
After Mrs. sun called, she threw away her mobile phone directly. She was so angry that her lips were purple.

I've never been so angry. I'm usually good brothers and sisters. I'm so close that I'm dying. When it's really critical, I'm in great difficulty. I'll fly my own way. No one is willing to help her.

"What are you looking at? It's all your good deeds. You're willing to pit your house like this? You already know Jiang xiaorou's identity, don't you?" Mrs. sun pointed to Li Mingzhi and kept poking on his forehead. She really didn't save face. She also took him as Li Mingzhi who couldn't fight back casually in the past.

But now he is not the same as before. He will change personally.

"Li Mingzhi, tell me what to do now! I usually can't count on you. Over the years, you haven't earned a penny for your family. Now, when it's good, you're still killing the sun family. I've never seen you so useless."

"If you say you're useful, you won't live like this. What else do I want you to do? Say it! Is it useful? You still have a little use?"

Mrs. sun's temper really came up. She kept poking on Li Mingzhi's forehead. If she poked it again, she would poke a hole.

Li Mingzhi is already angry. He is a man. He is always manipulated by his wife. It's really not a matter.

He grabbed Mrs. sun's hand and pushed her away: "if you think I'm useless, divorce! This villa has nothing to do with you. I think you'd better move out and I'll pack your bags."

When Li Mingzhi finished, he went upstairs directly, stuffed Mrs. sun's things into the password box, and then pushed them outside the door.

Mrs. sun just looked at Li Mingzhi. Did he dare to throw her things out? This man's courage is really getting bigger and bigger!

"Li Mingzhi, your wings have grown hard, haven't you? Dare to throw my things? Where did you get the seed?" Mrs. sun pointed to Li Mingzhi again.

Li Mingzhi really hates being pointed at. He didn't like it before, but he endured it, but now he doesn't like it and doesn't want to endure it.

He grabbed Mrs. sun's hand and directly pulled her out of the door. After pushing her out, he closed the door and all the servants resigned. Now there is only Li Mingzhi himself and no one else in the villa.

Nuo Da's villa was suddenly empty. There was Mrs. sun's voice outside the door. She scolded there. It was very ugly. Li Mingzhi didn't expect that one day he would make things like this, but it's already like this.

He picked up his mobile phone, found a housing agent, and planned to sell the house within three days, and then give the money to Jiang Mengmeng, which is a little bit of Li Mingzhi's intention, and then he can go back to the countryside to provide for the elderly.

Li Mingzhi still wants to go back to the place where he once lived. Big cities are really not suitable for him. It's too difficult to survive. I've had enough these years.

Three days later.

Jiang Mengmeng received a sum of money, which was directly transferred to her mobile phone. Jiang Mengmeng felt very strange when she received it. After a while, she received the news from Li Mingzhi. After reading it, Jiang Mengmeng understood what was going on.

Li Mingzhi gave Jiang Mengmeng a sum of money, but at this time, Li Mingzhi had left. He was already on the train and didn't even see the last side.

Jiang Mengmeng's wedding can't go either.

This second, Jiang Mengmeng's tears fell down. She called her father for the first time. She also heard her father's voice on the phone, but she couldn't speak. She couldn't even shout out her father.

Jiang Mengmeng tried to open her mouth, EEE EEA. She didn't know what she was talking about. No one could understand, and her father on the phone didn't understand.

On the phone.

It's dad's voice. He's talking to Jiang Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, I'm sorry, dad is gone and can't attend your wedding. Dad is not a qualified dad, but Dad hopes you can live happily.

Dad doesn't understand anything and can't stay to help you. My existence will only make you more embarrassed. I'll be very happy to know that you are happy now. "

On the phone.

Li Mingzhi talked a lot. He was sitting on the train and looked out of the window. He would soon leave the city. He had a runny nose and tears and cried very sad.

"Dad - Dad -" Jiang Mengmeng heard her father cry. When she heard her father say those words, she suddenly shouted.

For a moment, Jiang Mengmeng was able to speak. She could speak other than her husband. Jiang Mengmeng was surprised, and Li Mingzhi on the phone was also surprised.

Sure enough, his departure was the most correct choice. As soon as he left, Mengmeng would speak.

"Good bye, Meng Meng. You must be very happy." Li Mingzhi wiped away his tears.

"Dad - here - come - electricity - words." Jiang Mengmeng said word by word. She even spoke every word and heard her voice. It's really a very magical thing.