Chapter 263 Let's Meet up

Let's meet in chapter 263.

When Qiao Li Chen took Su Xiaowan to school, he saw He Yimu waiting in a cheap car.

He was still pretending to be the heir to the He family, pretending to be poor in front of Wan.

I'm too lazy to expose him!

He Yimu also saw Qiao Li Chen in the car. They were rivals in love. Although they didn't like him, He Yimu still smiled and said hello to Qiao Li Chen.

"Qiao Boss, you and my family can make up, I am a great hero!" He Yimu said deliberately, reminding Qiao Li Chen not to be ungrateful and not to reveal his identity.

Qiao Li Chen glanced at him indifferently. It wasn't him. How could he and Wan have been in a cold war for so long and had the face to ask for credit here?

The door closed and the driver drove away.

He Yimu said, "This man is too arrogant!"

Su Xiaowan glared at He Yimu, "Don't talk about my man!"

"Your man?" He Yimu was so jealous when she said that!

Su Xiaowan's face was full of joy, "Yes, he is my man now. You can't speak ill of him in front of me anymore!"

He Yimu gritted his teeth, "Okay!"

"Did you stay up late last night?" He Yimu asked.

"No, I slept at one or two, and I didn't stay up late. Here are the design drawings!" With that, Su Xiaowan handed the design to He Yimu from his backpack.

He Yimu only felt that every time she looked at the designs she drew, it was a visual feast.

It will make you see a beauty that is shocking.

"I really want to worship you for your speed!" He Yimu tutted as he watched.

Su Xiaowan smiled, "You always praise me like that!"

"The main thing is that you refresh my perception of beauty every time. It's so beautiful. Here, every picture that comes out is more beautiful than last time!"

He Yimu was a little excited, "I'm really curious about what the building will look like after you graduate."

"I still don't have much inspiration for architecture, except for the hot spring resort that I designed for my husband last time." Su Xiaowan said.

"Your husband?" When He Yimu heard these words, his heart ached bitterly.

"Yes, we will be registering for marriage soon, waiting for a auspicious day." Su Xiaowan said happily.

"Your id card is still male. Can you pull it?" He Yimu asked.

He wanted to see her happy, but somehow he didn't want Wan to marry Qiao Li Chen.

Perhaps subconsciously, he thought he might have a chance.

But once they get married, their chances are slim!

"My husband said he would solve it, so I don't have to worry about it!" Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

"You look so happy. It's really upsetting!" He Yimu said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Su Xiaowan smiled, "You should hurry up too. Find a rich woman then!"

"Then you have to be able to get rich and beautiful to like me!" He Yimu looked troubled.

Seeing him like this, Su Xiaowan thought he couldn't find a girlfriend, so he smiled and said, "I'm not afraid. I'll introduce you to one."

"You?" He Yimu raised his eyebrows slightly and introduced yourself to me.

"Although I'm not staying at school, I still know a few of my classmates from the same department. I'll see if there are any suitable ones. I'll help you build a bridge." Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

He Yimu quickly shook his head, "Forget it. I still like your type!"

"Me?" Su Xiaowan's eyelids twitched.

He Yimu suddenly burst into laughter, "You don't think I like you, do you?"

Su Xiaowan was a little confused, "You kid is making fun of me again!"

Both of us have been in love with you for such a long time. We've been together for a long time, and there's no spark. Don't worry!" He yimu's smile was bitter.

Su Xiaowan laughed when he said that, "I told you. If you like me, it proves that you have a problem with your brain."

"Did you say that?" He Yimu pushed su xiaowan with a smile.

He just had a brain problem, a big problem.

Su Xiaowan, you never know. I like you from the beginning. Whether you are a man or a woman, I like you!

Su Xiaowan laughed and said, "Okay, stop joking. Leave your life to me! Send the design first!"

"Okay!" He Yimu still wanted to talk to her for a while. Knowing that she would have class later, he didn't stay any longer.

After watching He Yimu drive away, Su Xiaowan ran quickly towards the big classroom.

He Yimu knew very well that as long as he and Su Xiaowan were brothers, they could maintain such a relationship for the rest of their lives.

But if Su Xiaowan knew what he was thinking, the relationship between them would be estranged at any time.

In order to avoid Qiao Li Chen revealing his identity in front of Su Xiaowan one day, He Yimu planned to find a chance to tell Wan.

She shouldn't be too angry at him for keeping it from her for so long!

Buding also started school today. Chairman Qiao and Qiaodong Lady got up early in the morning. Buding had breakfast and went to school.

Gioroi recovered quickly. Perhaps because of Buding's company, Gioroi was in a much better mood.

"Auntie, are you taking me to school later?" Buding looked up at his aunt sitting opposite him.

"Sure, auntie will take you to school later." Said joloy with a smile.

Qiaodong Lady and Gioroi took Buding to school together. They were in the cheapest car in the garage.

They didn't want the school to know that Buding was the grandson of the The qiao family, so they kept a low profile.

"Lloyd, wait for us in the car. I'll take Buding in." Qiaodong Lady said to Gioroi.

Joloy nodded, "Okay!"

Qiaodong Lady sent Buding in and came back to find that her daughter was not as energetic as before.

It seemed that with Buding around, her daughter would not think of Qin Wei.

Qiaodong Lady got in the car and asked his daughter, "Lloyd, let's go shopping together!"

Gioroi was not interested and was about to refuse when Qiaodong Lady's phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was Jiang Furen.

"Ai, are you free now? I'm back, let's meet!" Jiang Furen's voice came through.

Qiaodong Lady's name was bai xiaoai. Hearing this, he nodded, "Okay, tell me the place. I'll come and find you!"

The two sides made an appointment. Qiaodong Lady asked his daughter if she wanted to go with him. Gioroi knew that Jiang Zixuan hated Su Xiaowan too, so he nodded and agreed.

Jiang Zixuan and Jiang Furen stayed at the seven-star hotel owned by The qiao's.

Qiaodong Lady brought her daughter to their room. Jiang Zixuan wore a wig when she opened the door.