Chapter 244 Why Do I Miss You?

Chapter 244 why do I miss you?

"What's the solution?" Qiao Li Chen said softly.

Su Xiaowan smiled darkly and asked the bodyguard to prepare honey, chili water, and two big dogs.

Qiao Li Chen sat on the sofa, sipping red wine and watching the little woman's moves.

Su Xiaowan walked over and asked someone to take off the pair's shoes and socks.

She took a brush and brushed the honey on the backs of their feet.

And then let the chili water be poured directly onto their faces.

The moment the chili water fell, they instinctively closed their eyes and mouths.

But the chili water still flowed through their noses and eyes.

She was so hot that she couldn't stand it, especially her eyes, which were not only hot, but also painful.

He reached out and tried to dry the chili water off his face with his sleeve.

But at this moment, the two big dogs smelled the smell of honey and ran over to lick their feet.

That wet and itchy feeling, the two of them were already very painful, at this time, they were really suffering both physically and mentally!

Qiao Li Chen couldn't help but look at the way the little woman used it.

It didn't seem like a serious punishment, but it was torture enough.

The two big dogs finished licking and without honey, they opened their mouths and bit down on their feet.

This was a surprise to Su Xiaowan. She quickly looked at the president.

"Your dog is so fierce!"

Qiao Li Chen chuckled, "If you're not fierce, how can you protect your family?"

Su Xiaowan smiled, too, "Don't worry, I'll make sure they do it!"

The two men rolled on the ground in pain and tried to avoid the attack of the big dog.

In the end, he couldn't bear such cruel torture, so he had to admit it.

"We received a remittance and came to get su xiaowan's blood." The man couldn't stand it any longer than the woman, he confessed.

"Account number?" Qiao Li Chen just said those two words lightly.

The man immediately revealed his account number.

Qiao Li Chen asked the bodyguard to check all transactions on the account immediately.

It was soon discovered that the latest payment was transferred back from overseas.

"When you get Su Xiaowan's blood, where do you give it to them?" Qiao Li Chen asked again.

"I have an appointment. I'll give them the things in the city park tomorrow."

"What time tomorrow?"

"Ten in the morning!" The man said.

The woman did not speak. She had been beaten up, bitten by a dog, and irritated by chili water, and the pain was unbearable.

Su Xiaowan looked at this woman. Her mouth was still tight. If it weren't for this man, she would have carried on.

Qiao Li Chen got up and walked over, pulling away Su Xiaowan, who was curious about the woman on the ground.

Buding had been forcibly brought up by Qiao Li Chen when the bodyguards brought the dog down.

Qiao Li Chen didn't want young Buding to see those bloody things.

Coming to the living room, Buding was watching a movie.

Seeing second uncle and aunt Wan coming up, Buding quickly asked, "Second uncle, have you interrogated the results?"

Qiao Li Chen glanced at him, "Watch your movie!"

Buding knew that his second uncle was unwilling to tell him, so he could only turn to aunt Wan.

Su Xiaowan smiled at Buding and said, "I asked!"

"Really, then who's going to kill you, aunt Wan?" Buding was more concerned about this issue.

"We'll know tomorrow!" Su Xiaowan said.

Qiao Li Chen had already sent someone to prepare. Tomorrow morning, he would go to the city park to guard and catch the person who came to get su xiaowan's blood.

Just as they were talking, a doorbell rang outside the gate.

A bodyguard went out to open the door and found that it was Jiang Zixuan.

Jiang Zixuan wore a beautiful dress, high heels, and wavy hair. She looked charming.

"Jiang Zixuan is here!" Su Xiaowan said.

Hearing this, Qiao Li Chen did not see it, but smiled warmly and said to Su Xiaowan, "You can play!"

After that, Qiao Li Chen got up and went upstairs.

Su Xiaowan also hid and handed this place to Buding.

Jiang Zixuan came in through the gate, through the garden, to the door of the villa.

As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Buding sitting alone on the sofa watching a movie.

She smiled at Buding and said, "Buding, I haven't seen you for a few days. Did you miss your aunt?"

"Why do I miss you?" Buding looked up and gave her a faint glance.

She pouted as if she was disgusted, "How ugly!"


Jiang Zixuan's eyes widened. He was a beautiful woman, okay?

"Buding, where's your second uncle? Is it upstairs?" Jiang Zixuan asked with a smile.

"No!" Buding shook his head.

"Your second uncle isn't here?" Jiang Zixuan was a little regretful. She had dressed up so that she could come here to see Qiao Li Chen.

Qiao Li Chen also saw the dress she was wearing today, which made her figure perfect and her face much more beautiful than usual.

Jiang Zixuan couldn't help but curl his lips at the thought that Qiao Li Chen and Su Xiaowan had been separated, and that he would no longer care about what happened online, and that he might suddenly find himself beautiful.

"I said I wasn't there and kept asking. What a nuisance!" Buding was extremely unhappy.

Jiang Zixuan had no choice but to walk over and sit down, intending to wait for a while.

Qiao Li Chen will come back eventually. After all, Buding is here.

Su Xiaowan went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and asked the servant to bring it out.

Jiang Zixuan picked up the coffee and waited while drinking it.

Unconsciously, sleepiness hit, and Jiang Zixuan quickly fell asleep on the sofa.

Hiding aside to watch Jiang Zixuan fall asleep, Su Xiaowan walked out slowly.

"Aunt Wan, did you drug her in the coffee?" Buding's intelligence was so high that he could see through aunt Wan's moves at a glance.

Su Xiaowan didn't want to teach Buding badly. She smiled and refused to admit, "No, she was too sleepy, so she fell asleep!"

"Buding, you go upstairs first. I have something to do!"

Su Xiaowan said to Buding.

Buding nodded obediently, "Okay!"

He got up and walked towards the spiral staircase.

After Buding went upstairs, he came back and hid in a place that could block his little body, secretly watching what auntie xiao wan was up to.

Su Xiaowan went outside to borrow something from the bodyguards that could shave his hair. When he returned to the living room, he began to act on Jiang Zixuan's head without hesitation.

Jiang Zixuan took the sleeping pills and was sleeping soundly. She had no idea what was going on outside.

Su Xiaowan was very happy to have her hair cut off. How could she think of seducing the president after she lost her hair?

In the past, Su Xiaowan would never do this to his second sister.

But after so many times of second sister's framing, Su Xiaowan couldn't be any softer.

And Jiang Zixuan was still thinking about the president, which made Su Xiaowan have to be on guard.

Within a few minutes, Jiang Zixuan's long wavy hair was all cut off by Su Xiaowan.

Su Xiaowan also put her hair in her arms, and she could see it the first time she woke up!