As a result, Qin Xiaoduan took a bath and slept for less than an hour. As soon as he felt like he was in deep sleep, he was awakened.

He was obviously sleepy and asked, "daughter in law, what's the matter?"

Yin Xin muttered: "hungry."

Qin looked at his watch and asked, "now?"

Yin Xinxin said, "Well!" She closed her eyes and fell asleep. She was not very awake, but her stomach was empty. She cried several times. Her desire for food conquered everything.

Qin Xiaoduan sat up and asked, "what would you like to eat, daughter-in-law?"

Yin said, "I want to eat noodles..."

Qin Duan rubbed his temple and woke up completely. He leaned down and kissed Yin Xinxin's forehead. "My daughter-in-law will wait for me for a while." He pushed the door open and went out.

Because it was more than 11 o'clock in the evening, and everyone had fallen asleep, Qin Xiaoduan didn't wake up aunt Fang, but went to the kitchen to make a note.

After finishing the noodles, he added a poached egg, vegetables and ham. When he brought it to the house, Yin could smell it like a dog smelling meat and bones, and then he woke up.

She turned her dark eyes around, but she lay still.

Qin slightly touched her neck and said, "get up and eat noodles. Aren't you hungry?"

Yin Xinxin said: "tired."

Qin Xiaoduan asked: "not hungry?"

Yin Xin nodded, "hungry."

Qin Xiaoduan asked, "why doesn't it move?"

Yin Xin closed his eyes and said, "I'm hungry, but I'm tired, hungry and tired."

Qin Xiaoduan looks at Yin Xinxin's obvious appearance and can't help laughing.

He picked up the pillow, gently picked up Yin Xin, let her comfortable on the pillow, and then from the wardrobe to find a piece of clothing he has not worn for a long time to pad on the quilt, in case the soup gets on the quilt. He picked some noodles and sent them to Yin Xinxin's mouth, saying, "come on, daughter-in-law, open your mouth."

Qin Xiaoduan is still a bit addicted to cleanliness. He has never done anything like eating in bed. But since I met Yin Xin, I don't know how many times I've done this kind of thing.

After eating noodles, Qin Xiaoduan slowly lay down with Yin Xinxin in his arms.

Yin Xin closed her eyes, probably because she had slept for several hours before, so she couldn't sleep now.

She tossed and turned on the bed for a while, pushed Qin's arm again and said, "I can't sleep."

Qin Xiaoduan was just about to fall asleep when he was awakened by Yin Xinxin. However, there was not a trace of impatience and anger on his face. He looked at Yin Xinxin and said, "then get up and walk."

Yin heartily shakes his head, "no strength."

Qin Xiaoduan said, "do you want me to hold you?"

Yin heart stares an eye, Qin slightly end, "that still call go?"

Qin Xiaoduan has no idea, "what does that daughter-in-law want to do?"

Yin Xinxin thought about it and said, "well... You tell me a story. Isn't that hypnosis?"

Qin Xiaoduan has a black face.

"Can't you tell a story?" Yin asked

Qin Xiaoduan said, "yes, my daughter-in-law wants to hear it. What do you want to hear?"

Yin Xinxin said, "whatever."

Qin slightly end shook his head, "did not casually this story."

Yin heart stares at him, say: "that you tell me a folk anecdote."

Folk anecdotes?

Qin Duan thought for a while and began to say.

I don't know which generation a nun had an affair with a man. It was told to him by Jiang Yihui before. He didn't like to hear it, but Jiang Yihui was very interested. At that time, he always read this kind of little yellow book and kept talking in his ear, so he also heard it.