Chapter 580 Why Did You Kiss Me?

Wan was startled.

What do you mean?

Does he know how to read minds?

Why did he ask all of a sudden?

Did he know that he had just faced her disdain in his heart?

The smile on Wan's face was a little awkward. She shook her head and said, "I don't count!"

Hearing what she said, Qiao Li Chen's thin lips curled slightly.

"You're beautiful!"

"Ah?" Wan's eyelashes trembled and she pursed her lower lip.

Is he telling the truth?

Or was he seducing himself again?

"Actually, I may still be a little bit beautiful!" Wan said with a shy smile.

Qiao Li Chen looked at her through the rearview mirror. His little woman was naturally very beautiful.

Seeing that he didn't say anything more, Wan wondered if he was a little brazen.

He was so shameless that he couldn't listen to it anymore.

Wan smoothed the flow of water on his forehead, tidied up his clothes, put away the snacks, and turned around to put them in the back seat of the car.

"When we get to the city, we'll go to the restaurant first." Qiao Li Chen said.

Su Xiaowan did not know how anxious he was a while ago, when she was not thinking about food and tea and had a bad appetite.

Now that she had regained her appetite, he was especially happy.

No matter what you do, you must take care of her stomach first.

When he drove here, he had expected that lunch would be uncertain, so he prepared her favorite snacks in the car.

Wan nodded at his words.

Although the snacks were delicious, they were not enough to fill her stomach.

He drove to a high-end hotel downtown.

Once inside, Qiao Li Chen asked for a private room.

The waiter led them into the luxuriously decorated private room.

The waiter brought the plate and handed it to Wan.

Wan looked at the dishes on top, and they were all very expensive.

"Order whatever you want." Qiao Li Chen said.

"Do you mean your treat?" Wan asked.


Wan thought, then he can order boldly.

After ordering a lot of dishes, Qiao Li Chen was not surprised at all, but his lips curled up slightly.

He was very happy that her appetite had recovered so well.

The waiter saw that the customer ordered so much, and he was hesitating whether he should persuade them that this amount of food was eaten by a dozen or so people!

But the more you order, the more you spend, so forget it.

Wan was drinking tea while waiting for the dishes to be served.

When the dishes came up one by one, Qiao Li Chen ate slowly, while Wan, who was sitting across from him, wolfed them down.

"No one is fighting you!" Qiao Li Chen looked at her eating so well, and a smile appeared on her handsome face.

Wan heard this and looked up at him, "There are so many dishes, we can't waste them!"

As she ate, Wan realized that she was eating too badly.

She looked up again and added, "I haven't had breakfast, so I'm a little too hungry. I'll make up for that breakfast together."

"I know!" Qiao Li Chen looked at her with a warm smile in his dark eyes.

He knew that she had breakfast this morning.

"Not enough to order more!" Qiao Li Chen said.

"Enough!" Wan replied as he ate.

When the bill was paid, Wan was a little embarrassed when he heard about five thousand.

After a meal, they slaughtered each other for more than 5,000 yuan.

But Qiao Li Chen casually took out the card and handed it to the waiter.

Wan felt that Qiao Li Chen had spent a lot of money on himself.

Maybe the women he used to date didn't eat more than 5,000 at a meal like her.

"Well, if we don't go dutch, I'll transfer half of the meal fee to you later." Wan was a little embarrassed.

Knowing that he was trying to make a fool of himself, and that he wasn't going to let him make a fool of himself, it was too bad to kill him for so much money.

"You have a lot of money?" Qiao Li Chen looked at her calmly and said.

Wan's eyelids twitched as he watched the waitress who had sent the card back to him change into a very fashionable waitress who was looking at Qiao Li Chen with a stunning face.

"Sir, your card! I'm the lobby manager of this restaurant..." This woman seems to want to show off in front of Qiao Li Chen.

But Qiao Li Chen didn't give her the chance. Before she could finish, he waved his hand.

"Get out!" He didn't like other women showing up all of a sudden and courting him.

This lobby manager is the boss's daughter. She seldom comes out to receive guests and usually collects money at the cashier.

But the card that the waiter just took out to swipe was a black card. The lobby manager's eyes lit up, and a big moneymaker came into the restaurant.

He immediately borrowed the card to meet the vip.

However, he did not expect that not only was the rich man young, but he was also extremely handsome, amazing and honorable.

But this man was like ice.

Before she could finish her sentence, she was chased out by the rich.

What a pity!

Wan wiped his mouth and looked at Qiao Li Chen. He was a little curious. Didn't he want to have sex as long as he was a woman?

Why is he no longer interested in this beautiful lobby sutra?

Could it be that the lobby manager couldn't get into his eyes?

"Let's go!" Qiao Li Chen picked up his suit jacket and turned to look at her.

"Oh!" Wan nodded and followed him out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the private room door opened, he saw the lobby manager again.

She seemed to be waiting here on purpose, waiting for them to come out.

The lobby manager's face seemed to have been specially made up, and the makeup was even more exquisite than before.

"Sir..." The lobby manager stepped forward and wanted to talk to Qiao Li Chen again.

Qiao Li Chen suddenly turned around and pulled Wan into his arms.

The obvious thing was to tell the lobby manager who wanted to get close to him that he had a girlfriend and that no other woman would ever think of hitting him again.

Wan was suddenly embraced by Qiao Li Chen, and her face turned red in a flash.

She earned it, trying to break free.

Qiao Li Chen put a little more force on the hand around her waist.

Wan raised his head, trying to reason with him, as she pressed her closer to his chest.

The man suddenly lowered his head and gave her a gentle kiss on her turned lips.

With this kiss, Wan's heart started beating uncontrollably again.

The manager of the lobby was very envious when he saw this scene.

I didn't expect such a rich, honorable, and handsome man to have a woman.

The woman beside him was so happy!

It was a great honor to meet such a perfect man!

Wan was carried out of the restaurant by Qiao Li Chen. Qiao Li Chen opened the door and whispered in her ear, "Get in the car!"

He was so close that his breath was all over his face. Wan only felt his ears warm.

She didn't say anything and got in the car first.

Her heart was beating so fast that she didn't even dare to turn around to see him getting into the car. Wan couldn't help but ask him, "Why did you kiss me just now?"