Chapter 98 No Touching

Chapter 98 no touching

Su Xiaowan pointed at his slightly dizzy head as if he had forgotten what to say.

"He used me anyway!" Su Xiaowan closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Qiao Li Chen had no choice but to carry her back to her room and tuck her in.

When it was almost ten o' clock, a sudden scream came from outside.

Then, there was a heavy knock on the door outside the suite.

Qiao Li Chen and Wei Xiao were still awake, and they were still looking at some data.

Wei Xiao got up to open the door, but Wu Shiyu, who was wrapped in a towel and flushed, stood outside.

"Save me, save me!"

Wu Shiyu grabbed Wei Xiao's clothes.

"What's wrong with you?" Wei Xiao immediately realized that something was wrong. Wu Shiyu was breathing heavily and her eyes were blurred.

"Someone in the room is going to rape me!" With that, Wu Shiyu ran inside, trying to find Qiao Li Chen.

Wei Xiao immediately took his men to the suite where Wu Shiyu had just been in and saw a strong man lying on the ground.

There was blood all over his forehead. Wu Shiyu must have hit him with something hard when he ran away.

When Wu Shiyu saw Qiao Li Chen, his whole body went out of control. He ran over and hugged Qiao Li Chen, trying to kiss him.

Qiao Li Chen frowned and pushed her away.

Wu Shiyu fell on the carpet, and the pain couldn't make her feel any less warm.

She took off her towel and stood up naked.

Qiao Li Chen immediately turned around and said, "Wrap up the towel!"

Wu Shiyu did not listen at all, and his soft body jumped over again and wrapped itself around his waist from behind him.

"Li Chen, I'm so hot. I want to..." As she spoke, Wu Shiyu untied the belt on joe Li Chen's bathrobe.

Maybe he was thirsty after drinking too much, so Su Xiaowan woke up.

She remembered to pour a glass of water, but when she walked into the living room, she suddenly saw this scene.

Su Xiaowan's eyes widened in shock. At that moment, she felt that her heart had been hurt thousands of times.

Naive, too naive!

She had always thought that the president liked a fake man, but all of this, Su Xiaowan hit, and her mind went blank.

"Sorry to disturb you!" Su Xiaowan rushed out.

As soon as he ran out, Su Xiaowan immediately leaned against the wall of the elevator and listened to the sound of his heart breaking as it sped up.

When Qiao Li Chen chased out, Su Xiaowan's men were nowhere to be seen.

Wei Xiao came back with someone, "Someone might have drugged Miss Wu to let this man taint her."

Hearing this, Qiao Li Chen's thick eyebrows tightened.

"Send her to the hospital and inform Wu Qing!" Qiao Li Chen said.

"Okay, I'll go now!" Wei Xiao said and left.

Qiao Li Chen returned to the room and changed.

Take the phone and look for Su Xiaowan.

After Su Xiaowan ran out alone, the wine completely woke him up.

He ran to the fountain in the city garden and sat down, letting the water from the fountain wash down from his head.

All the good feelings that Su Xiaowan had had around the president in the past few days were erased at that moment.

She thought that she was so ridiculous, but just because the president was good to her, she wanted to think that the sky was open to think that the president liked her.

Alas, it's time to return to reality.

He was so ordinary and ordinary, and he was a man, how could the president take a fancy to him?

It was a very simple truth, a very clear reality, but she only now understood it.

After a while, Su Xiaowan came out of the shower after feeling a slight pain in the wound on the back of his head.

She was drenched, and she didn't care if anyone would think she was crazy. She would find out that she was dressed as a man, and she went to the place where he yimu lived alone.

He Yimu rented a house. He usually lived in the He family. He only stayed here when he asked Su Xiaowan over.

After knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened it.

Su Xiaowan bent over and picked up the mat in front of the door. There was a key under it, which He Yimu told her.

He opened the door and went in. It was dark and empty.

Su Xiaowan took a shower alone, then found He Yimu's clothes in the closet and changed.

She found the medicine box, removed the sandcloth herself, and then reapplied the anti-inflammatory medicine and wrapped it around it.

Go to bed.

Maybe she had a fever. Su xiaowan slept until midnight and felt very cold.

When she came out, she ran too fast without her phone.

If He Yimu hadn't wanted to come here the next day, she wouldn't have died here.

Su Xiaowan got wet under the fountain and came back to shower without a bra.

When He Yimu carried Su Xiaowan to the hospital, she suddenly saw a lump on her chest.

What's going on?


Could it be some serious injury to the chest that caused the fever?

He was so shocked that he reached out to lift Su Xiaowan's clothes, but Su Xiaowan, who was so dazed by the fire, opened him with one hand.

"No touching!" Su Xiaowan's eyes seemed to be closed and half-opened.

"Okay, I won't touch it!" He Yimu carried Su Xiaowan on his back and rushed downstairs.

But when she touched her chest, why did she feel that her strong back was soft?

He Yimu's heart suddenly slowed down.

He knew Su Xiaowan in high school, and he treated her very well.

Because he loved being with Su Xiaowan and felt that he was happy with her and not with anyone else.

Later on, he knew that he had fallen in love with Su Xiaowan.

He had always thought that he had fallen in love with a man, and he had been worried about it for a long time.

In the end, because he hadn't seen Su Xiaowan for a long time, he finally compromised and became gay.

He tried his best to be nice to Su Xiaowan, but kept a distant relationship with Su Xiaowan because he was afraid that she would find out that he liked her one day and think he was a pervert.

But now, Su Xiaowan is a woman!

She's a woman!

He had been deceived by her for so many years!

But he was not angry at all. Instead, he was very happy and happy. It was an indescribable feeling.

He had always looked down on himself subconsciously because he liked the same sex.

Looking at Su Xiaowan, who was lying on the hospital bed with an iv drip, He Yimu was a little excited. He wanted to see for himself to confirm.

But then he felt that it was too rude.

He quietly lifted the quilt down a little and looked at Su Xiaowan, who was lying flat, his chest heaving...

His heart beat like a drum, and he immediately put the quilt back on.

Su Xiaowan is a woman!

He Yimu was so excited!

Qiao Li Chen searched for Su Xiaowan all night, but he couldn't find her.

He yimu stayed by Su Xiaowan's side until she woke up.

"You're finally awake!" He Yimu looked concerned.

Su Xiaowan rubbed his temples, "How did I get to the hospital?"

"You have a fever. If I hadn't come home and found out that I sent you to the hospital in time, the consequences wouldn't have been the same." He Yimu said, "Get up and eat some porridge. I just went down to buy it."

In fact, he called the maid at home to deliver it.

"Okay!" As soon as Su Xiaowan sat up, he suddenly felt his chest empty, as if there was nothing to bind him to.

She looked down and saw that there was no bandage around her chest. Her loose shirt could be seen faintly...