Then he whispered to Wang Yong: "in fact, we are also curious. I haven't seen a person who stabbed himself into a beehive for so many years since the police. Moreover, Hu Junbo's mood before his death was very strange, as if he was in a state of fear and then madness, as if he had taken drugs. But there's no trace of drugs in his blood. It's weird everywhere, but there's no evidence other than suicide. We have no choice but to settle the case according to the facts. "

Wang Yong's eyes flashed as if he thought of something.

"Has Hu Junbo's body been disposed of? Can you show me

Team Zhang heard Wang Yong's strange request and said in surprise: "Mr. Wang, what do you think that is for? Do you know medical examination? "

Wang Yong said with a smile: "I don't understand medical examination, but don't forget that I'm a master of traditional Chinese medicine! If Hu Junbo really died of some soft palm technique, I might be able to see some clues. "

"Don't say, it's possible! Well, I'll apply for it. " Zhang said.

More than ten minutes later, when the application was promised, team Zhang took Wang Yong to the place where Hu Junbo's body was stored.

Although the body has been disposed of, we can still see the tragic situation of Hu Junbo.

The whole body was punctured and there was almost no intact place. It's hard to imagine that someone would commit suicide in such a cruel way, even if the person has a tendency to self abuse.

"There's definitely a problem." Wang Yong had a secret way in his heart.

Later, he approached Hu Junbo's body and motioned the accompanying forensic doctor to open Hu Junbo's eyelids.

The coroner did.

When Hu Junbo opened his eyelids and revealed his pupils, Wang Yong suddenly felt a throb in his heart.

"This kind of dark boxing flavor is familiar. Hu Junbo's whole pupil is occupied by this kind of breath. It is obvious that he was influenced by this kind of breath and lost his self mind. Therefore, Hu Junbo did not commit suicide, but was controlled and killed himself! " Wang Yong had an instant insight into the cause of Hu Junbo's death.

However, this kind of words can not be said to Zhang Jieming, said Zhang will not believe.

"Just, where have you ever seen such a breath?" Wang Yong frowned and thought hard“ I remind of it! It's Yusheng orange string! This is the spiritual method practiced by the guy who called himself master Chuanyue Yifu before! But Yusheng orange string has been killed by me. How can it appear in China again? Is there a fellow in Yusheng Juxian? "

"Yusheng Juxian once said before he died: the ancient god society avenged him. Could it be the people from this ancient shrine? But even if they do, they should deal with me. Why do they deal with Hu Junbo? "

Wang Yong only felt that one mystery after another was entangled in his heart, and he couldn't understand it.

"Miss Wang, do you see anything?" At this time, team Zhang asked in a voice.

"Ah?" Wang Yong woke up from his meditation“ I haven't seen it yet. However, in my analysis, normal people will not commit suicide in this way. Maybe Hu Junbo had hysteria before he died. "

"Hysteria? It seems that Hu Junbo has no such history. However, after you say so, it is really a bit like self mutilation in imagination. Thank you for your ideas, Mr. Wang. " After hearing this, the accompanying forensic doctor said.

"You're welcome."

With that, Wang Yong walked out of the morgue and left the police station.

The verdict on Wang Yong has not yet been announced, otherwise it will be full of reporters again, and it will be difficult for Wang Yong to leave.

Until he got into a taxi, Wang Yong was still thinking about who killed Hu Junbo.