Chapter 1644


So two hands hand in hand, while walking to find, find out a kilometer away also did not find any abnormal, more did not see any trace, Qiao Yuling is a little depressed, "this is from where to run out."

Nangong Chenwei gently squeezed her hand, comforted looking at her, "don't worry, we slowly look for, in this neighborhood, there must be traces to find."

So... They went out two miles upstream first, but they didn't find it, so they went back to where they came from, and then went down again. Soon they came to the place where the trace appeared.

There is a huge stone in the middle, which is very easy to identify.

Two people continue to go down along, out of a long distance also did not find.

"Why don't you... Go east?" Qiao Yuling mentioned that they came from the West. She didn't find anything all the way here, but she still didn't give up.

Nangong Chenwei naturally agreed. He nodded and Qiao Yuling walked forward. They probably walked out of a forest and then came to the foot of a mountain. They tacitly agreed to go up the mountain. They didn't find anything. They always felt some regret.

But walking... Qiao Yuling suddenly stopped. She moved her nose. She felt a familiar smell, as if it was from the monster.

Nangong Chenwei's sense of smell is not as sensitive as Qiao Yuling's. He looks at Qiao Yuling's strangeness, doesn't speak, and looks at her quietly. After Qiao Yuling's careful identification, there is a surprise on her face. She pulls Nangong Chenwei to say in a small voice: "I smell the same smell. It should be around here. Although the taste is very light, I can be sure, that's right."

Nangong Chenwei smiles, "go and have a look."

Since they arrived nearby, their movements became more careful. Qiao Yuling took Nangong Chenwei step by step in the direction of the smell. After walking carefully for half an hour, the smell was strong enough to make people want to vomit.

Qiao Yuling has taken out a handkerchief from the space and tied it with Nangong Chenwei under the nose to minimize inhalation.

After walking for a while, Qiao Yuling's body became stiff. She saw a place halfway up the mountain in front of her. There was a place similar to a big pit. It was dark inside. Where did the smell come from.

Nangong Chenwei naturally also saw it, he patted Qiao Yuling's hand, "you stand here and wait for me, I'll have a look."

Qiao Yuling quickly grabbed him, these certainly all clear poison, he rashly go, she is not at ease, "go together."

Nangong Chenwei feels her stubbornness. At last, she nods her head slightly. They are both close to each other. Standing on the edge of the pit, Qiao Yuling can feel the stench coming from below. After thinking about it, she takes out a night pearl from the space. Looking forward, she sees that the pit is full of incomplete corpses.

Some of them are similar to monsters. Some of them are only half changed. Some of them have not changed. Some of them have only upper body. In a word, how cruel they are.

Qiao Yuling just glanced at it and took back the night pearl. She said angrily, "how many lives have been destroyed before it can be like this."

Nangong Chenwei's mood is not good, he took Qiao Yuling to sweep around, "let's go, we'll look around here, they even threw the body here, it should be around here."

Qiao Yuling also agreed. They went on again. They went all the way to the mountain... They didn't find anything, as if the pit was just famous here.

"How can it be like this? Since there is a pit, they must be near here, otherwise they would be so far away."

Nangong Chenwei also agreed, "don't worry, we'll find it slowly."

I don't know how many roads I've taken. After searching all night, they almost searched all over the hill where there was a pit, but they didn't find a place to hide. It was almost dawn. Qiao Yuling frowned, "it's OK to look for it at night, but I'm afraid we can't look for it during the day."

Nangong Chenwei naturally understood, "if we can't find it later, we'll get out of the mountain first."

"Yes." Qiao Yuling answered softly, walked forward a few steps, and then stopped. She smelled a little bit of blood. Although it was very light, she still smelled it.

Although it's almost dawn, she still can't see clearly. She takes out the night pearl and sniffs the bloody place. When she walks over with Nangong Chenwei, she can see the blood ten steps ahead. She reaches out her hand and sniffs it for two hours.

"Go and have a look." Qiao Yuling follows the bloodstain, and Nangong Chenwei keeps up with him, always paying attention to the surrounding environment.

The bloodstain is a little bit from there. When it comes to a big tree, the bloodstain suddenly disappears. Qiao Yuling looks around the tree and finds nothing.

"The blood is gone." Qiao Yuling was disappointed. "Go around and have a look. Is there anything unusual?"

"Be careful." Nangong Chenwei is to remind her that she needs to pay attention, two people look at each other, go forward, go to daybreak nothing found, Qiao Yuling is not reconciled, "unexpectedly nothing found."

In the face of such danger, we can't send ordinary soldiers to search the mountain. In front of those monsters, ordinary soldiers can't see enough, and they will die when they come.

Nangong Chenwei didn't say anything. Instead, he stared at the place where the grass was growing in front of him. Qiao Yuling was still very attentive. Looking along his line of sight, he found that the grass was very luxuriant, but it seemed to have been touched, and some places were broken“ What's the problem? " Qiao Yuling looked at him with curiosity. Nangong Chenwei is not quite sure, but said: "it seems to breathe." Qiao Yuling immediately listened attentively, also found breathing, in the direction of the grass, two people immediately alert. The grass is too thick. It's just like a small door. There is a stone wall behind it. It seems that there is no problem. But they both feel shallow breathing, so there is a problem. Qiao Yuling takes out a sword from the space and hands it to Nangong Chenwei. Standing five meters away, Nangong Chenwei directly raises it and stabs it at the grass root. The grass root is very thick, like an adult's arm. However, the sword Qiao Yuling hands to Nangong Chenwei is also sharp, and with Nangong Chenwei's dexterity, it is directly cut off. The thin and dense grass fell down, revealing a small shallow hole behind them. They also saw a figure, but because of the action of the sword, the other didn't move. They were a little confused. Qiao Yuling takes out the whip from the space, accurately throws the grass to one side, and finally sees the situation of the stone wall. The stone wall is not a shallow hole, but there is a small gap, tiny, inside, curled up a person, just put her body inside, is a woman. Looking at the clothes, Qiao Yuling was surprised, "Yujia." She gave a cry and ran forward in a hurry.