Chapter 252 Accidentally Hit the Wall

Chapter 252 accidentally bumped into a wall

Qiao Li Chen had no choice but to lean over and carry Buding back to the big bed and tuck him in.

"Get up tomorrow morning and let him do my homework!" Qiao Li Chen said to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao was a little embarrassed, "He's a bully. Other than you, the president, no one can hold him down!"

"Okay, wake up tomorrow morning and let him come to me!"

Qiao Li Chen had a headache. Their family was all bullies. Why was it so hard to even do homework when they came to Buding?

"Hubby!" Seeing the president return, Su Xiaowan put down the book in his hand and welcomed him with a smile.

Qiao Li Chen looked down at her, "I told you not to wrap your chest in the bedroom, didn't I?"

"I wasn't thinking that I might come out later, so I wrapped myself up in case of danger!" Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

Qiao Li Chen reached out and touched it, "It's shrinking again!"

"No, I've wrapped my chest. Let me untie it. Look, it's not shrunk. Don't worry, it won't!" Su Xiaowan smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed.

"Besides, honey, if you really think I'm shrinking, then touch me more..." Speaking of this, Su Xiaowan couldn't help but lower his head and smile shyly.

Qiao Li Chen raised his hand and touched her short hair, "I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to join me?"

Su Xiaowan quickly shook his head, "I've already washed it!"

Watching the president enter the bathroom, Su Xiaowan lay down on the bed with his book in his arms, reading while waiting for the president to come out.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Her ringtone was the same as the president's. She got up and took both phones.

The screen of the president's phone was on, and there was a string of numbers flashing on it, as if it was chairman Qiao.

Su Xiaowan ran to the bathroom with her phone and pushed open a crack. She said to the person inside, "Honey, your phone is ringing. It seems to be chairman Qiao!"

"Okay, I'll call back later." Qiao Li Chen's voice came out.

Su Xiaowan hung up her phone, but she didn't leave. Standing at the bathroom door, she looked in through the crack.

Seeing the man's strong figure, the perfect lines, and the sexiness, Su Xiaowan felt a sudden heat in his throat.

"Watch out for nosebleeds again!" At this moment, the man's warm voice came out.

Su Xiaowan quickly smiled and said, "I didn't look!"

After a feast for his eyes, Su Xiaowan quickly closed the door and turned back to the big bed.

Feeling a tickle in his nose, Su Xiaowan reached out and touched it. It was red and blood again!

What's going on? It was just a glance. It was just a glance. Was the reaction so strong?

By the time he pulled out a tissue to wipe off the nosebleed, Qiao Li Chen had already walked out wrapped in a towel.

When Su Xiaowan heard the noise, he wiped the paper and threw it into the basket.

Qiao Li Chen had seen it coming towards her with long legs.

"You still say you haven't seen it?" Qiao Li Chen said with a chuckle.

Su Xiaowan denied, "When I turned around, I accidentally hit the wall!"

"The chances of you hitting the wall are really high!"

Qiao Li Chen's voice, with a faint smile, sounded especially pleasant.

"I can't help it. I'm very nearsighted. I can't see clearly the obstacle in front of me. It's normal to be hit here." Su Xiaowan lied.

Qiao Li Chen flicked her forehead as she watched her lie.

"In the future, I'll take a shower. I won't peek anymore." He wasn't afraid of her peeking, he was afraid of her bleeding too much.

It was her period, and she was so skinny, and her nose was bleeding.

Su Xiaowan still denied, "I didn't peek!"

"Okay, you didn't peek, but it looks like the next time I take a shower, I'll have to lock it in the bathroom. We have to guard against some womanizer!" Qiao Li Chen said with a gentle smile.

Su Xiaowan felt so humiliated that he stood up, put his hand around his waist and pressed his face against his chest.

"Hubby, you're so bad, you're still guarding against me!"

"So, you admit that you are the pervert?" Qiao Li Chen pursed his thin lips and smiled slowly on his handsome face.

Su Xiaowan wrinkled his nose, "I'm not talking to you anymore!"

Always trying to trick her!

"I've been reading all night. I'm tired. Go to bed. I'll call you back." Qiao Li Chen pulled her hand away from his waist and looked at the little woman with deep eyes.

"Okay!" Su xiaowan nodded, "Hurry up, hubby. I'll be waiting for you!"

After watching su xiao get into bed at night, Qiao Li Chen went over to cover her up and leaned over to kiss her gently on the forehead.

"Sleep well!"

Qiao Li Chen took his cell phone out to the living room and called home.

"Li Chen, your sister is missing!" As soon as the call was connected, Chairman Qiao's anxious voice came through.

"Missing?" Qiao Li Chen frowned.

"After you left today, maybe your mother and I talked too much. Your sister was a little annoyed, so she drove out alone. At night, your mother called her and she said she would go back to the hotel."

But when your mother called her again, she couldn't get through. Call the hotel again, your sister didn't go to the hotel at all. Her car, not far from the hotel, was empty. Her bag and phone are still in the car." Chairman Qiao said anxiously.

"Did you send someone to look for it? Did you check the road surveillance at the time?" Qiao Li Chen asked.

"The road surveillance is still under investigation. It will be found soon." Chairman Qiao said, "Come back!"


When Qiao Li Chen returned to his room, he was ready to change.

"Honey, are you going out again?" Su Xiaowan quickly sat up and asked.

"Well, my sister is missing. I have to go back and take a look!" Qiao Li Chen turned to look at Su Xiaowan. He had a hunch that his sister's boyfriend might have come to take her away.

It seemed that the man really wanted to protect Su Xiaowan and not let his sister check on Su Xiaowan.

I just don't know if that man has any feelings for his sister.

It has been two or three hours, I don't know if my sister is hurt now.

Su Xiaowan immediately thought of a possibility, "Honey, can I go with you? If you find your sister, you might be able to find that man."

"You wait at home. I'll go with Wei Xiao." Qiao Li Chen said.

Su Xiaowan still wanted to go, but Qiao Li Chen had already changed and walked out.

Outside the door, Wei Xiao had already changed and waited.

He also received a call from the chairman, knowing that Gioroi was missing.

The two of them went downstairs together, just out of the villa. Young master Wu, leng shao, and Young master tan were all there.

"We've already sent someone to look for it, to expand the scope, and to find Lloyd as soon as possible!" Said a few rich young men.

The qiao family and the Wu family, leng family, and tan family are all close friends. Once the qiao luo ai disappeared, everyone would become nervous.

"Well, let's go back to the manor first. We're already checking the road surveillance. We'll soon find out which car took my sister away!" Qiao Li Chen said as he let them get in the car.