Chapter 321 More And More like It

Chapter 321 is becoming more and more popular.

"Why does Buding like you more now than before?" After Buding left, Qiao Li Chen took Su Xiaowan's hand and walked to the living room.

"I like Buding more and more. I think he's the little angel god sent to me." Su Xiaowan smiled when he spoke of Buding.

Wei Xiao asked, "Why did Buding call you aunt Wan? Didn't he always call you uncle Wan?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaowan suddenly remembered.

Buding was very smart before. When there were people, he would only call her uncle Wan.

When no one was around, it was aunt Wan.

But just now, maybe Buding was in a bad mood, so he forgot to pay attention.

"Maybe he thinks I'm like a woman, just like my husband. He wants to think of me as a woman." Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

"Well, no wonder."

"No wonder what?" Su Xiaowan asked.

Buding didn't have a mother since she was a child. She didn't have a mother's love. He likes you so much now, probably because he thinks of you as a woman and a mother." Wei Xiao thinks that's a big possibility.

Su Xiaowan also thought it made sense.

She turned to Qiao Li Chen, "Honey, what do you think?"

"Well, that's possible!" Qiao Li Chen knew that Buding knew Wan was a woman.

Did Buding really think Su Xiaowan was his mother?

Qiao Li Chen was heartbroken at the thought of Buding.

At a young age, not long after she was born, she lost her mother.

He was brought up by his grandparents from a young age. His father had just taken a long vacation and went all over the world to find Buding's mother.

After a long time, Qiao Li Ting slowly put down and returned to the army.

Qiao Li Chen was not sure whether his brother was numbing himself with his busy schedule.

"Then I must give Buding more love in the future." Su Xiaowan said.

Buding thought of her as a mother, and she thought of Buding as her own child.

Qiao Li Chen was a little upset when she said that.

He really felt like he was going to be jealous of his little nephew!

But Buding was crying so hard just now. Thinking that Buding had never had a mother since he was a child, he couldn't let Su Xiaowan not go near Buding and not treat Buding well.

He whispered into Wan's ear, "You like children so much, it's time to work hard!"

Hearing this, Su Xiaowan lowered his head and blushed.

"I've been working hard!"

Wei Xiao, who was sitting opposite him, could not hear what the two of them were whispering, but it seemed that they were saying something ambiguous.

He suddenly felt that it was not appropriate for him to stay here.

He got up quickly and went upstairs.

"Maybe I didn't work hard enough!" Qiao Li Chen's long fingers lifted her clean chin.

Looking at the little woman's blushing face, it was especially pleasing to the eyes.

"How many more fights do we have tonight?" Su Xiaowan pursed his lips and said shyly.

Qiao Li Chen chuckled, "Sure!"

After dinner, Su Xiaowan went upstairs to take a shower and waited for Qiao Li Chen to come upstairs.

Qiao Li Chen went to the study to do some work before returning to his room.

Walking through the living room and into the bedroom, she saw the little woman wearing a sexy lingerie with a low chest.

Qiao Li Chen's lips rose, "Good performance!"

"Can I confuse you?" Su Xiaowan made a very attractive pose to expose his long white legs.


"Honey, don't be so demanding! I think I'm a beauty now!" Su Xiaowan looked very serious.

"Wait for me, I'm going to take a shower and come out!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you, honey, hurry up!"

Qiao Li Chen smiled and turned to go to the bathroom.

When he came out of the shower, he only wore a white towel around his waist.

His strong body, bulging chest, slender legs, and perfect body proportions instantly made su xiaowan's throat dry.

She coughed a few times and touched her face, which was burning hot.

"Honey, you're overreacting!" Qiao Li Chen walked towards the big bed with a chuckle.

As she approached, Qiao Li Chen reached out to remove the towel from her waist.

Seeing this, Su Xiaowan quickly closed his eyes.

"Honey, you don't want to make my nose bleed!" Cried Su Xiaowan.

"Hubby just wants you to see what charm is!" Qiao Li Chen said, reaching out to undo the towel around his waist.

Su Xiaowan covered her eyes with both hands. She didn't dare to look, but she was curious.

I've seen it many times, but I'm still addicted to it.

Qiao Li Chen was wearing a pair of shorts under the bath towel. Su Xiaowan saw the president's wild action of the bath towel through the crack of his hand, and his heart beat a lot faster inexplicably.

Her face was redder and hotter.

"Put your hands down!" Qiao Li Chen reached out and grabbed her hand.

His wife is really cute.

As long as she saw his sexy side, she couldn't help but have a nosebleed.

Su Xiaowan's hand was pulled away by the man. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the man in front of her. The corner of her lips rose.

"Honey, look, I'm immune to you. I don't have a nosebleed anymore!" Su Xiaowan smiled until her eyes and brows were bent. Although she no longer had a nosebleed, she was still drooling over the man in front of her.

Her throat started to dry again, and she swallowed, got up from the bed, and lunged at the president who was close by.

As soon as he jumped into his arms and felt his strong muscles, Su Xiaowan's heart suddenly warmed up.

"What's going on?"

Qiao Li Chen did not reach out to hug her and let the little woman hang on to him.

Qiao Li Chen smiled when he saw the little woman's nose reddening and slowly flowing out.

"What's going on?" Su Xiaowan knew what he was feeling, but he hadn't found it yet.

Qiao Li Chen raised his hand and pointed at the little woman's nose.

At this time, the nosebleed had already flowed to the lips, itchy and warm.

Su Xiaowan reached out to touch it. It was nosebleed again.

It's so disappointing. I'm already immune. How can I have nosebleed?

Su Xiaowan looked distressed. It seemed that he could not escape his charm!

Qiao Li Chen pulled out a tissue and gently wiped the blood from her nose.

"How many times have we been in bed? Are you still so worked up?" Qiao Li Chen said with a gentle smile.

Knowing that the man was making fun of himself, Su Xiaowan curled his lips.

"You must have been a vixen in your last life!" Su Xiaowan said strangely.

Qiao Li Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "In my previous life, I was a woman. I seduced you?"

When Su Xiaowan heard this, he thought it was too possible!

"Yes, it must be!" Su Xiaowan nodded his head in approval.

Qiao Li Chen actually found it strange that he would be heartbroken when she was hurt.

When she saw his body, she couldn't help but have a nosebleed.

He still didn't understand why.

She rolled up the tissue and stuffed it into her nose.

The magnetic husky voice spoke slowly:

"Since it's on fire, let's vent it!"