Chapter 207 Search And Rescue

Chapter 207 search and rescue

Originally, he was going back by air, but after boarding the plane, Qiao Li Chen received a call from the masked man.

The masked man was talking on the phone about some of the arrangements after the hotel acquisition.

The civil aviation plane is to ban cell phones from turning on before taking off.

Qiao Li Chen wanted to hang up, but the masked man kept dragging him, so he had no choice but to temporarily get off the plane with Wei Xiao.

Qiao Li Chen thought that Su Xiaowan would go to the villa to wait for him this afternoon, so he decided to take a private jet home.

The plane landed in Qiao manor. He returned to the villa. The maid said that Su Xiaowan had been waiting all afternoon, but at around eight o' clock, he made a phone call and ran out in a daze.

"President, the flight we almost took today had an accident." Wei Xiao looked at the news that popped up on his phone.

"An accident?"

"Yes, the plane crashed!"

"To the airport!" Qiao Li Chen immediately walked out the door.

In the car, he used his cell phone to check her location, but Su Xiaowan's cell phone was already dead.

He couldn't find her, so he had to go to the airport.

Su Xiaowan cried and fainted half an hour ago. He Yimu took her to the hospital.

Qiao Li Chen rushed to the airport and glanced at the people who were crying in pain.

He didn't see Su Xiaowan.

She's not here!

Wei Xiao and the bodyguards followed suit, but there was no sign of Su Xiaowan.

Qiao Li Chen suddenly felt that she was thinking too much. Why did she think he was on that flight? Why did he rush to the airport?

Walking out of the airport, because it was too late, the night wind was especially cold.

Qiao Li Chen's expensive black coat was blown by the wind.

The driver opened the door and sat in.

It was the second day that Su Xiaowan woke up in the hospital.

She was still listless and her eyes were still a little dull.

He Yimu fed her breakfast, but she couldn't.

"Wan, Qiao Li Chen might be fine. Let's wait. Maybe he's lucky enough to survive." He Yimu comforted Su Xiaowan.

After such a long time, he thought Su Xiaowan was starting to let go of Qiao Li Chen.

Unexpectedly, her love for Qiao Li Chen had reached a terrifying height.

Knowing that something had happened to Qiao Li Chen, she was actually looking for a short story.

How exactly did that Qiao Li Chen live in her heart?

"Where's my phone?" Su Xiaowan asked He Yimu.

"Your phone?" When He Yimu sent Su Xiaowan to the hospital last night, he didn't see her cell phone.

"Did you lose it?" He Yimu asked.

Su Xiaowan couldn't find it, so he stopped looking.

"Give me your phone, I'll watch the news."

She wanted to know the latest news about that flight.

He Yimu gave her the phone. Su Xiaowan turned on the phone and clicked on the news.

The first piece of news was the plane crash.

The initial estimate is that if the plane crashed into the sea, the chances of survival would be very low.

When Su Xiaowan saw the news, his heart ached terribly.

Tears flowed down silently.

If she had known he would leave so early, she would have stayed by his side even if she had the cheek and even if he hated her.

Even if he chased her away, she would follow him quietly.

Suddenly, he realized that it was pointless for a person to live like this, and he felt that all hope had been dashed.

"Wan, stop crying!" He Yimu's heart ached to see her like this.

"The search and rescue team has gone to the surface to search and rescue. Maybe he's okay. He's still alive." That was the only way He Yimu could comfort her.

"I want to find him at sea, too." Su Xiaowan suddenly cried.

"Okay, I'll get the boat ready now." He Yimu didn't want to stop her, because he couldn't bear to see her so helpless, so desperate, so broken.

He Yimu had a private luxury yacht that could go straight to sea.

Wan, I can take you to the sea to find him, but you must promise me that you must be brave. No matter what happens in the end, you have to face it bravely. Think about your parents. They need you. Do you think your eldest sister and second sister will take care of them?"

When Su Xiaowan heard him say that, he immediately thought of his parents.

If I die like this, I'm really sorry for my parents' upbringing.

She hasn't provided for her parents yet, and they will depend on her when they grow old.

She nodded, "Okay, I will be strong. I will face it bravely."

He Yimu saw that she agreed, but wasn't sure if she could do it.

Or decided to take her out to sea.

In fact, He Yimu knew that if Qiao Li Chen was really on the crashed plane, his chances of survival were almost zero.

Taking Su Xiaowan out to the sea was enough to make her give up completely!

After a few days at sea, Qiao Li Chen was disappointed that he didn't find Su Xiaowan at the airport.

But Su Xiaowan's cell phone couldn't be reached for several days in a row, and it wasn't in the The su family. Qiao Li Chen felt something was wrong.

Young master Wu had received He Yimu's design on the first day of the new year.

He remembered that joe Li Chen wanted to see the design drawings he yimu had drawn, so he sent the original design drawings to the villa on the second day of the first year.

Qiao Li Chen had sent someone out to look for Su Xiaowan, but there was no one there.

She seemed to have disappeared from this world.

She should be fine, right?

Qiao Li Chen was not sure. In the past, as long as she was injured and bleeding, he would feel heartbroken.

But these days, he didn't feel any heartache.

It's just that my heart feels a little uncomfortable. It feels like my heart is floating, and I don't have that feeling of steadiness.

Seeing the design drawings that Wu Qing sent, Qiao Li Chen looked at it for a long time and always felt that it was Su Xiaowan's work.

"By the way, this He Yimu has a stage name called wanmu." Young master Wu said.


Qiao Li Chen frowned slightly. Was it the last word of He Yimu and Su Xiaowan's names?

In other words, the design was either related to Su Xiaowan or the last word of Su Xiaowan's name that He Yimu deliberately used.

During the past few days at sea, Su Xiaowan's heart was heavy, and he had never been so desperate and broken.

There were many search and rescue ships on the surface of the sea.

There were a lot of people on the plane, and the local aviation countries had already used the local navy and air force to participate in the search and rescue.

Half a month later, Su Xiaowan and He Yimu returned to shore.

Because the plane was confirmed to have crashed, no one on board survived.

Su Xiaowan only felt that her legs were heavy, and she had no strength to walk back to face the city that he once existed in.

No matter where she went, she couldn't help but think of him.

"I'll take you home first!" He Yimu asked Su Xiaowan. She had been blowing the sea breeze on the deck these days. Her skin had become a little dark and she had lost a lot of weight. He Yimu wished Qiao Li Chen was not dead.

"Okay!" Su Xiaowan nodded weakly.

She even lost the phone he had given her, and she regretted not keeping it safe without the things he had given her.

As the car drove downstairs, He Yimu turned to the expressionless Su Xiaowan and bent over to unbuckle her seat belt.

As soon as they came back, there were bodyguards guarding the place and they immediately called young master Qiao Li Chen to inform him.