After drinking, song Qingshu finally guessed Tang Kuo's thoughts.

It turned out that the other party looked down on his little white face, but it was inconvenient to sweep his sister's face, so he decided to pour himself down with liquor.

"Prairie people's brain is simple, do you think you are a wild man, you must drink more than me?" Song Qingshu sneered at himself. After the baptism of those high-purity spirits of later generations, it's a piece of cake to drink the wine of the world.

Seeing that song Qingshu drank a large bowl of liquor in one gulp every time, Tang Kuo's eyes flashed a hint of appreciation. He gradually took a liking for the little white face in front of him. However, it also aroused his desire to fight, so he opened his mind to fight with song Qingshu.

Mrs. Tang knew that her brother was good at wine and bad at whisking his interest. She could only complain in her heart: it was not easy for him to meet you again. If you are drunk tonight, who can you tell me?

Song Qingshu and Tang Kuo argue that you have a bowl and I have a bowl. I don't know how long I have drunk it. Song Qingshu feels that there are stars in front of his eyes, and Tang Kuo argues that he still looks as usual.

Song Qingshu can't help but be shocked: what a bad amount of wine!

Originally, it was not difficult for him to drink wine while quietly forcing it out of the body. But at the beginning, he was very confident in his drinking capacity and didn't need to cheat. Later, they fell in love with each other, and song Qingshu didn't want to deceive each other.

"Brother Tang Kuo's... Er, drinking capacity, I'm really willing to... Bow to the downwind," Song Qingshu said. He was a bit unskillful. "If you cook sheep and kill cattle for fun, you'll have to drink 300 cups. Before song, it was just a legend. I didn't expect that brother Tang's drinking capacity was more than 300 cups! Admire... Admire! "

Tang Kuo Bian burst out laughing, shaking the wine utensils on the table. It was obvious that this time he was sincere: "I have never met brother song in these years... I haven't met a rival who can drink so much... Brother song is really a man of indomitable spirit."

Song Qingshu was greatly relieved to hear that the other party was also inarticulate. It seems that I am not the only one who is drunk. He is no better.

All of a sudden, Tang Kuo Bian stood up and staggered to song Qingshu. He put his shoulder on him and said, "it's rare to see such a congenial person. Today, you and I are brothers of the opposite sex. What do you think?"

"Brother?" Song Qingshu was not surprised. These ancient people are really close to each other.

"Why, you look down on me?" Tang Kuo's eyes glared, and he was a little uneasy.

"Where can I get to worship with brother Tang Kuo? Song can't wait for him. He's afraid of climbing high." Song Qingshu laughs. He thinks that Tang kuodian is in an important position, and he has a relationship with him. Investigating song Yuanqiao's whereabouts adds a little more assurance.

"What's high or not?" Tang Kuo Bian knelt down first. "I, Tang Kuo Bian, became a brother of the opposite sex with the song brothers today. I am rich and share weal and woe in this life... If one day I die, my property will be the property of the song brothers, and my wife will be the wife of the song brothers!" He was so drunk that he couldn't remember song Qingshu's name for a moment, and it was inconvenient to ask him. So he fooled him. He thought that the other party would swear at once, and he would remember it again.

Song Qingshu's face was solemn. When he heard his last sentence, the whole person was Spartan. What kind of oath is that!

"It's all right to have this property. What's the matter with your wife?" Song Qingshu had a cold sweat on his face.

"This is the most solemn oath in the kingdom of Jin," Mrs. Tang said with a smile. "It means that the two sides who take the oath are willing to give everything for each other. What we Nvzhen value most is property and wife. This shows how close my brother is to you."

"How can there be such a ridiculous oath in the world?" Song Qingshu suddenly exclaimed, listening to the tone of Mrs. Tang, this kind of oath seems to want two people to send at the same time.

Mrs. Tang explained with a smile: "you don't know something. The customs of our nomadic people are different from those of the Han people. Because of natural and man-made disasters, population is the core resource of a tribe. The more the population of a tribe, the stronger the tribe will be. If someone died in the war, the tribe would never allow his widow to be widowed like the Han people, but let her remarry and continue to have new children. Later, it gradually formed a custom that when the elder brother died, his sister-in-law was inherited by his younger brother, his father died, and his wife and concubine were inherited by his son - of course, except for his own mother. "

Seeing song Qingshu's unimaginable face, Mrs. Tang continued: "Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties in the history of the Han people, has experienced such a thing. She married Hun two years ago, and Huhanxie Chanyu died. Then she married Huhanxie Chanyu's eldest son, fuzhulai Chanyu. They lived together for 11 years, and fuzhulai Chanyu also died, Isn't it normal for Wang Zhaojun, 33, to marry Fu Zhulei's eldest son? "

Song Qingshu frowned and sighed: "I just hate that I was not born in that era, and I can't save this poor woman."

"Hum!" There was a lot of humming around. Tang Kuo said angrily, "song, I treat you sincerely, but you are trying to stop me here. Are you worried that my wife is not beautiful enough, and you deliberately mislead your wife! You ask my sister, "which woman is more beautiful than my wife in the whole kingdom of Jin?"

"Elder brother, it's normal for people to be unaccustomed to our customs when they are from the Han Dynasty," Mrs. Tang explained. Then she said to song Qingshu, "younger brother song, my elder brother is the emperor's son-in-law, and his wife Gebi is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom of Jin. I don't know how many people in the whole kingdom of Jin want to be brothers with my elder brother, but he never agrees. Today, he volunteered, It's obviously from sincerity. "

Song Qingshu has a headache. Now it's hard to ride a tiger. If he doesn't agree, he may offend the two brothers and sisters. It's impossible to find out about song Yuanqiao and others. Song Qingshu is not so generous to make such an oath.

All of a sudden, song Qingshu moved in her heart, pulled Mrs. Tang aside and asked, "have you ever told your brother my real name?"

Madame Tang shook her head subconsciously: "you are a criminal of Qing Dynasty. How dare I tell you your real identity? I told him that your name is song Siming. I don't think you will mind if you take such a name under the banner of anti Qing Dynasty and restoration of Ming Dynasty." Then she looked at him with a worried face. She had heard that the Han people were most concerned about their bodies, hair, names and ancestors. She didn't know whether he would be angry if they changed his name on their own.

"Song Siming?" In Song Qingshu's heart, ten thousand sacred beasts gallop by. I'm not even seaweed!

However, this solved a big problem of song Qingshu. He immediately ran to Tang Kuo Bian and swore, "I, song Siming, am sworn to Tang Kuo Bian as a brother of the opposite sex today. I will be rich and share weal and woe in this life... If one day I die, song Siming's property is Tang Kuo's property, and song Siming's wife is Tang Kuo's wife!"