Chapter 85 False Alarm

Chapter 85 false alarm

Su Xiaowan touched his stomach and looked like he was losing money, "If I knew there were so many delicious food out here, I should have eaten less just now."

Hearing what she said, Qiao Li Chen's lips curled up slightly.

"What do you want to eat on this table? When you're done digesting it, let the kitchen cook it for you." Qiao Li Chen said with a gentle smile.

"Sure!" Su Xiaowan turned his head and looked at the president, "President, you are really great!"

"Only now!" Qiao Li Chen smiled.

The interaction between the two of them fell into Wu Shiyu's eyes.

She was not jealous. Instead, she felt that Qiao Li Chen was so gentle and unreal for the first time. He did it on purpose.

She wanted to change the subject and said to her brother, young master Wu, "Do you know that there is a women's clothing store on the internet that is popular?"

Su Xiaowan's eyebrows jumped when he heard the name "Million fans."

That doesn't mean the online store she runs with He Yimu.

"I didn't pay attention to this. What's wrong?" Young master Wu asked his sister.

"Oh, the clothes in that shop are very fashionable and the style is very beautiful. I want to find the designer of that shop to design high quality clothes for the artists under our company." Wu Shiyu said.

"The designer above the online store?" Young master Wu didn't seem to be able to look at the clothes on the internet store.

Wu Shiyu smiled and said, "Don't look down on it. That store has a lot of annual profits and a lot of customers. The clothes designed by the shop owner were of high quality and the fabric was good. There are also many online stores that directly steal their designs, but the specifications are not high enough."

Young master Wu still didn't believe it, "If an online store sells well, how much can it earn annually?"

At this time, Jiang Zixuan spoke, and she wanted to show that she understood very well: "Now there are many people online shopping, online stores are running well, much better than physical stores."

"Of course I know that." Young master Wu said. He turned to his sister, Wu Shiyu, "How are you going to poach the designer from that store?"

"High salary, great future. I can train her to become an international fashion designer." Wu Shiyu seemed to have a plan.

Hearing her say that, Su Xiaowan felt a little moved.

It has always been her dream to internationalize the clothes she designed.

"Yes, but any investment we make requires an evaluation. I'll have the investment department check your proposal first." Young master Wu said.

Wu Shiyu nodded with satisfaction. She looked at Qiao Li Chen, who was sitting opposite her, "Li Chen, you also own a share in the clothing company. Do you want to send someone from the The qiao's investment department to inspect the store?"

Wu Shiyu was completely amazed by the clothes from the women's clothing store that sold so much online. She thought that this designer was very talented and nurtured well, and would definitely be a cash cow in the future.

But she didn't know that the designer was actually Su Xiaowan. If she knew, she probably wouldn't have suggested it if she appreciated it.

Qiao Li Chen was not interested, "The clothing company has always been run by your Wu family. Although our Wu family owns shares, our energy is limited."

Qiao Li Chen put it bluntly, not all businesses are managed by their own The qiao's.

Young master Wu knew that his sister wanted to get close to Qiao Li Chen while she was working, but with so many major businesses in the The qiao's, he was already very busy, so how could he possibly be in charge of the clothing company?

"I know the shop you're talking about. I often buy clothes at that shop too!" At this moment, Wu Xueer said happily, "I am a fan of the designer of that shop. The clothes she designed are simply too beautiful."

"Really?" For the first time, Su Xiaowan heard that someone else was a fan of his own.

She was so happy that she couldn't help but interrupt.

"Really, really!" Wu Xueer was extremely excited and excited, "Let me show you, every piece of clothing designed by my queen is a masterpiece."

With that said, Wu Xueer had already clicked open the tablet, which contained her store collection.

Su Xiaowan rarely visited online stores. Wu Xueer walked over and showed Su Xiaowan the tablet.

"Elder brother Wan, look, isn't everything she designed super beautiful?"

Su Xiaowan looked at the clothes she had designed and put them on the internet after the models put them on.

"But the most expensive one is only a few hundred yuan. Will you wear such cheap clothes?" Su Xiaowan could not help but wonder.

"Of course I have to wear the dress that my goddess designed! And the clothes she designed were of good quality, not worse than those tens of thousands of dollars." Wu Xueer smiled.

Hearing her praise herself like that, Su Xiaowan's eyes and eyebrows curved with laughter.

"Indeed, it's beautiful. It's so beautiful. This is really a great designer. If I had the chance, I would definitely want to meet her!" Su Xiaowan said with a smile. She was very happy that the clothes she designed were so popular that even upper-class people like Wu Xueer would patronize and like them.

"I would like to meet him too. There are several private conversations with the shopkeeper, who doesn't reveal the designer's contact information." Wu Xueer was a little depressed.

"Xue er, come here. Sister will ask the designer to come with you later." Wu Shiyu didn't seem to like her sister getting close to Su Xiaowan.

When Wu Xueer heard this, he immediately obediently went over, "Okay, sister, you must take me to see her then."

Su Xiaowan picked up a cup of tea and sipped it slowly.

Only He Yimu and big sister Su Xiaojin knew that she was the designer of that online store.

For the sake of her future, and the future between herself and Qiao Li Chen, Wan planned to go back tomorrow and tell her parents. If they didn't tell her why they wanted her to pretend to be a man, she wouldn't cooperate.

After all these years, it was really pointless to keep it a secret.

After dinner, Wu Xueer came over and said to Su Xiaowan, "Elder brother Wan, there's a waterfall behind the resort. I'll take you to see it, okay?"

Su Xiaowan turned to the president. She really wanted to see the waterfall.

"Go if you want!" Qiao Li Chen seemed to find the look of expectation on her face and readily agreed.

When she followed Wu Xueer to the waterfall, Su Xiaowan suddenly lost interest.

Because she found out that no one but the two of them had come to see the waterfall.

Wouldn't that leave the president there, whether it was Wu Shiyu or Jiang Zixuan, who could take advantage of the situation.

"Xue er, I have something else to do. I'll go back first." Su Xiaowan immediately realized the crisis, and then turned around and ran back.

When she ran back, she found that the president had returned to his room and was working in his study.

Ah, false alarm!

"Didn't you go to see the waterfall?" Qiao Li Chen saw Su Xiaowan standing at the door. How long had he been gone before he came back!

No matter how beautiful the waterfall is, it's not as important as the president!

Su Xiaowan muttered to himself, but did not dare to say it.

"President, my stomach hurts..." She pretended to cover her stomach and ran back to her room in a hurry.

The next day, Wan went home. Mother of Su saw Wan coming back and called her over.

Su Xiaowan walked over and sat down. Her parents were there. She said directly, "Mom and dad, I don't want to dress up as a man anymore. I want to be a girl again."


"Because I already have someone I love, and I have to get back to being a girl. I want to be with him." Su Xiaowan said heavily.

Hearing this, father of Su mother of Su's face changed.