Probably because during pregnancy, emotions are inherently sensitive, so when this topic is touched, the whole person is a little out of control.

My aunt is the closest person in this world, and her importance to her is self-evident.

But now her closest person has become a prisoner in the hospital, suffering from illness every day.

"Xiao Yue, you, don't cry." A look of panic flashed across Zhen Shuangyan's face.

Once Xia Yueqing cried, she couldn't care about anything else.

Especially when she said that Xia Yueqing was her daughter, the boundary she had deliberately erected was blurred, and the facts she had deliberately forgotten were all spread out—it was only her daughter, and her daughter was worried about her.

"How can I not cry? When you were sick, I was playing, and I love you very much." Xia Yueqing sobbed, her face turned into a cat.

Pei Yiting's face was wrinkled, and the old lady didn't know how to comfort her. The mother and son's expressions were distressed and uncomfortable.

He took a tissue, wiped away Xia Yueqing's tears, and said softly: "You will scare my aunt like this, so please say something."

As soon as he reminded her, Xia Yueqing quickly wiped her eyes, but those red marks couldn't be covered up.

"That's right, Xiaoyue, don't cry, we'll find a better doctor to treat your aunt."

The old lady understood Xia Yueqing's feelings quite well. The child treated her aunt like her own mother. She had a conscience, so she also felt sorry for her.

Xia Yueqing took a light breath, "Mom, thank you."

She lost control and was still in front of several people.

But seeing her aunt like this, she couldn't help it, and always felt that it was her mistake.

"Silly boy, thank me for what? Just tell me if you have any unpleasantness, don't hold back," the old lady said worriedly, lest Xia Yueqing be wronged and make the child in her stomach unhappy.

She was also a little melancholy. From this point of view, it was really not a good time to be pregnant at this time.

But fate has come, and it can't be stopped. In any case, as a grandma, she is still looking forward to her future grandson or granddaughter.

"Okay, I will. I'll make you worry." Xia Yueqing squeezed out a smile, and slowly calmed down.

When Zhen Shuangyan saw this, the big stone in her heart slowly fell to the ground.

As soon as she saw the old lady's concerned eyes sweeping over Xia Yueqing's stomach from time to time, she felt so depressed.

It was too obvious, worried about the child in Xia Yueqing's stomach.

And this child is Zhen Shuangyan's sore foot.

With this thought, Zhen Shuangyan felt her whole body throbbing again.

The old lady stayed until noon, had dinner with them, and then went back.

Pei Yiting also left after him.

He saw that although Zhen Shuangyan's eyes showed anticipation, he still forbeared, so he was relieved to let Xia Yueqing get along with her for the time being.

But Pei Yiting didn't think it was a long-term solution, and there was no guarantee that one day Zhen Shuangyan could bear it no longer and would speak up.

His worries are not unreasonable, but for Xia Yueqing, what worries her most now is Zhen Shuangyan's condition.

After the doctor's confirmation, Zhen Shuangyan's cancer cells began to spread and turned into an advanced stage.

This kind of disease is like this. Before it is discovered, it is a small problem. When it is discovered, it may take a person's life at once.

Zhen Shuangyan finally went to the point of chemotherapy.

All her hair needs to be shaved off.

When the doctor truthfully said this in front of her, Zhen Shuangyan strongly opposed it.

"I don't do chemotherapy, I don't want to shave my hair, I'm dead!" Zhen Shuangyan shouted resolutely.

Both Xia Yueqing and Xia Yining were beside her. Xia Yining acted like a partridge, asking Xia Yueqing what to do with her eyes begging for help.

Zhen Shuangyan's repulsion was expected by Xia Yueqing. She knew how much her aunt treasured her long hair, and the loss of hair probably gave Zhen Shuangyan a great psychological shadow. Rejection is also more serious.

Thinking of this, Xia Yueqing walked up to Zhen Shuangyan, bent over, and persuaded her with an earnest voice. "Auntie, can we just listen to the doctor? Shaving off the hair is only temporary. After the condition improves, the hair will grow back."

Recently, Zhen Shuangyan's hair loss has been serious, and it has almost become her nightmare.

But at this moment, when the doctor mentioned shaving her head again, one can imagine how disgusted she was.

Hearing Xia Yueqing's voice, Zhen Shuangyan paused and slowly raised her head. "Xiaoyue, stomach cancer is at an advanced stage, you can just wait to die, it can't be cured by chemotherapy."

As she spoke, there was even a smile on the corner of her mouth, but that smile was so sad.

She is not afraid of death, it's just a life anyway, but this hair, which she has treasured for decades, is not willing to damage it at all.

Xia Yueqing saw the despair in her eyes with her own eyes, and felt a pain like a needle prick in her heart.

"Auntie, no, it's definitely not what you think."

"Stop persuading me. It's useless if you persuade me. You think I don't know? Chemotherapy requires not only shaving your hair, but also suffering a lot. What's the difference between me dying? I'd rather just suffer like this." Zhen Shuangyan rubbed Yuan Lei's face, and her attitude became tough and resolute.

This was the first time that Xia Yueqing's words didn't work for her.

"Doctor, go back, I will take the medicine you prescribed, but I don't do chemotherapy." Zhen Shuangyanza directly ordered the doctor to evict her.

They were stuck here, unable to change Zhen Shuangyan's thoughts, helpless.

When Zhen Shuangyan caught a glimpse of Xia Yueqing, she lost control of her emotions again. Recently, she couldn't control herself more and more.

Even in my dreams, I was thinking about my children.

She was afraid that if she was not careful one day, she would tell the truth.

So, she told Xia Yueqing: "Go back and rest, Auntie is fine, Auntie is fine."

Xia Yueqing's face was full of tiredness. She was not worried about Zhen Shuangyan's illness due to the exhaustion brought about by her pregnancy.

"Okay, I'll go back first." Xia Yueqing left the hospital in a daze.

She didn't know that the situation would become so serious in one day.

Her thoughts were chaotic, she didn't know how to solve her aunt, and she didn't know how to change the status quo.

In the ward, without Xia Yueqing, Zhen Shuangyan rolled on the bed in pain, her expression was distorted by the severe pain, she was already thin, and looked even more terrifying.

Xia Yining was frightened by this scene, and hugged Zhen Shuangyan's body tightly, "Mom, are you okay? I'll go to the doctor and let the doctor show you."

"No, no, give me the medicine." Zhen Shuangyan's forehead was wet with cold sweat, her voice was extremely weak, and she seemed to be fished out of the water.

"It's useless to take medicine. How much medicine have you taken? It's completely useless!" Xia Yining said, ringing the bell to call the doctor in.

"Don't scream, I don't want to see a doctor!" Zhen Shuangyan yelled with all her strength.

"I won't let them shave my hair, I won't undergo chemotherapy, Yi Ting, where is Yi Ting?"