Chapter 2132

"Nonsense, she's an inferior subordinate. Where is she worthy to be the wife of the young master?" The master's wife has only a dislike for summer water.

Xia Yiting doesn't want to talk any more. Instead, he reaches out and picks up Xia Shui and goes out. The master's wife cries behind him, "Yiting, Yiting."

Xia Yiting didn't answer. He left with Xia Shui in his arms. The past Xia Shui has no pain now. The whole person nests quietly in Xia Yiting's arms, like a lifeless baby.

Holding the summer water back to his yard, after a while, the poison of summer water attack again, "to bring the left doctor."


Xia Jin runs to ask the left doctor. Xia Shui's condition is more and more serious. Xia Yiting's mind has been echoing what the left doctor said. If the dosage of poison is wrong, Xia Shui's life will be lost.

"Go and call all the doctors of shadowless gate."

Summer wood hurried to go, a moment also dare not delay.

Xia Shui is curled up because of the pain. Xia Yiting just wants to touch Xia Shui. Xia Shui is just like the pain is more severe. He twitches, but Xia Yiting doesn't dare to move.

He does not touch the summer water, summer water quietly with his hands holding his legs, curled up together, looks very poor.

Xia Yiting has a sore throat, and his heart aches with it. He stands in the same place and doesn't know how to relieve Xia Shui's pain.

Soon left doctor came, see summer water like this, trembling body said: "also... Also need to use poison."

"With poison? Can you make sure she's ok? " Xia Yiting red eyes, roared, "now immediately relieve her pain, if not, I will kill you."

The left doctor doesn't doubt Xia Yiting's words at all. The young master looks at him like a dead man. I'm afraid he may kill his dog at any time.

Trembling, he took out the poison he had prepared early and planned to use for Xiashui, and fed it to Xiashui's mouth a little bit. When he smelled the poison, Xiashui was just like a cat smelling the fishy smell. He rushed directly and put the poison pill into his mouth.

After eating, her expression became more painful. She didn't yell and bit her lips tightly. Then she rolled on the bed. Slowly, she felt too painful and found the roar like a beast.

Xia Yiting raised his foot and directly kicked the left doctor, "said, how can it be like this."

"This... This..." the left doctor didn't dare to tell the truth, but he didn't dare to lie, and his forehead was sweating.

Xia Yiting glared at him and said, "what's going on?"

"Her body has been poisoned for more than a year, and now poison is her life-saving medicine, but after taking poison, there must be some pain."

Xia Yiting stretched out his hand, pulled out one side of the sword, put it on the left doctor's neck, and said in a cold voice, "you made her look like this. There must be a way to relieve her pain. If you can't do it, what's the use of keeping you."

The left doctor really didn't know what to say. It was impossible for him to relieve the pain at once.

At this time, Xia Mu came in with other doctors. Xia Yiting gave them a cold glance, "help her relieve the pain."

When the doctors saw that the left doctor was tied around his neck, he might lose his life at any time. They were so scared that they rushed forward to check Xia Shui. However, Xia Shui's body instinctively resisted them. When they didn't get close, Xia Shui could still control himself. When they got close to Xia Shui, they were as frightened as if they were, and they punched them directly.

The nearest doctor was unlucky, and her whole body flew out. Xia Shui wanted to run away in a panic, but she didn't know where to go like a child, and she was so anxious that she turned around.

Seeing this, Xia Yiting hastily puts away his sword and goes forward to hold Xia Shui in his arms. Xia Shui's body is trembling, and the whole person is shivering. He pushes Xia Yiting with great resistance.

"Bring a cloth and tie her first." Xia Yiting doesn't want to hurt Xia Shui, so he can only bind people with cloth.

Xia Jin and others took cloth strips, tied Xia Shui and controlled Xia Shui. Only then did the doctors dare to feel Xia Shui's pulse. After feeling the pulse, everyone's forehead was in a cold sweat.

There are so many poisons in the body. It's a miracle that they haven't died. It's totally impossible to think that they can be solved.

See doctor don't speak, Xia Yi Ting black face asked, "how in the end, tell the truth."

The doctor looked at each other face to face, and then the older one came forward and said, "if you go back to Shaozhu, there is too much poison in the patient's body. I'm afraid most people have long... It's a miracle that Miss Xia Shui can survive. It's impossible for her body to recover."

"Can you relieve her pain now?"

"I can't help it. I can only rely on Miss Xia Shui to carry it by herself, because the poison has reached the limit. If I want to live in the future, I can't do without poison."

Xia Yiting was calm and didn't speak. The doctor wanted to go outside and take a pot of flowers in. Then he put it next to Xia Shui and pricked it on his finger with a needle. Blood fell on the flowers. The flowers withered and turned black at the speed visible to the naked eye, and finally became a pile of black residue.

"One drop of Xia Shui's blood is enough to poison a cow." A young doctor came forward to explain that he was afraid that Xia Yiting didn't know how poisonous Xia Shui was.

"If she carries it over, do you have another way to cure it?" Xia Yiting asked. The doctors looked at each other and shook their heads“ Get out, get out of here. " The doctors rolled away. Only the left doctor was there. In the shadowless door, the left doctor was the most skillful. Xia Yiting said to Xia Jin, "take care of him."“ Yes Xia Shui's body is still twisting. Xia Yiting wants to get close. Xia Shui's whole body on guard starts to protest violently again. Xia Yiting doesn't dare to get close. After about half an hour, Xia Shui finally calmed down and fell on the bed without any strength. Quietly, Xia Yiting had the chance to step forward. Seeing her embarrassed appearance, Xia Yiting said to the people around her, "go and prepare the bath bucket."“ Yes Xia Jin's speed is very fast. He prepares the water. Xia Yiting tries the water temperature himself. Then he goes forward to pick up Xia Shui. Xia Shui's eyelids move. His eyes are empty. He is dull and has no strength. Xia Yiting slowly takes back her clothes and puts her into the bath bucket. But just when she touches the water, Xia Shui jumps up. She has no strength before. Now she is so strong that she even wants to run out naked. Xia Yiting moves faster. First she steps forward to block the door and holds her in her arms“ No, we don't Xia Shui's body softens down. Xia Yiting holds the person back to the bed, and then takes a towel to scrub her body a little bit. He wipes her gently, but she doesn't feel at all. She just opens her eyes and doesn't know what she is thinking“ What happened before is that I'm not good, and we'll be good in the future, OK? " He said softly, and she didn't move, as if she didn't understand her.