Chapter 403 What Video?

Last night, Gioroi and Wu Xueer talked too late. When Buding woke up in the morning, his mother was still awake.

Buding got out of bed quietly and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Wet the towel again, he went back to the bed and gently washed his mother's face.

Wan opened his eyes, looked at his son's cute and serious look, and washed his face for himself.

She smiled!

Reaching out for a towel from his son's hand, he said, "Mom wash it herself!"

"Mom, can you ask for leave and not go to school today?" Buding was heartbroken that his mother had not woken up.

No, there are different classes every day. If you ask for leave today, you will have to spend more time to make up for today's classes tomorrow. So mom can't ask for leave." Wan wanted to tell his son that there was nothing particularly important and that he must not take leave of absence from school.

Buding nodded as if he understood.

"I see!"

When Wan went to brush her teeth, she found that her son had already squeezed the toothpaste out of her toothbrush.

This son is so warm!

Gioroi and Wu Xueer also slept very late, but because they had a show early this morning, they got up early and went to the set.

Today, they are going to the outskirts to film, a little far from the city.

Su Xiaowan called Jiang Hao on the way to school.

He Yimu didn't call him back last night either. She chatted with Gioroi and the others and forgot about it.

The call was quickly connected and Jiang Hao's voice came.

"I'm fine. I had something to do yesterday afternoon. My phone ran out of battery." Jiang Hao seemed to know what Wan was calling about.

"Oh, that's good. Master, I'll come over at noon!" Su Xiaowan said.

"Okay, you can come straight to the office!" After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he hung up.

When Su Xiaowan went to the office at noon, he met Qiao Li Chen and Wei Xiao there.

Jiang hao asked his secretary to pour xiao wan a cup of coffee and said, "How is this place?"

Su Xiaowan looked at it and said with a smile, "Very good. Actually, I think the decoration here is very good. You don't have to redecorate."

"We still have to redecorate. The decoration here is a ready-made sign." Jiang hao said to Wan with a smile. She had just entered the business and didn't know how important the decoration in the office was.

Su xiaowan nodded. So it was.

She was a little confused, and she peeked at Qiao Li Chen, who was sitting across from her.

He came here personally. Is there anything he can do for jiang hao?

"Qiao Boss, I've read the contract. We can sign it now." Jiang hao asked his secretary to bring the contract over.

When Su Xiaowan heard this, did master want to cooperate with the The qiao's?

When he handed over the contract, Jiang Hao said gratefully, "Thank you very much for president qiao providing me with this nice office building."

Su Xiaowan was slightly taken aback.

This office building was provided by Qiao Li Chen?

"Don't be so polite. It's selfish of me to let you open a construction office here!" Qiao Li Chen said, looking up at Su Xiaowan.

This glance made su xiaowan's heart skip a beat.

What does that mean?

Did he mean her by selfish?

Jiang Hao smiled and signed the contract.

Then he took out the interior design he had drawn and showed it to Qiao Li Chen.

"I'm going to pretend to be like this, your owner. Is that okay?"

Su Xiaowan looked over and Qiao Li Chen pushed the design directly in front of her.

She looked up and smiled at him.

Taking over the design, Su Xiaowan looked at it carefully.

"Master, this style is great!"

It was very eye-catching. When Su Xiaowan saw the drawing designed by his master, he suddenly felt that he and his master were really different.

Master's drawing had a very distinct design and unique style, especially the drawing skills. It was clear at a glance.

Unlike the designs she drew, they were really too ill-tempered.

She could not express the design in her mind completely with the design drawings.

Master, on the other hand, perfectly displayed the style he wanted on the drawing paper.

Only then can others fully understand and agree with the designer.

This is the biggest difference between having talent and ideas without solid design experience.

When she designed her clothes, she didn't feel so helpless.

Because she had been teaching herself design for many years and had a lot of experience.

Seeing her master's drawing, she suddenly realized that she was really just a rookie.

"It's really good. I look forward to the effect of your renovation." Qiao Li Chen also looked and said to jiang hao.

"Let's have lunch together!" Jiang Hao invited, "From now on, we are the relationship between the tenant and the owner!"

Su Xiaowan was a little embarrassed sitting here. If they went to dinner together, it would be inappropriate for her to go with them.

"Sure!" Qiao Li Chen nodded readily and agreed.

Jiang hao looked at Su Xiaowan, "Let's go together!"

Su Xiaowan was about to say no when Wei Xiao said, "Let's go together. You haven't had lunch yet anyway!"

As he spoke, Su Xiaowan's stomach gave a groan.

She wanted to tell the lie that she had eaten, but before she could say it, she could no longer use it.

Everyone took a bus to the private room on the second floor of the hotel.

She found that Jiang Hao's construction firm was not far from the hotel, nor was it far from the qiao group.

The waiter brought in the menu and waited respectfully for them to order.

Jiang Hao ordered and said to Su Xiaowan, "Your stomach is growling. It looks like we need more!"

Su Xiaowan lowered his eyes in embarrassment, "Actually, you heard wrong just now. It's not my stomach that's growling?"

"What is that?" Wei Xiao asked with interest.

Su Xiaowan looked up at him. This Wei Xiao must have retaliated on purpose for her acting the night before yesterday to let the driver escape.

"It's your stomach!" Su Xiaowan was talking nonsense seriously.

Wei Xiao thought su xiaowan was making up a plausible lie, but he didn't expect it to be framed by him.

"But that voice was clearly coming from your stomach?" Wei Xiao said with a smile.

Su Xiaowan smiled, "Have you seen a video?"

"What video?" Wei Xiao asked.

"It's just that someone farted on the bus, but he covered his nose with disgust and looked at the other person beside him. In this way, everyone will think that the person next to him farted!"

Hearing this, Wei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Naturally, he understood what Su Xiaowan meant.

Suddenly, he smiled brightly, "Isn't that you?"

Su Xiaowan also smiled, "It's you!"

Jiang Hao's mouth twitched as he watched tangtang, a special assistant to the president, fight with Su Xiaowan. He looked up at Qiao Li Chen, who was sitting opposite him. He didn't seem to mind, and there was no displeasure on his face.