Chapter 314 New Professor

314 Professor zhang xin

After a night of passion, Su Xiaowan was violently urged by her husband.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt like my body was falling apart, and it was very painful.

When Su Xiaowan washed up in front of the mirror, she thought of what her husband said last night.

With her hard cooperation, the president should not have the strength to look for another woman outside.

After going downstairs for breakfast, Su Xiaowan rushed to school.

The last time father of Su beat him up outside the school, it really spread throughout the school.

But since the president personally picked her up, no one badmouthed her behind her back.

"Suxiaodi, have you heard? Our school hired a professor from abroad who won the Liz prize for architecture. He participated in the design of buildings and won many awards abroad." A classmate came to talk to Su Xiaowan.

"Really? What's his name?" Su Xiaowan asked with a smile.

"Jiang Hao."

"Jiang Hao!" Su Xiaowan was so shocked that he widened his eyes, "Really? He's so famous that he actually came to our J university as a professor?"

"Really, the school has already released a major news, you go to our school's official website to see." Said the student.

Su Xiaowan quickly took out his tablet, connected to the internet, and opened the school's official website.

After reading it, Su Xiaowan was shocked beyond measure.

"Look, he's a part-time professor, but he's really a professor at our school now, and he's going to be teaching today." The student added.

Su Xiaowan was not interested in architecture and didn't know much about it.

But she had heard from He Yimu's mouth that this Jiang Hao was also an architect he liked and admired.

Su Xiaowan felt that He Yimu's idol was coming to school, so he had to call him immediately.

The call went through. He Yimu said he was already on his way.

"Are you excited to see your idol soon?" Su Xiaowan asked He Yimu with a smile.

He Yimu was talking to Su Xiaowan while driving.

"I'm a little excited, and I'm even more curious about how we got him here in School of architecture."

"I heard he's still very young." Su Xiaowan just looked at his information on google.

This architect, jiang hao, was really awesome. When he was in his teens, his design talent had already been known by the world. He participated in the design of the foreign grand theater and attracted the attention of international colleagues.

"Well, it's not even thirty. The real age may be around twenty-seven or eight." He Yimu said.

"Wow, he won the Liz prize for architecture at such a young age. How envious!"

Su Xiaowan couldn't help but wonder if he could break his record in the future and be younger than him to win the pu Liz prize for architecture.

"You can do it too!" He Yimu encouraged.

In his eyes, Su Xiaowan was really talented and would surpass jiang hao in the future.

When Su Xiaowan heard He Yimu say this, he immediately felt a bright future in his design.

"I will work hard! Where are you driving now?" Su Xiaowan asked.

"We're at school. There must be a lot of people listening to him today, right?" He Yimu asked.

Su Xiaowan looked around. The big classroom, which could accommodate 300 people, was now fully occupied.

There were many students standing behind the classroom.

The classroom, which was usually very empty, was already very crowded at this moment.

It seems that this Jiang Hao is really famous.

Su Xiaowan was also curious about what kind of class jiang hao would give everyone.

When He Yimu arrived, there was no room.

Su Xiaowan sat near the aisle, beckoned him over and stood beside her.

"Do you want to sit down for a while?" Su Xiaowan asked him.

He Yimu smiled, "No, I'll just stand.

There were still many people standing behind him.

The school leader came in first and was already taking pictures.

It was the first time since the school of architecture opened that there were so many students.

It was almost ten o' clock when Jiang Hao, who was dressed in a straight suit and had dark hair, walked in from the door under the guidance of the school leader.

Su Xiaowan just looked at his picture on google and thought he was quite handsome.

But when I saw myself, I really felt a little surprised.

He was a mixed-race boy, his father was from home, his mother was american, his features were exquisite, he was masculine, he was more than 1.8 meters tall, and he had a pair of long legs.

As soon as he appeared, many girls couldn't help but exclaim.

He's so handsome and talented!

The school leader personally introduced Jiang Hao to the students. Jiang Hao had been pursing her thin lips and smiling very elegantly.

Su Xiaowan was not good at english, and he was a little worried that the professor who came back from abroad would teach in english the whole time.

I didn't expect him to speak fluent mandarin.

This class was really wonderful. No one was distracted and listened to it with relish.

After listening to this, Su Xiaowan also felt that he had benefited a lot.

After the lecture, Jiang Hao also showed off the award-winning theater he had designed.

He explained his design concept, materials used, functions, structures, and proportions.

After listening, Su Xiaowan felt a surge of blood. He really wanted to design a representative building like him one day.

Finally, jiang haowen smiled and looked at the students present.

"I'm more curious about the class notes you've made. Can I check a few randomly?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone responded with great interest, "Yes!"

Everyone held up their notebooks, hoping that they would be lucky enough to be spot-checked by this famous architect.

"Row seven, the boy in the aisle!" Jiang Hao pointed at Su Xiaowan's position with his long finger.

Su Xiaowan was shocked and excited.

She was just listening and didn't take any notes.

But when jiang hao pointed it out, Su Xiaowan was flattered and quickly handed over his notebook.

The class was full, and Jiang Hao couldn't have walked down the aisle because the aisle was full of people.

Su Xiaowan's notebook could only be handed over one by one by the students in the front row.

The notebook finally reached into Jiang Hao's hand, and he opened it.

The first page was a few big words from Su Xiaowan, her name.

Jiang Hao's thin lips parted, "Su Xiaowan!"

He took a few more notebooks and returned them after reading them.

Only Su Xiaowan's. He kept it in his hand.

He looked up at the classroom.

"Thank you for coming to my class today. We'll see you next time!"

With that said, Jiang Hao had already turned and walked out.

Su Xiaowan wanted to say that he hadn't returned her notebook.

What a shrewd man He Yimu was, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

This jiang hao will suddenly return to china, come to the construction institute as a part-time professor, and take away Su Xiaowan's notebook, what is the connection?