Chapter 242 I'm Sorry

Chapter 242 sorry

"What's wrong?" Su Xiaowan looked at the president and asked doubtfully.

"The person who exposed yao qian this time was Jiang Zixuan's mother." Qiao Li Chen told Su Xiaowan.

"So it was her. It seems that I exposed Jiang Zixuan that night. She was holding a grudge and went to tell her mother now." Su Xiaowan immediately thought of this possibility.

Qiao Li Chen nodded slightly, "I told you this because I didn't want you to think about your sisterhood."

Su Xiaowan smiled, "So, hubby, you are worried about me, afraid that I will be punished by her again!"

Qiao Li Chen raised his hand and nodded at the tip of her nose, "As long as you're not soft-hearted, I'm not worried that you'll be fooled by her!"

Because this little woman is not so easy to provoke!

Back then, even young master Wu was ruined by her!

"I know, I won't be soft-hearted!"

With that, Su Xiaowan picked up the phone.

Jiang Zixuan came over with a crying voice, "Brother, I'm sorry about what happened online. I don't know. I don't know why my mother did it all of a sudden!"

Su Xiaowan smiled calmly, "Don't you know?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Jiang Zixuan wanted to pin everything on mother of Jiang so that he could get away with it.

In this way, Qiao Li Chen might not be able to deal with himself.

"Well, since you don't know, forget it. But now that mother of Jiang is your mother, shouldn't she pay off her mother's debts for what she did?" Su Xiaowan's cold voice was heard.

Jiang Zixuan's face changed when he heard that.

Ever since she was at the manor that night, she had felt that Su Xiaowan had become a little awkward.

"Brother, we are brothers and sisters!" Jiang Zixuan played the family card.

"Dear brother and sister, why did you sow discord in front of Chairman Qiao and the others when you were at the manor?" Su Xiaowan questioned her.

Jiang Zixuan explained, "I did it for your own good. If I had separated you and Qiao Li Chen earlier, you wouldn't have fallen so deep."

"As you know, Chairman Qiao and the others will never agree to you being with Li Chen. And it's impossible for Li Chen to always like a man. Sooner or later, he will find that women are the most attractive and attractive to men!"

"Tsk!" Su Xiaowan sneered, "Really?"

"As a sister, I've always thought of you. Wan, don't be ungrateful!" Jiang Zixuan took the opportunity to say.

Hearing her say that, Su Xiaowan felt a little angry for some reason.

"You called. Is there anything else?" Su Xiaowan asked.

Can I come and see you? I'm still worried about you!" Jiang Zixuan said.

"No, nothing else, just hang up!" Su Xiaowan's voice was cold.

Jiang Zixuan hurriedly called out, "Brother, I heard that Chairman Qiao and the others are here. Are you all right?"

"Something's wrong. The president has already kicked me out!" Su Xiaowan said casually.

"Really?" When Jiang Zixuan heard this, he was immediately happy.

"It's okay. When I marry into the The qiao family, I will give you endless glory and wealth!" When Jiang Zixuan thought that Su Xiaowan had been chased out by Chairman Qiao and the others, he suddenly felt hopeful!

"Hang up!" Su Xiaowan hung up the phone.

Qiao Li Chen's warm voice came from the side, "You want her to come over?"

Su Xiaowan nodded, "She knows I've been kicked out, so she's going to come over shamelessly!"

"Well, have a good time!" The smile on Qiao Li Chen's lips was doting.

Jiang Zixuan was the one who caused all the trouble on the internet.

He wanted Jiang Zixuan to pay the price, but now it seemed that the little woman wanted to do it herself.

Su Xiaowan turned and looked at the handsome man beside him.

"Hubby, do you think it would be too bad for me to even deal with my own sister?" Su Xiaowan wanted her sister to learn a lesson so that she wouldn't hurt her next time!

If it weren't for the president, her reputation would have been ruined, and she would have become a rat in the street and be beaten up!

"Worse, cuter!" Qiao Li Chen's magnetic voice carried a hint of mirth and indulgence.

Hearing this, Su Xiaowan smiled and drilled into the man's arms.

In the afternoon, when su xiaoye was in the bathroom at night, she found that her period had come.

But how could there be sanitary pads in the villa?

She went to the study to look for the president, "Honey, I have something to go out for."

"Where are you going? I'm also going to the group to see you off!" Qiao Li Chen said, picked up his coat, got up and walked over.

Buding insisted on following. Qiao Li Chen had no choice but to let Buding follow.

Because she was going to buy things for women, Su Xiaowan was dressed up as a man and felt a little embarrassed. Before entering the mall, she wore a mask and a cap.

Seeing that she was about to commit a crime again, Qiao Li Chen did not leave and waited in the car.

Buding followed Su Xiaowan closely and asked aunt Wan to buy him a lot of snacks.

Su Xiaowan was walking in front with a big bag of things. Buding was eating snacks while following Su Xiaowan.

As soon as she got out of the mall, she found that Qiao Li Chen's car hadn't left and was still waiting there. She smiled.

He turned to Buding and said, "Hurry up, your uncle is still waiting for us in the car!"

"Just let him wait!" Buding was not in a hurry at all. He walked slowly.

As he walked towards the parked car on the side of the road, a man in the same cap appeared on the side and was approaching Su Xiaowan quickly.

When the corner of his eye caught sight of someone approaching and was most likely to bump into him, Su Xiaowan turned his head sharply.

The next second, the man bumped into him and something slid past. Su Xiaowan felt a pain in the back of his hand holding the shopping bag.

Look down, the back of your hand is bleeding!

Red beads of blood rushed out!

"Sorry, sorry!" The man looked apologetic and quickly took out a tissue to wipe the blood off Su Xiaowan's back.

Su Xiaowan frowned. He was angry and wanted to scold the man for not looking at him when he walked.

However, the man's sincere apology made Su Xiaowan feel a little softer. Maybe he accidentally bumped into her.

Qiao Li Chen was looking at the tablet in the car. For some reason, Su Xiaowan's back of his hand was bleeding, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

The driver noticed first, turned to the president behind him and said respectfully, "President, Suxiaodi seems to have been hit by someone!"

Qiao Li Chen looked out and saw the man in the same cap wiping Su Xiaowan's hands.

Frowning, Qiao Li Chen opened the door and walked down.

"I'm sorry. I'll pay for your injury." The man said.

Su Xiaowan looked up and only scratched. There wasn't much blood. It was a small cut.

"It's okay. You can go. Be careful next time!"

The man looked very grateful: "Thank you, I will walk carefully in the future!"

The man said he was leaving. He wiped the blood paper for Su Xiaowan, but he didn't throw it away.

As if afraid of being discovered, he held it in his hand.