Chapter 454 Anti-inflammatory Drugs

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Qin wei didn't want Gioroi to worry and didn't tell her the truth.

There were two purposes of their trip, to make Wan completely separate from them from now on.

The other one was to save Ou Ye.

Saving Ou Ye must be risky.

But with the addition of qiao li ting and Qiao Li Chen, they might be able to reduce the risk.

"Qin Wei, I have a call coming in. I'm hanging up. It's my second brother!" Gioroi's phone was vibrating. She took it from her ear and saw a call coming in.


After Qin Wei hung up, qiao luo ai answered the call from his second brother.

"What's Qin Wei's number?" Qiao Li Chen's voice was deep.

Qiao luo ai hurriedly reported to her second brother, Qin Wei's mobile phone number, which she had already memorized in her mind.

"Okay!" After that, Qiao Li Chen hung up.

Qiao Li Chen was already in the car, heading for where Qin Wei was.

The call went through quickly. Qin Wei told him that they had no choice but to let Wan be taken away.

Qiao Li Chen was furious, "If anything happens to Wan, I won't let you go!"

The other party kept saying that it was for Wan's future safety that they saw Wan being taken away.

Qiao Li Chen could not understand it, not at all.

He hung up in a rage.

All the road surveillance cameras in the city were pulled out, and Wei Xiao was nervously checking Qin Wei's route on the computer, one by one, according to the time.

Sure enough, I saw the license plate number of a car that Qin Wei said.

When the surveillance was magnified, only the driver and the people next to the driver could be seen. The people in the back seat could not be seen at all.

But the surveillance didn't last long, so they drove to the surveillance blind spot.

The driver changed as well.

Compared to the cars coming out of the surveillance blind area, one car after another, but they couldn't find which car was the one they were looking for.

Wei Xiao's eyes hurt as he looked at the president's red eyes, "President, the surveillance won't be able to find out for a while!"

Qiao Li Chen seemed to have known for a long time that this would happen. Since Qin Wei and the others were afraid of each other's power, it was impossible to track them down easily.

"Let's go to that clinic first and see if we can find any clues." Qiao Li Chen's deep voice was filled with anxiety.

Wei Xiao nodded and asked the driver to drive to the clinic.

There was no surveillance near the clinic.

There was no one in the clinic now.

Su Xiaowan's cell phone was still in the clinic.

The other party took Su Xiaowan away, and the cell phone they found on her was left here.

At this moment, he gave her the phone.

He missed her even more and was even more worried about her!

Wei Xiao and his men went through the clinic and found Su Xiaowan's jacket.

Wei Xiao handed the coat to the president. Qiao Li Chen held her coat, her eyes burning.

"This is Wan's phone." Wei Xiao also gave his phone to the president.

Qiao Li Chen opened her phone and clicked on the call log.

Su Xiaowan came here voluntarily.

So, the other party must have called her and used some kind of request to threaten her to come out willingly.

One of the calls was to Gioroi, and the other was from Qin Wei.

Qiao Li Chen called again. This time, Qin Wei told him about Ou Ye's arrest.

Qiao Li Chen clenched his phone, "Do you want me to ask a question before you say one?"

"No, I was just about to say it, but you hung up your phone angrily." Qin Wei was also very worried at the moment. Although they had brought in Qiao Li Chen and Qiao Li Ting, it was really difficult to track down Su Xiaowan.

If only Su Xiaowan hadn't lost his earring!

Qiao Li Chen clicked on Su Xiaowan's cell phone and saw a video and a message from him.

"Start with this micro signal!" Qiao Li Chen told Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao immediately found out the cell phone number registered on the microsignal.

But at this moment, they couldn't get through.

Qiao Li Chen could only watch the video of Ou Ye hanging over and over again.

To determine where that place was.

Wei Xiao also watched and analyzed carefully.

"Look at the rooms in this video. They look like wooden structures. Nowadays, there are very few wooden houses." Wei Xiao said.

"They are heading towards the suburbs, focusing on which areas there are wooden houses in the suburbs." Qiao Li Chen ordered.

Wei Xiao immediately called the bodyguards to find out.

After Qiao Li Chen told the news to big brother Qiao Li Ting, Qiao Li Ting immediately took a group to the suburbs to search house to house.

No one knew if Su Xiaowan could be found by this method.

Everyone was worried about her safety at the moment.

Wan was taken to a very remote place. It took her a long time to drive here. She had no watch, no cell phone, and no idea how long it would take.

When the car stopped, she got out of the car and was taken to a place covered in weeds.

It seemed like someone had lived here before, but they all moved away.

After walking for a while, they came to an abandoned factory building.

The plant had been abandoned for a long time, and the gates were covered in rust.

Under the night, there was a trace of desolation.

The door opened and Su Xiaowan followed them in.

The plant was still large, with no lights, only the bright moonlight above.

She was pushed into one of the rooms, and when she entered, the lights turned on.

In this wilderness, abandoned factory for many years, there are still lights!

As soon as the lights were turned on, Su Xiaowan immediately saw Ou Ye hanging from the beam.

"Ou Ye!" Su Xiaowan quickly ran towards him.

The door behind him slammed shut.

Su Xiaowan turned around and knew that the people outside had locked her in. She couldn't get out.

He untied the rope and put Ou Ye down.

Ou Ye had been knocked unconscious and had no idea that Wan was here.

Su Xiaowan looked at the wounds on his body. They were very serious.

He ripped open Ou Ye's ragged clothes, and the red wounds were shocking, and some were still bleeding.

Su Xiaowan didn't think much about it. He took off his suit jacket and then his white shirt.

He tore it into strips and bandaged Ou Ye's wound.

She was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt when she changed into this man's outfit. Even if she took off her white shirt, there were still clothes inside.

Finally, all the wounds were bandaged, but Ou Ye still didn't wake up.

There were so many wounds on his body that some of them were still red and swollen. It was probably a little inflamed.

Wan didn't know much about medicine, but she knew that inflammation was not a small matter.

It was very likely to kill Ou Ye.

Looking at him like this, Su Xiaowan felt a pain in his heart for some reason, and tears fell quietly. She didn't have any medicine on her. If she wanted to save Ou Ye, she had to ask the people who brought her here to give her anti-inflammatory drugs.