Chapter 410 Pay the Price

Qiao luoai frowned, "It's all my fault for being too impulsive. What can I do now?"

She saw that the director and Jin Shasha had no use communicating. She could only turn to xiao wan and say, "Why don't I go apologize to her? At the worst, let her call back!"

Su Xiaowan shook his head, "Now even if you ask her to call back, she might not."

"What should I do? If dad finds out, the movie will be over!" Gioroi was speechless. He was really too impulsive just now.

"I'll talk to her!" Su took a step forward in the evening and walked up to Jin Shasha.

"Elder sister Shasha, I have something to talk to you alone, can I?" Su Xiaowan smiled innocently.

Jin Shasha glanced at Wan and nodded, "Sure!"

Everyone was surprised, and so was Gioroi.

She didn't know what Wan wanted to talk to Jin Shasha about. Could she persuade her not to send the video online?

Walking to the side, Jin Shasha straightened her long, disheveled hair.

Because her face was injured, her assistant quickly sent two ice packs for her to apply.

"Elder sister Shasha, if I tell you about our relationship with Qiao Li Chen, can you consider not sending the video online?" Su Xiaowan asked with a smile.

Jin Shasha glanced at her faintly, "Didn't you have such a good attitude when I asked you just now?"

Su Xiaowan smiled, "I just had a stroke in my head. It's not normal. Elder sister Shasha, don't mind!"

"So, you are an abnormal person?" Jin Shasha took the opportunity to scold.

Su Xiaowan smiled and nodded, "Yes, I am a psychopath!"

Jin Shasha was in a good mood when she scolded herself like that.

"I can promise you not to send the video online. But just now, Gioroi hit me in front of so many people. He must apologize to me, sincerely apologize!" Jin Shasha made a request.

Su Xiaowan nodded, "Definitely, she must apologize!"


"And?" Su Xiaowan frowned slightly, then smiled pleasantly and said, "Well, how many more conditions do you have, elder sister Shasha? Just mention them."

"If you work as my assistant for a month, I promise you I won't upload this video to the internet." Jin Shasha used his power to bully others.

"Assistant for a month?" Su Xiaowan blinked and said, "Elder sister Shasha, you may not know that I'm still in school."

"I know. Didn't you go to school in School of architecture?" Jin Shasha gave her a scornful look, not a doctor.

When Su Xiaowan heard this, she knew that Jin Shasha must have sent someone to investigate her.

But she was just so curious about their relationship with Qiao Li Chen.

It proved that she had never found out about their relationship with Qiao Li Chen.

That's right. Qiao Li Chen wanted to block some information. This woman couldn't find out.

"Yes, I went to school in School of architecture." Su Xiaowan said.

"Don't say I don't talk about human feelings. After class, you come to me and be my assistant." Jin Shasha said.

Su Xiaowan could not refuse. She nodded, "Thank you, elder sister Shasha!"

"Well, now you can say, what is your relationship with Qiao Li Chen?" Jin Shasha asked.

Su Xiaowan thought about it. She felt that she couldn't reveal Gioroi's identity.

Gioroi himself did not want to be exposed. After all, there were too many mouths and it would be bad if it got out.

He had to hide it from the movie.

"Actually, we only know Qiao Li Chen. There's nothing else." Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

Jin Shasha glanced at her and curled his lips contemptuously, "Yeah, what can a person like you have to do with him?"

Her words were too contemptuous!

Wan tolerated it. Normally, she would get angry again.

"Yes, it's impossible for a lowly person like us to have a relationship with Qiao Boss." Su Xiaowan said.

Jin Shasha asked Su Xiaowan to be her assistant to avenge the last fight.

As for the revenge of being beaten by Gioroi today, there are plenty of opportunities to get it back.

"Now, move my chair over. I want to sit down and rest for a while." Jin Shasha said to xiao wan.

Wan nodded and quickly helped her move the chair.

When she saw Wan helping jinsha move the chair, she came over with a fierce air.

Just as she was about to lose her temper, Su Xiaowan hurriedly pulled her away.

"Okay, I've already talked to her. She won't send the video online." Su Xiaowan said.

"What did you guys talk about?" Asked joloy.

"She asked me to be her assistant for a month." Su Xiaowan said.

"Assistant for a month? Why isn't she in heaven?" Gioroi was furious.

Su Xiaowan tugged at the impulsive Gioroi, "Do you want to give up this movie and your dream?"

Gioroi calmed down after being yelled at by Su Xiaowan.

"I don't want you to be wronged for me!" Gioroi said in a low voice.

"It's just that as her assistant, there's nothing to be wronged about. Who's going to suffer then? I don't know!" Su Xiaowan said.

"Why don't you let me be her assistant for a month? You still have school!" Gioroi said.

Su Xiaowan patted her shoulder reassuringly, "She has promised me that I will look for her after school."

Gioroi was a little depressed, "I always find this inappropriate."

Wu Xueer came over and said, "Elder sister Luoai, don't worry. Who can get her?"

When she thought about little wan's prank on her brother, she felt that Wan was so clever and bold that it was very difficult to bully her.

Joloy thought for a moment and finally nodded, "Okay!"

"By the way, she has another request for you to apologize. Well, you should be able to do that, right?" Su Xiaowan asked Gioroi.

Gioroi patted his chest, "You can be her assistant for a month for me. I'm just going to apologize. What's the big deal?"

With that, Gioroi turned and walked towards the golden sands.

"Elder sister Shasha, I'm sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn't have hit you." Qiao luo ai pretended to bend down and apologize.

Jin Shasha sat in his chair, disgusted in his beautiful eyes.


"Elder sister Shasha, I'm sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn't have hit you!" Gioroi raised his head and roared.

This time, everyone on the set heard it.

Only then did Jin Shasha smile with satisfaction, but there was mockery in his smile.

"My lord will forgive you this time!"

Even adults don't care about small people!

Qiao luo ai was so angry that her palms were tightly clenched. She endured and endured, and continued to smile, "Thank you, lord elder sister Shasha, for your generosity!"

Jin Shasha waved at qiao luoai, "Leave after apologizing. Don't stand in my way!"

Gioroi smiled and turned away.

She turned around and gritted her teeth in anger.

The director walked over to Gioroi and apologized carefully, "Miss qiao, I'm sorry. I didn't expect the actress we invited to be so insidious!" Qiao luo ai smiled faintly: "She dares to do this to me and Wan today. When the movie is finished, I will definitely make her pay the price!"