Chapter 24 Come over Again. I'll Call Someone

Chapter 24 come over again. I'll call someone.

Hearing this, Jiang Zixuan frowned slightly, "What do you want to do?"

"Just to see if you are my real sister." Wan said as he walked towards Jiang Zixuan.

Jiang Zixuan looked at Su Xiaowan's ruffian and his face changed slightly, "I'll call someone if you come over again!"

This play is too real!

Did sister really lose her memory and not remember her?

Wan quickly stepped forward and pulled the clothes off jiang Zi Xuan's shoulder. She wanted to see the scar that was bitten by a dog when jiang Zi Xuan was a child.

Jiang Zixuan screamed in shock the moment he pulled off the clothes on his shoulders.

At the same time, Wan also saw Jiang Zixuan's shoulder. There was no scar, and there was a deep pink lotus tattoo.

Wan stepped forward to see if the scar could still be seen under the tattoo, but the servants ran out after hearing Jiang Zixuan's screams.

They quickly pulled Su Xiaowan away. They all thought Su Xiaowan was a pervert. Last night, they molested Miss Jiang in public, and now they're back!

"What are you doing?" Qiao Li Chen also walked over, his magnetic voice tinged with coldness.

It seemed that Wan was also unhappy with Jiang Zixuan's repeated teasing.

Wan coughed softly. She didn't know if she was thinking too much. For a moment, she felt that her gaffe last night, and her gaffe just now, were all set up by Jiang Zixuan.

She lowered her head and bit her lips, not daring to speak.

Qiao Li Chen's tall shadow cast down, a strong pressure like high pressure, Wan suddenly felt some breathing obstruction.

"Are you so fond of teasing her?" Qiao Li Chen's voice carried an obvious sense of displeasure.

Wan lowered his head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Li Chen, this little brother is too filthy. You should get rid of him now!" At this moment, Jiang Zixuan cried to Qiao Li Chen as if he had been bullied.

"Speak!" Qiao Li Chen's voice sank a little.

Wan was shocked by Qiao Li Chen's roar.

She looked up guiltily and met the man's dark eyes, which seemed to be rolling with strange emotions.

Instinctively, she shook her head and said, "I just want to see if there's a scar on her shoulder."

"Why are you looking at this?" Qiao Li Chen asked.

"Because..." Just as Wan was about to exit, Jiang Zixuan over there suddenly fainted.

The servants quickly held her up. Wan looked over and Jiang Zixuan looked a little pale.

Qiao Li Chen looked calm and said to Wei Xiao behind him, "Take her to the hospital."

"What happened to her?" Wan rushed forward to see what happened to her sister.

"She has a heart attack. She may have just been scared." Wei Xiao said to Wan.

Hearing this, Wan felt a little uncomfortable.

She thought she had been tricked by her sister, but it didn't seem so.

But this made Wan even more certain that the person in front of him was his sister.

Because when her sister was 17 years old, she had an early relationship and was pregnant with a child.

He met a scumbag and abandoned his sister.

My sister was going to abort the baby, but she had a heart attack and died on the operating table.

Wan was not at home at that time. When he got the news and rushed back, his sister was cremated and only ashes were left.

Wei Xiao carried Jiang Zixuan into the car, and Wan followed. He wanted to get in the car, but Qiao Li Chen twisted his collar behind him.