Qin Xiaoduan picked up one of the materials in front of him, put it in his hand and turned it over. When he saw tuozhe Design Co., Ltd., his slender eyes narrowed and his face sank immediately.


Zhou Botao was lying on the bed of the hospital and couldn't move. Qin Xiaoduan's foot was not vague at all. He directly broke his ribs. Now he coughed and sneezed to death.

At the thought of Qin Xiaoduan's calm face and fierce manner, his hands trembled.

Zhou Botao knew that he had a bad life since he was a child. His mother let the shameless junior run to death, and his father ignored him. Fortunately, his aunt loved him, and Qin Xiaoduan, as his cousin, had nothing to say to him.

Qin Xiaoduan is a synonym for excellence from childhood. He started a company at a young age. Although he has been beating and scolding him all the time, he would give him pocket money, help him fight, and pay his gambling debts... Qin Xiaoduan really didn't help him to do these things less. Therefore, although Qin Xiaoduan was a little fierce to him, Zhou Botao also knew that Qin Xiaoduan was really good to him.

He had been afraid of Qin Xiaoduan since he was a child, which was the feeling of admiration, awe and fear. So he didn't know where he had the courage to pit Qin Xiaoduan's money.

Thinking of the land in the North Fourth Ring Road, Zhou Bo Tao was annoyed. He stretched out his hand and slapped himself hard. As a result, he affected the wound on his back. In pain, he bared his teeth and breathed air.

He owes more than 30 million yuan to usury because of gambling. He really dares not tell Qin Xiaoduan that usury is forcing debts every day. He is extremely afraid and has the heart to die. However, he does not dare to die. He still has a lot of delicious and fun things to enjoy. He can't give up his life! Desperate, he went to find Ding Tuo, Ding Tuo gave him the idea, so there was a series of things happened later.

He took the information to the court. Knowing that the court had sealed up the land, he felt regret, guilt and fear, so he went to his aunt in Australia to hide for a while.

When his mother didn't die, he had a good relationship with his aunt, so her aunt didn't like the little three outside her father. She advised her father not to be with him many times. But her father was so obsessed that he took the little three into his home. Her aunt was blind and immigrated to Australia.

Although his aunt went to Australia, he often brought him a phone to let him have time to visit her. Zhou Bo Tao thought Australia was far away and he was lazy, so he didn't go all the time. This time, he made such a big trouble. His first thought was to go to her aunt's place to avoid the wind. Nothing else, just because Australia was far away, Qin Shaoduan wanted to settle with him, I'm sure I won't find it that soon.

But in Australia, where birds are spoken, he knows no one except his aunt. He walks his dog in his aunt's manor every day and almost goes crazy. Finally, he can't help coming back.

After he came back, no one dared to say that after staying in the hotel for a few days, Zhou Botao couldn't hold his breath. He drove the sports car that his aunt bought for him to find his former gambler. When the gambler saw that he was driving such a good new car, he turned his eyes and took him to heaven on earth.

For the first time, Zhou Botao knew that besides gambling, there was such a fun place. There, he met a young model. They were fighting fiercely. He often took the young model for a ride in his car, but he didn't want to be hit by Qin Xiaoduan. He was so scared that he ran off the gas pedal.

Later, thinking of Qin Xiaoduan's fist and roaring at him, Zhou Botao shivered. He felt that he was finished. Qin Xiaoduan didn't know how to deal with him. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Ding Tuo and let Ding Tuo give him advice.