Chapter 445 Shopping

She got out of bed and opened the door. When she saw Gioroi standing at the door, she smiled and said, "Why are you up so early?"

"Is it still early? It's already ten o' clock! Is there any activity this weekend, Wan?" Asked joloy with a smile.

Su Xiaowan shook his head, "Nothing."

"That's good. Go somewhere with me."


Su Xiaowan didn't know he had a fever, but he felt dizzy.

She went out after washing up, changed her clothes, and went downstairs to look for Gioroi.

Gioroi had already asked the maid to heat up the breakfast and said to xiao wan, "You have something to eat first, then we'll go out together."


After breakfast, he wasn't so dizzy.

Su xiao went to Gioroi's car at night and asked her, "Where are you taking me?"

"Go shopping!" Gioroi said.

"Shopping again?" Su Xiaowan knew that Gioroi liked shopping, but she didn't have much money now.

She had spent almost all of her savings for the past two years.

And her dividends in the clothing company will not be available until the new year.

Gioroi seemed to see what Wan was thinking and said to her, "I'll treat you!"

"Is there anything happy?" Su Xiaowan asked Gioroi.

Gioroi said as he drove, "As a woman, you have to go shopping and buy some clothes from time to time."

Su Xiaowan was a fashion designer herself, but she didn't keep any of the clothes she had designed recently.

Qiao luo ai looked at Su Xiaowan and continued, "Look at you. You only have a few sets of clothes every day and change back and forth. Now that everyone knows you're a girl, you still have to learn to dress up!"

Su Xiaowan looked at Gioroi and thought she was a little strange today.

She was usually so busy filming, but today she suddenly took time to accompany her to buy clothes and go shopping!

Last night, Qin Wei called Gioroi.

He said he hoped Gioroi could spend more time with Su Xiaowan.

Gioroi was a little confused and asked him, "We're together every day, almost every day!"

Qin Wei said, "That's not what my company means. I hope you can give her more joy and let her feel the beauty of this world!"

"What do you mean?" No matter how stupid Gioroi was, he could tell there was something else in his words.

Naturally, Qin Wei couldn't tell Gioroi. He just said, "I'm begging you! Now that she's back in her womanhood, you can take her to the pleasures of being a woman!"

"For example?" Asked joloy.

"Don't you girls like to shop and buy clothes and jewelry to dress up? I'll transfer five million to your account. You can take Wan to buy something she likes tomorrow!"

Gioroi heard Qin Wei say that, clearly she and Wan's relationship is very good, clearly she knew that Qin Wei did not have anything to Wan.

However, there was still some discomfort in her heart.

She felt like Qin Wei was paying too much attention to Wan!

She also wanted Wan to go shopping and dress up more!

Joloy nodded, "I see!" Qin Wei didn't seem to want Gioroi to misunderstand either. He was silent for a moment and said, "We misunderstood her as Wan and caused her a lot of trouble. This kind of trouble may continue, so we are very sorry for her. Asking you to take her shopping is a compensation for her.

! "

Gioroi was relieved to hear Qin Wei say so.

"I know, but you can't transfer money to me!" Gioroi was smart, "I know you have a special identity, so you don't have to transfer money to me. I have money. As long as it's someone you want to take good care of, I'll help you!"

Qin Wei, who had always been a stone-hearted man, was slightly moved by Gioroi's words.

After hanging up, Ou Chen asked him, "Did your woman promise you?"

Qin Wei nodded, "Yes, she did. She's on good terms with Wan now."

Ou Chen's face was a little gloomy and a little sad, "Something happened to big brother, and all our previous plans were ruined. We won't be able to save Wan until she's 22."

With that, Ou Chen punched the wall angrily.

Qin Wei's heart was heavy, too.

If something happened to Ou Ye, Wan would be very dangerous, and they could not intervene to save xiao wan.

Fortunately, even if they catch Wan, they will know that Wan and Ou Ye are not siblings as soon as they do a dna test. You won't doubt Wan's identity!" Qin Wei said in a deep voice.

Of course Ou Chen knew, so they couldn't intervene to save xiao wan now.

All he could do was watch the people over there go and take Wan away. Once the dna was out, Wan would be able to shake off the suspicions of the people over there.

However, they don't know where Ou Ye is now. They can't find anyone. They sent a lot of people out to find him, but they can't find him.

As long as something happens to Ou Ye, Wan is likely to die after he turns 22!

This was a reality that both Qin Wei and Ou Chen knew, so they wanted Wan to feel the beauty of the world before there was nothing they could do about it.

Maybe in the future, she won't have this chance!

He took Wan and bought a lot of clothes and accessories.

Su Xiaowan looked at Gioroi, who was very eager to buy, and sighed, "Are you rich?"

Gioroi said boldly, "Soon, I will be rich. I have a hunch that our movie will be a big hit when it comes out!"

Su Xiaowan pursed his lips and smiled, "Even if you get rich, you have to save your money for the next movie!"

Joloy patted Wan on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Don't worry, my card is originally for consumption. It's unlimited every month. My second brother will pay it back for me at the end of the month!"

"Oh!" So that's it!

At the mention of Qiao Li Chen, Su Xiaowan couldn't help but think about what happened last night.

After buying so many things that the trunk of the car couldn't fit, qiao luo ai stopped.

When they went to lunch together, Gioroi found that Wan's face was always red.

"Why is your face so red?"

Su Xiaowan didn't know that she had a fever and thought that she blushed at the thought of what happened last night.

So she smiled and said, "It might be a little hot. Why are you so hot in this weather?"

"The air conditioning is on in here. It won't be hot in a while!" Gioroi said to Su Xiaowan.

Su xiaowan nodded. The food was served. She had ordered a lot, but her appetite was not good.

After a few bites, he couldn't eat any more.

"What's wrong? Is the food here not to your liking?" Gioroi knew that Su Xiaowan had a big appetite.

Su Xiaowan smiled and shook his head, "Maybe I ate too late in the morning, so I'm not hungry now!"

Gioroi looked at Su Xiaowan's red face, which had not faded yet.

Plus, Wan usually has such a big appetite. Even if she had a late breakfast, it was already past one o' clock. She should be hungry! "Wan, your face is so red. Will it be very hot?" With that, Gioroi reached out.