Chen Yuanyuan's face turned red in an instant. He could not help but said angrily, "ah Ke, what are you talking about?" She knew in her heart that even if an ordinary woman lived with a young man, there would be all kinds of rumors outside, not to mention her sensitive identity.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Didn't brother song and huang shang say the same thing just now?" After all, Aker is still a young girl, and she doesn't know all kinds of risks behind it.

"Mr. Song was just dealing with Huang Chang." Chen Yuanyuan almost stamped his feet, thinking that my silly daughter, ah, will surely be eaten and wiped clean by men in the future.

"It's not to deal with it," Song Qingshu said with a smile. "Well, if my wife doesn't dislike it, she can come to live with me for a while, and wait until she thinks of where to go in the future."

Chen Yuanyuan's charming face was red in white, and his big watery eyes were extremely embarrassed: "I'm afraid it's not very good."

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "don't worry, madam. I'm just sitting upright. I'm not afraid of gossip."

Chen Yuanyuan was speechless for a while, thinking that you are not afraid of being a man. It's always our women who get hurt... However, she soon realized that her reputation is bad enough. As the saying goes, if you have too much debt, you don't have to worry about yourself. What's more, people help out of kindness

"Please, young master." Chen Yuanyuan leaned over and said softly.

Ke also looked gratefully at Song Qingshu: "brother song, thank you!"

Being watched like this by two disaster beauties, Rao Shi and song Qingshu were determined. For a moment, he was in a trance. He was worried that he would lose his temper if he continued to read on. He said in a hurry: "Huang Shang came just now. Maybe he startled others. We'd better get out of the palace as soon as possible."

"In such a hurry?" Chen Yuanyuan subconsciously looked at her daughter, and her feelings were expressed.

Although Aker was also reluctant to give up her, but for the sake of safety, she also advised: "mother, you go out of the Palace first, I will often find a chance to see you."

Song Qingshu thinks that you are a favorite imperial concubine, even if you and Zhao gou are just a nominal couple, but other people don't know how to let you go out of the palace.

Chen Yuanyuan obviously thought of going with him: "it's not easy for you to go out of the Palace once."

A Ke chuckled and pulled the sleeve of song Qingshu: "brother song is so good at martial arts that he can come and go freely in the palace. If I miss you, why don't you let him take me out of the palace quietly?"

Song Qingshu has a black line. He thinks that there's no reason why he doesn't wet his shoes when he often walks by the river. He often comes to the palace to take his favorite concubine out of the palace. The risk is too great. At least huang shang won't sit by and ignore him.

"Mischief, the son of song manages everything every day. How can he manage you?" Chen Yuanyuan pinches her daughter's face in a bad mood.

"It should be OK to take it out of the Palace once in a while." Song Qing put in a sentence, no matter how to say also want to give them to eat a reassurance, otherwise take away like this also can't say.

Before leaving, the mother and daughter hid and whispered for a while. When song Qingshu saw that the time was almost up, he said to them, "I'll take Ke back to the Palace first, and then I'll take you out."

Chen Yuanyuan and Li Yuanzhi have no objection. After all, they can't leave a Ke alone in this deserted palace. On the one hand, they are afraid of danger. On the other hand, even if they go back safely, they can't explain to the guards in the palace.

Song Qingshu embraces a Ke's slender waist and goes back along the road. He soon returns to her bedroom. After settling her down, he worries about the accident of the two girls who are staying in the cold palace. He turns around and goes.

"Wait a minute ~" who knows that Aker grabbed him and said with a sad face, "am I so annoying to you?"

Song Qingshu was stunned: "no, why do you ask like this?"

"Then why did you just put me down and leave?" Ah Ke pouted and muttered, "I feel like a burden."

Song Qingshu laughed: "no man in the world will dislike such a beautiful little girl."

"Do you think I'm beautiful, too?" said ako

Song Qingshu looked at her gently: "of course, the white jade inlaid beads are not enough to compare with her complexion, and the rose is not beautiful."

From childhood to adulthood, ako has been praised for her beauty, but not once has she been so happy.

"Brother song, thank you for saving my mother." A Ke smoke wave more and more soft, before he cheated Yanjing resentment seems to have disappeared.

"It's just a small lift." Looking at her beautiful face under the candlelight, song Qingshu thinks that although a Ke and Chen Yuanyuan are somewhat similar in appearance, their temperament is totally different. Chen Yuanyuan is elegant, mature and charming, while a Ke is full of youth, beautiful and moving. One is the most beautiful young woman, and the other is the most beautiful young girl.

See song Qingshu has been staring at himself in a daze, a Ke some shyly turned away.

A faint blush spread on the girl's crystal clear face, which surprised song Qingshu. Subconsciously, she teased: "before, you said that if I finished your request, you would promise me one thing. I don't know if it still counts now?"

A Ke heart jump: "nature... Nature is calculated."

