Chapter 351 Registration

Su Xiaowan really wanted to have a good relationship with the president's husband's parents.

It was a happy family to live together like this.

Although she had parents, they were not her own.

Chairman Qiao and her parents are the president's biological parents. As long as they accept her, they will treat her like family members.

Su Xiaowan imagined it better, and she was willing to believe that they would love her.

She looked at the president, wondering if he would agree.

Qiao Li Chen didn't care. He used to move out because he had a bad relationship with his mother.

Qiaodong Lady also said at this time: "Move back to live, Wan is pregnant now, live at home, mother is also convenient to take care of!"

Gioroi agreed. She promised Qin Wei that she would protect Su Xiaowan with him.

"Then you can move back. Buding likes you so much anyway. If you come back, maybe he'll be more obedient." Gioroi said.

Chairman Qiao did not speak. He felt more and more that everyone was changing.

They all became very fond of Su Xiaowan!

If Su Xiaowan really had no other purpose, he could just accept her.

If she had any other purpose and everyone in the family liked her now, it would be terrifying to think about it.

This woman is really an intriguing woman.

Su Xiaowan nodded slightly at Qiao Li Chen, indicating that she was willing to live with everyone in the manor.

Qiao Li Chen said, "Okay, let's stay for a week."

"If you get used to it, stay at home!"

Everyone was very happy except dong qiao!

Buding quickly took aunt Wan's hand and walked upstairs, "Aunt Wan, you stay next to me!"

Gioroi followed him upstairs.

When he came to the bedroom next to Buding's room, there was no living room. When he opened the door, there was a large bedroom with large french windows.

Gioroi walked over and opened the curtains. It was still dark and the setting sun shone through the french window.

It seemed that the bedroom was full of warmth.

"I'll have the servants come up and clean up!" Gioroi went out and asked the servants to come in and clean up.

When the servant came in, Buding took Su Xiaowan to his room.

Buding's room was also very big, with a living room, but the living room became his amusement park.

On the sofa inside, there were a lot of toys that belonged to him.

"Aunt Wan, it's great to see you every day after school!" Buding was very happy, nestled in aunt Wan's arms, with a happy face.

When Gioroi saw this, he knew that Buding also liked her as an aunt, but Buding never smiled so brightly when he was with any of them.

"You can wear your dress back in the manor. The servants and bodyguards in our manor are absolutely reliable and will not be spread." Gioroi said.

Su Xiaowan thought about it and nodded, "Okay!"

By dinner time, Wei Xiao was back.

He was the only person in the family who didn't know about Su Xiaowan's daughter.

Wei Xiao had just returned. He was sitting at the table, talking to Qiao Li Chen.

"President, Jiang Hao just called me and asked me to check on the director of the orphanage."

"Why do you want to check the dean?" Just as Su Xiaowan came downstairs, he heard this.

Jiang Hao himself sent someone to check the director of the orphanage, but the director was too cautious, and his people failed to find anything fishy about the director's bank account.

He remembered that The qiao's also had banks, and it would be more convenient for them to check one person.

So he called and asked Wei Xiao for help.

He knew that Wei Xiao would help.

Because he was useful to the The qiao's, Wei Xiao and the others were trying to win him over.

"He said he suspected that the dean had other motives for running the orphanage for so many years." Wei Xiao said.

"No way!" Su Xiaowan didn't believe it. The dean didn't look like a bad person.

He devoted his life to the orphanage and gave the orphans a home.

"Check it out!" Qiao Li Chen said.

"Is it the orphanage you've been supporting?" Qiaodong Lady suddenly asked.

Qiao Li Chen nodded slightly.

"I know that dean! In his early years, he was a businessman who opened an orphanage to take in homeless children after his children were kidnapped."

Qiaodong Lady also ran an orphanage, but in recent years, her energy was limited and her health was not as good as before, so she left the orphanage to someone she trusted to manage.

"Mmm!" Qiao Li Chen listened to his mother and said to Wei Xiao, "Check carefully!"

"Okay, I got it!" As Wei Xiao spoke, he got up and went out to make a phone call.

Su Xiaowan didn't say anything more. Some people may seem kind on the surface, but they are different on the outside.

Jiang Hao used to live in that orphanage, and since he had doubts, there was no way he could make a false accusation.

I just didn't expect that this investigation would find out something that everyone didn't expect.

Su Xiaowan had been living well in the manor for the past few days. Every day he went to school, he took Qiaodong Lady's car.

Every day, she would send Buding and Su Xiaowan to School of architecture.

Su Xiaowan changed the design of the apartment and gave it to He Yimu.

He began to design summer clothes. Qiao Li Chen saw the little woman so busy all day, and he didn't want her to design clothes anymore.

But Su Xiaowan was very interested. If she didn't draw the design, Qiao Li Chen would feel guilty.

But something happened before she could draw the design.

Su Xiaowan began to calculate the date. In three days, she was going to register with Qiao Li Chen.

Number eight, it's finally coming!

Therefore, I still have to work more often, so when I get busy, time will pass quickly.

Su Xiaowan was afraid that her husband would postpone the last time he said a month, so he asked in advance, "Honey, the day after tomorrow is the eighth."

"Yes, I know!"

Su Xiaowan was trying to say that the eighth was the auspicious day that he had been looking for the master to see before, so he could register for marriage.

But the president didn't seem to take it seriously!

"Hubby, have you got my id card?" Su Xiaowan asked again.

"All right!"

Hearing this, Su Xiaowan was slightly delighted.

But after waiting for a long time, Qiao Li Chen still didn't mention the registration.

Su Xiaowan took a shower and said softly, "Honey, can we register for marriage the day after tomorrow?"

Qiao Li Chen was looking at the document and looked up.

He knew that the little woman was anxious, "Didn't I say last time that I would push it back for a month?"

"Ah?" Su Xiaowan frowned.

"Honey, no! Look, I'm pregnant now. Even if you don't forgive me, you can't help but give your child a name!" Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

Qiao Li Chen looked at the little woman's cute face and hooked her nose with his long finger. "Okay, register the day after tomorrow!"