Chapter 152 Miscarriage

Chapter 152 abortion

When Miao Feng was chased away, he raised his voice and called Su Xiaowan's name.

Su Xiaowan felt a little nauseous about being missed so crazily by a woman.

And there's a good chance that this woman has a conspiracy.

After getting in the car, Su Xiaowan trusted the president and said to the president, "After Miao Feng and I came out of the police station at noon, I got into a taxi."

"The taxi driver is the masked leader who kidnapped Miss Jiang last time."

When Su Xiaowan said that, Qiao Li Chen flipped through the information on the tablet with his long fingers.

Su Xiaowan was taken away by the police. He had sent someone along, but Su Xiaowan didn't see him.

They saw Su Xiaowan stop a taxi and drive in the direction of the group.

"Did he hurt you?" Qiao Li Chen frowned slightly.

Su Xiaowan quickly shook his head, "No, he told me to be careful of Miao Feng. He said that miao feng might come to me for another purpose."

"Also, the last time Miao Feng approached me, he seemed to suspect that I had a special identity. It's not funny. I'm no ordinary person. How can I have any other identity?"

Hearing this, Qiao Li Chen turned to look at her.

"When you go to school, ask the driver to pick you up." He wanted the driver to protect her.

"Don't bother. I can take the bus or call a taxi." Su Xiaowan really didn't want to bother the president.

"No trouble!" Qiao Li Chen's gentle voice came.

Su Xiaowan continued, "Ceo, are you telling the truth about that man? Miao Feng suddenly came to me this time to get close to you?"

"As long as you don't give her a chance to get close to you, she won't get close to me." Qiao Li Chen said.

Su Xiaowan thought it made sense to hear the president say so.

"Yes, then I will never let her near me." Su Xiaowan had a straight face.

Qiao Li Chen looked at her lovely face and his lips curved slightly.

Over the past few days, Miao Feng has been calling and sending messages to Su Xiaowan, all of which are very ambiguous and mushy.

Su Xiaowan had no choice but to blackmail her, but she immediately changed her number and continued to harass her.

Su Xiaowan was so angry that he couldn't help it, and blacking out was useless. He could only set his phone to silent as if he couldn't hear or see it.

Su Xiaowan didn't know anything before. From zero onwards, the professors in the class might have known that Su Xiaowan was someone Wei Xiao called specifically to ask them to take care of.

After class, she would ask Su Xiaowan to go to her office and ask her if she didn't know anything.

Su Xiaowan was a fast learner. She might not be as intelligent as the president and Wei Xiao, but her grades were not bad.

A week passed and Su Xiaowan went to the kitchen to cook for the president after school.

It was only three in the afternoon, and it wasn't time to get off work, but Qiao Li Chen and Wei Xiao came back early.

There were already servants packing for the president.

"Are you going out?" Su Xiaowan followed the president up and saw the servant packing up, so he guessed one or two.

"Go abroad for a few days." Qiao Li Chen said, turning to look at Su Xiaowan, as if he was worried about her.

"I haven't been here these days. Don't cause trouble."

"I never cause trouble!" Su Xiaowan smiled sweetly.

Qiao Li Chen raised his hand and rubbed her head with his big palm, "That's good. If anything happens, call me."

Su Xiaowan nodded, "Okay!"

Actually, she wanted to say that she also wanted to go abroad with the president.

But she also knew that this would make the president feel that she was halfway through her architectural studies.

After all, she had only been in school for a week and had been studying from the beginning. It was difficult to start and she could not delay her studies any longer.

After Qiao Li Chen left, he took a bus back to Qiao manor and took a plane from there.

The president wasn't there. Although there were bodyguards and servants in the villa, Su Xiaowan still felt that the huge and magnificent villa was so empty.

The day after the ceo left, Wu Shiyu came to find Su Xiaowan.

She probably knew that Qiao Li Chen was not there and ran over to find xiao wan's trouble.

As soon as he sat down and hadn't said a word, Wu Shiyu's stomach began to ache.

Su Xiaowan knew that the president wasn't there, so she had to be careful not to cause trouble, so Wu Shiyu just said that she was just using her to stimulate Wu Shiyu.

Su Xiaowan tried to hold it back. She just smiled and listened to her coffee like a joke.

Wu Shiyu had a stomachache and immediately called young master Wu at home to take her to the hospital.

Su Xiaowan didn't follow, but later she learned that Wu Shiyu had a miscarriage.

So coincidentally, she miscarried so soon?

Su Xiaowan had some doubts about whether Wu Shiyu had ever had a baby. Even if she had, she might not be the president's.

On the night that Wu Shiyu's miscarriage was discovered, Jiang Zixuan called.

"Brother, did Wu Shiyu have a miscarriage?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Su Xiaowan's throat was a little inflamed and his voice became a little hoarse.

"I bribed one of their servants and drugged her milk for miscarriage." Jiang Zixuan said.

Hearing this, Su Xiaowan's face changed.

Wu Shiyu was really pregnant, and now she really had a miscarriage, and it was Jiang Zixuan who bought the medicine from the maid.

"Sis, why are you so scary now!" After Su Xiaowan finished speaking, he hung up angrily.

She did not intend to expose Jiang Zixuan, not because she was her second sister, but because she said that the Wu family would not appreciate her, and might even say that she was with Jiang Zixuan.

Almost ten o' clock, Su Xiaowan took a shower and was about to go to bed when her elder sister called and asked her to go out.

"What's the matter? Let's talk on the phone!" Su Xiaowan said hoarsely and coughed twice. Why is his throat so inflamed?

"Dad was beaten up. Do you want to come or not?" Su Xiaojin said angrily.

"Where is it?" Hearing this, although she had been angry with her family and had not contacted her family, Su Xiaowan was brought up by her parents, and she was still the most filial child.

"At ktv!"

"Why would dad go to ktv?" Su Xiaowan suspected.

"I brought dad here to sing. I met that bitch Yao Qian and fought with her. She said that not only did you get someone to turn her around last time, but you also sent the video to zhao jiannan, so she took it out on me."

Hearing this, Su Xiaowan knew that the situation was serious, so he quickly put on his clothes and got out of the car to ask the driver to send her to the ktv.

When they arrived, they saw that Yao Qian and elder sister had indeed had a fight in the box, and their hair was all messed up.

Father of Su was beaten up by Yao Qian's bodyguards for helping his daughter.

"Coming!" The moment Yao Qian saw Su Xiaowan, his eyes almost popped out with hatred.

"Yao Qian, the bodyguard dried me up, didn't he? Did he get a new bodyguard?" When Su Xiaowan saw the blood on his father's face, he was furious and said sarcastically.

Yao Qian hurried over and slapped him without warning.