Chapter 170 Do You like Her?

Does chapter 170 like her?

When she woke up in the morning, Su Xiaowan felt another pain in her waist.

She thought it was probably because she and the ceo were so old that they had never met the opposite sex before, so they were so obsessed with each other's bodies and explored the fun!

He turned to look at the president. His sleeping face was incomparably handsome.

She leaned over and kissed the president's sexy and thin lips.

I don't know who told me that a man with thin lips would be very affectionate.

Su Xiaowan was afraid of this rumor at the moment and hoped that it would never come true.

She was still looking forward to spending her life with the president, forever and for nothing!

A little hungry, Su Xiaowan put on his pajamas and went straight out of bed.

The president said last night that he would not let her wrap her breasts when no one else was around.

She also felt that it made sense that she couldn't let her breasts get smaller and smaller. By then, the president would really hate it, and it would be over!

Make a call and ask the waiter to bring breakfast up.

Su Xiaowan planned to have a big meal because he had too much exercise last night.

Not long after, the waiter came up and rang the doorbell outside.

Su Xiaowan was about to open the door when he remembered that he hadn't wrapped his chest.

He ran in and wanted to wrap it up first. After the waiter left, he took it off.

Her bra strap was placed in the president's room. By the time she ran in, the president was awake.

Watching her wrap her chest, Qiao Li Chen got up and pulled her strap.

"Your whole body is mine now. If you dare to abuse it again, I will make you not want to sleep with me in the future!" Qiao Li Chen stared at her with dark eyes and threatened.

Su Xiaowan understood what the president meant by "It," and his heart skipped a beat.

He said that her whole body was his now!


Su Xiaowan was laughing hysterically in his heart. He was so excited!

Mr. President, why are you so flirtatious?

Su Xiaowan looked up at him. What to do? He wanted to pounce on him again!

But she controlled herself and whispered, "But the waiter came up to deliver the food!"

Qiao Li Chen put on his nightgown and went out to open the door.

As soon as the waiter left, Su Xiaowan ran out.

Looking at the table full of breakfast, she ate more than usual.

Qiao Li Chen asked, "Is this how exercise consumes your energy? So hungry?"

Su Xiaowan nodded, "Of course, in order to cooperate with you, I worked so hard that my whole body was exhausted. So I'm going to eat more and make up for it."

That way, I can fight again at night!

Su Xiaowan didn't dare to say the last word.

Qiao Li Chen looked at her wolfing down and really doubted whether she was a woman or not.

She ate more than usual, and she didn't grow any meat.

But every time he saw her eat so well, it could also arouse his appetite.

"President, I'll feed you!" Su xiaowan cut a steak and fed it to the president's lips.

Qiao Li Chen opened his mouth, but Su Xiaowan took his hand back and fed the steak to himself.

As she chewed with pride, she said to the president, "Haha, president, you always tease me, I want to tease you too!"

Qiao Li Chen had a black line on his face. It was his first time being played!

Su Xiaowan cut another piece of steak and fed it to the president, "President, I was wrong. Don't be angry. I won't tease you!"

Qiao Li Chen opened his mouth, and Su Xiaowan immediately withdrew his hand.

But this time, it didn't work. Her hand was grabbed by the president.

Su Xiaowan was a little upset when he saw the president eat the steak proudly.

"Do you want to come?" Qiao Li Chen asked her now.

"Come on!" Su Xiaowan quickly cut a piece of steak, and now she was mentally prepared to take it back before the president.

As soon as the steak was put to the president's mouth, Su Xiaowan couldn't wait to take it back before the president opened his mouth.

Just as she was about to feed her mouth, Qiao Li Chen's long arm suddenly reached out and she was forced to lean forward.

The steak in his mouth was snatched away by the president.

Qiao Li Chen chewed and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Su Xiaowan's face was full of frustration. Nothing could beat the president.

"Let me feed you!" Qiao Li Chen was in high spirits and cut a piece of beef and fed it to Su Xiaowan's lips.

Su Xiaowan smiled darkly, not opening his mouth. Instead, he reached out and hugged the president's arm tightly to prevent him from leaving.

Then he leaned over and opened his mouth to bite the steak.

She was overjoyed and had a bright spring smile on her face.

Qiao Li Chen said, "I don't want to play with you at all!"


It means that she's too much of a heart, too much of a heart!

She thought the president was trying to tease her, so she went first.

"Would you like some wine?" Qiao Li Chen said, looking at her embarrassed face.

"Sure!" Su Xiaowan nodded quickly.

"Get the bar!"

"Okay!" Su Xiaowan got up and went to the wine cabinet to pick up a bottle of wine. He came over with two tall glasses.

Su Xiaowan poured the wine into a glass and handed it to the president.

Qiao Li Chen looked at her and said with a gentle smile, "There was once a woman who tried to get me drunk and wanted to sleep with me. Do you know that pervert?"

A pervert?

Isn't that obviously her?

Su xiaowan pretended to be ignorant, "I'm such a pure person. How could I know any pervert?"

"Really?" Qiao Li Chen raised his eyebrows and found Su Xiaowan's panicky look more and more adorable.

"Is that woman Wu Shiyu?" Qiao Li Chen raised his eyebrows and said as he raised his glass.

Su Xiaowan was a little jealous, "President, why do you think it's Miss Wu?"

"Because you said she was a woman from the hotel that night. Since she had the guts, it's possible to commit another crime later!" There was something interesting in Qiao Li Chen's gentle voice.

Su Xiaowan thought about it and felt that it was necessary to reiterate, "President, the woman at the hotel that night, and the woman who poured you wine later, the woman in your bed is actually me!"

"Is that you? Didn't you deny it?" Qiao Li Chen said with a low smile.

Su Xiaowan looked down in embarrassment, "I was afraid that the president would like men and not women!"

"Then why did you say it was Wu Shiyu?" Qiao Li Chen asked her.

Su Xiaowan pursed his lips, then raised his head and took a sip of the wine.

Because Miss Wu said she was pregnant with your child, but it was me and the president who slept with you that night. How could she be pregnant with your child, unless the ceo and Miss Wu slept together again!"

Hearing her talk so much, Qiao Li Chen could see a smile on his face.

"Are you jealous? Just call and talk nonsense?" Qiao Li Chen's interested eyes fell on her palm-sized face.

Su Xiaowan nodded and admitted, "Yes, I was jealous. And Miss Wu said that you were going to have an affair with a little man like me, but it wasn't that you were interested in me, it was to provoke her. The person you like is actually her."

"Do you think I like her now?" Qiao Li Chen asked her.