Chapter 480 I Know You Too Well

The door opened from the inside before his hand touched the door.

Su Xiaowan didn't react at all, and her body was yanked, and she went in.

The door behind her was closed, and her back was pressed against the door panel.

The man's breath, warm and hot, sprayed on her face.

She pursed her lips and looked up at the man in front of her.

He didn't say a word, so he lowered his head and kissed her.

Su Xiaowan closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the shock of his kiss to his whole body and soul...

It turned out that the body was already waiting for this moment...

All the way to the big bed, she was thrown on the bed, her eyes mistily looking at the handsome man in front of her, close to him, always gave a very unreal feeling.

The more unreal it was, the more she wanted to hold on to it, afraid that he would disappear the next second.

She reached out and grabbed him by the neck, facing his upper lip, actively and intensely...

They were too familiar with each other's bodies and too attached to each other's bodies. Once ignited, they did not burn steadily and did not stop...

For a long time, Su Xiaowan lay in the man's arms and put his arms around his strong chest.

She wanted to sleep with him like this until dawn.

But she couldn't. She had to go back to stay with Buding.

She was also afraid that Buding would wake up in the middle of the night and be anxious and scared to see that she was not there.

Qiao Li Chen seemed to know what she was thinking and said softly, "Go back!"

Su Xiaowan looked up. Seeing the man's handsome face, "Qiao Li Chen, I love you!"

Hearing this, Qiao Li Chen's sexy lips curled slightly.

She looked down at her red face, and as she spoke, her breath hit her face, "I love you too!"

I love you too!

Su Xiaowan's heart was racing. If she remembered correctly, it was the first time he had told her that he loved her!

She raised her head slightly, her eyes tinged with a touch of moisture, leaned her upper lip, and kissed it...

Tossing and turning, savoring each other's scent...

After some time, Su Xiaowan was so tired that he fell asleep.

Qiao Li Chen carried her to the bathroom to take a shower and woke her up.

"Go back!"

Su Xiaowan was too tired and sleepy. When he slept with him, his body would give birth to too many uncontrollable emotions. His energy would be depleted little by little. He needed a good sleep to recuperate.

It was a waste of energy, but she wished she could sleep with him every day.

It was a kind of enjoyment, an indescribable heart and happiness.

Su Xiaowan nodded, a little reluctant.

Qiao Li Chen walked her to the door. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him gently on the lips.

The kiss ignited his fire again.

He pulled her back, lowered his head, and kissed her hard...

He didn't let her go until she couldn't breathe.

Knowing that she was too tired tonight, he didn't want her anymore.

"Good night!"

It's already two days in the morning!

"Good night!" Su Xiaowan smiled so hard that his eyes and eyebrows curved. He opened the door and walked out reluctantly.

When she got back to her room, su xiao slept in the bed at night. She was probably too tired and soon fell asleep.

Buding didn't know that her mother was out and didn't come back until early morning.

Su Xiaowan woke up a little late in the morning. She opened her eyes and her son was washing her face.

Embarrassed, she took a wet towel from her son's hand and said, "Mom, come on!"

Buding waited for her mother to wash up and go downstairs for breakfast.

Su Xiaowan went downstairs and didn't see Qiao Li Chen.

After breakfast, qiao luoai was going out to send xiao wan and Buding to school.

When Buding arrived at the kindergarten, Gioroi said to Wan, "Second brother left early in the morning."

"Oh!" Su Xiaowan was not surprised. He probably didn't want his family to suspect that they were together again.

Su Xiaowan increasingly felt that she and Qiao Li Chen were having an affair.

She had to think of a way, at least not to let him have such an idea. Otherwise, when he suddenly proposed to terminate such a relationship, what would he do?

She also didn't want him to have a bad relationship with his family because of him.

She loved him so much that she didn't want him to be so noble, to fall in love with a woman who would cause him so much trouble.

"Wan, you and my second brother are going to be together. I think the biggest obstacle is Buding and my brother. As long as the two of them don't object, even if my father doesn't agree, there's nothing he can do about you." Gioroi analyzed.

Su Xiaowan nodded slightly. Gioroi's analysis made sense.

To make Buding not object, Su Xiaowan had nothing in mind. "Why don't you take it slow? It's good that you guys are like this. Maybe after a long time, my big brother will know that you don't love him anymore, and he will slowly put it down. As long as he lets go, Buding's eq is so high that he won't be too persistent." Qiao luo ai saw Su Xiaowan's solemn face.

He comforted her.

Su Xiaowan did not think of a good idea for the time being. Most importantly, she had the courage to be with Qiao Li Chen, but she lacked the courage to confess everything to her son.

Qiao Li Chen and her son were equally important in her heart.

She couldn't selfishly hurt her son for her love.

It was as if subconsciously, she had also begun to run away, thinking that as now, she would be having an underground affair with Qiao Li Chen.

This would not hurt Buding, nor would Qiao Li Chen have to fight with his family.

This was a great idea, but while Su Xiaowan was afraid that he would have a psychological burden, Qiao Li Chen also had one.

She was afraid that if this continued, he might give up again someday.

It's really too complicated, too contradictory, too heavy!

In the afternoon, Su Xiaowan went to the construction office to look for jiang hao.

Jiang hao nodded and agreed after Su Xiaowan told him about the interior design of the resort.

"I'll go talk to Qiao Boss about the contract then. You'll follow me through the design." Jiang hao said to Su Xiaowan.

"Okay!" Su xiaowan nodded. She could participate in the design with her master and learn a lot.

He Yimu has also come to work in the office and has become a designer here.

When Su Xiaowan came out of jiang hao's office, He Yimu smiled and asked, "Have you made up with Qiao Li Chen?"

Su Xiaowan wondered, "How did you know?"

"Your face!" He Yimu gave Su Xiaowan a knowing smile and said, "Your face is smiling again."

"Is it so obvious?" Su Xiaowan pursed his lips and smiled. Was it really that obvious?

"It's not obvious, but I know you too well!" He Yimu said with a smile.

Of course, he could see that although she usually smiled, there was a hint of bitterness in her smile. He knew her so well, of course he could see it.

"Does that mean that no one else can see it?" Su Xiaowan was afraid that others would see it, and that was not good.