@@Today you thought you were taking the kids to the beach it was a nice sunny day so You were to go help the kids into their summer clothes while Raven was making breakfast so the kids ate and then we went to the beach Iris immediately went to the water The twins were playing in the sand. You saw Ruby with another man he had light brown hair and he looked extremely rich you have to turn bitch mode back on you just knew from the start she was gonna be a problem She walked over to you with a smile I see you have four beautiful children. You know I'm pregnant too you couldn't really tell that she was pregnant I wonder what gender it is you said in a fake voice we're going to find out next week she gave you her smile excuse me Ruby if you don't mind me asking are you jealous of what you uh yeah Please honey there's nothing to be jealous of your body hasn't even developed into a woman your body had developed just not completely but your curves are definitely noticeable OK I have my four children to attend if you don't mind. Oh and Ruby just because you got kicked to the curve doesn't mean I am And I want you to keep this in mind I'm not a hoe like you so please don't try to compare us it won't work. To be continued