"Can I ask now?" Song Qingshu looks at her with a smile.

Ako's heart beat harder. The girl's reserve made her subconsciously refuse: "but you didn't finish my request."

Song Qingshu was immediately depressed: "although I didn't kill the assassin or Huang Shang, I saved your mother, and I have to take care of her and protect her for a period of time. No matter how much I can meet your previous requirements."

"Then... After my mother has settled down in the future, you can finish the request." Said ako, blushing.

Song Qingshu's eyes brightened: "is it OK to ask you anything at that time?"

Ah Ke regretted that he had left him. She knew that she was blushing badly even without looking in the mirror. She thought to herself, what do you want me to say.

Seeing that the girl kept her head down and kept silent, song Qingshu immediately found it particularly interesting: "if you don't speak, I will take it as your default?"

Ako opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Song Qingshu laughs: "well, I'll leave first. Take good care of yourself in the palace. If there's anything urgent, you can contact me according to the method I just taught you."

"Well, be careful yourself." A Ke only felt a flower in front of her eyes. Song Qingshu had disappeared from the room. For a moment, she couldn't help standing in the same place and felt lost.

When song Qingshu returned to the cold palace, he found that both Chen Yuanyuan and Li Yuanzhi looked a little strange. He couldn't help asking curiously, "what's the matter with you?"

Chen Yuanyuan laughed but said nothing. Li Yuanzhi said lively: "just now I bet sister Yuanyuan how long you can come back. Sister Yuanyuan said that with your lightness skill, you can come back in three cups of tea; But I know your disposition. I'm sure I'll stay there and have a romantic relationship with ako. So I'm sure you can't come back without half an hour. "

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan's smiling face, song Qingshu was embarrassed. After all, she was teasing her daughter. She was a little angry and wanted to pull Li Yuanzhi over: "OK, you stinky girl, do you mean to make me feel embarrassed?"

Who knows Li Yuanzhi has been on guard for a long time, just like a quick rabbit, hiding behind Chen Yuanyuan: "sister Yuanyuan, someone wants to kill someone!"

"Don't hide. Nobody can save you today." Song Qingshu said maliciously.

Seeing song Qingshu pounce on him, Li Yuanzhi exclaimed, pushing Chen Yuanyuan forward, and taking the opportunity to hide behind him.

Chen Yuanyuan thought that Li Yuanzhi was just taking her as a shield. She didn't expect that the other party would turn her into a moving shield. In fact, even if she expected it, she couldn't help it. After all, Li Yuanzhi has martial arts skills, but she is just a delicate woman.

Hearing Chen Yuanyuan's exclamation, song Qingshu subconsciously reaches for her hand and holds her firmly so as not to fall down. As a result, the place where she starts is soft and elastic. He can't help but feel embarrassed.

You know, with his temperament, if he wants to take advantage now, he will take advantage of it fairly, and he doesn't care about this small skill at all. So this situation is what he hates most. It's clearly not out of his original intention, but let his glorious image fall into the Mariana Trench.

Just now Chen Yuanyuan was still smiling. At this time, his smile solidified on his face. His eyes fell on the hand he put on his chest. His mouth opened, but he found that he could not say anything.

"Why, what's the matter with you two?" Li Yuanzhi hides behind, who knows that song Qingshu hasn't come after him for a long time. Looking back, he finds that they are cuddling quietly.

"No... nothing." After all, Chen Yuanyuan is a man who has experienced great storms. After the buffering of his kung fu, he has come back to himself and stepped back without any trace. "You almost knocked me down just now. Fortunately, Mr. Song helped me."

Li Yuanzhi spat out her tongue: "I'm sorry, sister Yuanyuan."

"Why are you so polite with me?" Chen Yuanyuan fondled her hair.

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan acting as if nothing had happened, song Qingshu had to sigh that mature women and young girls are really different. It's much easier to associate with mature women.

"It's late now. Let's go out of the Palace first." See two people there chatter not over, song Qingshu can't help saying.

Li Yuanzhi said with a smile: "well, I'll give you a chance to support each other." As he said this, he opened his hand and motioned song Qingshu to come between them to hold them.

Chen Yuanyuan can't help but feel embarrassed. He thinks that he has been alone for so many years, and the man hasn't even touched her clothes. Who knows that song Qingshu has been hugging and touching her during this period? It's really

But think of before Song Qingshu and himself have such contact, just a hug is nothing, Chen Yuanyuan clean up a good mood, face restored the usual kind of grace gentle smile: "thank you, young master."

Song Qingshu nodded, put his arms around them, turned them into a sharp arrow, and quickly flew out of the palace.

Li Yuanzhi's waist on his left hand is slender and vigorous, while Chen Yuanyuan's waist on his right hand is plump, well proportioned and extremely soft. He can smell the fragrance of two beauties, one big and one small. Rao, with his present concentration, is also a bit of an ape.