Yin heart breathing a stagnation, "this... How to do?"? You... Why didn't you say that last night? " Originally, I only saw the wound on his face, but I didn't expect that there was also a wound on his body, and it was so serious. I thought of how painful it was to sleep with his arm and chest last night, but he didn't say a word.

"It's nothing. I didn't know I was hurt if you didn't say it." Qin Xiaoduan bit his teeth and said with a smile.

Yin Xin felt the skin around Qin Xiaoduan's wound with trembling fingers. Tears fell down like broken beads. "Your mouth is hard. I see it hurts. You say it doesn't hurt."

"Ah, daughter-in-law, don't cry. OK, I admit it's a little painful, but really, it's only a little painful." Qin Xiaoduan comforts Yin Xinxin in a hurry.

Yin Xin sucked his nose, sat up, took the medicine box, and was about to wipe Qin Xiaoduan's wound. At this time, he heard several male voices calling Qin Xiaoduan, "President Qin, where are you? President Qin, you should hear us

Qin Xiaoduan and Yin Xinxin both look at each other with great joy. Qin Xiaoduan looks at Yin Xinxin wrapped in a bathrobe. Then he is relieved. He sits up naked and looks at the dirty and broken clothes on one side. He is not ready to wear them. He replies loudly: "here, I am here."

They were saved!


When she wakes up again, Yin Xin lies in the hospital ward and slowly turns her head. Then she finds that she is the only one in the ward.

What about Qin Xiaoduan?

Yin Xin quickly finds the emergency button and presses it.

After a while, Qin Xiaoduan came in, with red wine on his face and a thermos in his hand. Seeing that Yin woke up, he asked with a smile, "how about daughter-in-law? Are you better? "

Yin Xin nodded and asked, "how are you?"

This export, only to find their own voice hoarse.

Qin Xiaoduan quickly fed Yin Xinhe a drink of water and asked, "are you hungry? Daughter in law, I just ordered some porridge. Have some. "

Yin Xinxin nodded, took Qin Xiaoduan's hand, and drank half a bowl of porridge.

After drinking, Qin Xiaoduan sat in front of her bed, touched her forehead and nodded, "it's OK, it won't burn."

With that, without a moment's hesitation, he lifted the quilt and lay down beside Yin Xin, lying on his side and embracing Yin Xin. Yin Xin had a stomach of words to ask, but at this time he felt sleepy and fell asleep again.

When Yin Xin woke up again, she felt much better. She turned her face and Qin Xiaoduan's face was right in front of her, almost close to her ears.

Yin Xinxiao, thinking about what happened these days, feels so incredible that it seems like a dream.

From her being knocked unconscious by unknown objects, to Qin Xiaoduan's call to wake her up, to her long waiting in the cold and dark strange environment until his appearance, the two people embrace and sleep together, all of which make her feel reborn.

Last night, Qin Xiaoduan appeared beside her as if he had fallen from the sky. With the palpitation, emotion and heart beat in his heart, Yin Xinxin still feels his heart beating and the aftertaste continues.

Qin Xiaoduan looks at Qin Xiaoduan and thinks about the bumps and bumps between them since they met each other. She never thought that she would meet him in the hospital for the first time. However, she married him. Since then, the gears of fate have intertwined her and him tightly. In this way, he is so little by little, In her heart engraved indelible brand.