Chapter 611 Out on A Mission

Got shot?

Wan's heart tightened when he heard this.

Although it was just a dream for the child, it still made xiao wan feel a little uneasy.

"Buding, this is just a dream. Your father is in the army now. He will be fine. If you're worried, call your father!" Wan said to his son.

Buding nodded and took her mother's phone.

He had already memorized his father's cell phone number and quickly dialed it.

The phone went through, but no one answered.

Buding looked up at his mother, "Mom, do you have a phone number for dad's army?"

"Mom didn't!" Wan did not.

She never cared about qiao li ting, so how could she know the phone number in his army?

"Maybe your grandfather knows. You should ask your grandfather tomorrow." Wan said.

"I'll go now!" As Buding spoke, he was about to lift the blanket and get up.

Xiao wan pulled his son back, "Now you suddenly go over and ask your grandfather for your father's army phone number. Your grandfather will definitely ask why you suddenly want to find your father. What will you say then?"

Buding thought about it and said, "Mom, can't I tell grandpa about the dream I just had?"

Wan nodded, "Of course not. If you say so, your grandfather will worry with you."

Buding understood, "I got it, mom. I'm going over now. I said I miss dad."

"Okay!" Wan knew that his son would not be relieved until he made the call and found his father.

Buding ran out of his grandparents' room, raised his little hand and knocked on the door.

Chairman Qiao and Qiaodong Lady had already gone to bed.

Hearing the knock on the door, chairman Qiao asked, "Who is it?"

"Grandpa, it's me!" Buding's sweet voice.

When chairman Qiao heard Buding's voice coming in, he quickly lifted the quilt and got out of bed to open the door.

Seeing Buding standing at the door in her pajamas, she was very cute.

"What happened to Buding?" Chairman Qiao squatted down and picked Buding up.

"Grandpa, I miss dad." Buding said to grandpa.

Hearing this, chairman Qiao smiled.

Of course, he wanted Buding to have a deeper relationship with his son.

"Then call dad!" Chairman Qiao said.

Buding took her mother's cell phone and said, "I just called dad, but dad's phone got through, and no one answered. Grandpa, do you have a phone number for dad's army?"

"Yes!" Chairman Qiao carried Buding in and found his phone.

He flipped into the house where his son lived in the army.

The call was quickly answered by an orderly: "Hello, hello!"

"I'm Qiao Li Ting's father. Is he here now?" Chairman Qiao asked.

Hearing that it was the chief's father, the orderly said respectfully, "The chief is not here now. The chief has a mission and has gone abroad."

"Abroad?" Chairman Qiao frowned slightly. Why didn't his son call before he left the country?

"When will you be back? Is the mission dangerous?" Chairman Qiao asked.

"It's expected to be next week. The mission is not dangerous." Said the orderly.

He didn't dare to tell the truth. This mission was dangerous.

But the chief would never have done such a task, but the chief had to go in person.

"Okay, then when he comes back or calls back, ask him to call back his son." Chairman Qiao was a little angry. His son would go abroad as soon as he said so.


After hanging up the phone, chairman Qiao looked at Buding, "Buding, dad is on a business trip. When dad comes back, he'll call you."

Buding just heard his grandfather on the phone. He looked at his grandfather with his big eyes open, "Grandpa, you were just saying that dad was on a mission and asking if he was in danger? Will missions be dangerous?"

"No, your father is the chief. If there is danger, the superiors will not allow him to go." Chairman Qiao said.

His son's status in the army is very high, and his son can be said to be a military genius.

It was impossible for the army to send their son on any dangerous mission.

Unless his son insisted on going.

In the past, it was possible that his son would go on dangerous missions.

Now that he has found xiao ya and such a cute son, he won't.

Chairman Qiao was relieved to think so.

"Okay, then grandpa, I'll go back to bed." Buding didn't dare to tell grandpa about the dream he just had.

"Stay here and sleep with your grandparents!" Chairman Qiao was reluctant to part with Buding.

Ever since Wan came back, Buding rarely slept with them.

They all slept with Wan.

I really miss the time when I could cuddle my grandson to sleep at night.

Buding shook his head, "Grandpa, mom is still waiting for me. I'll sleep with you in a few days."

With that, Buding slipped off chairman Qiao.

He turned and ran to the door, opened it, and went out.

Back in the room, Buding looked at his mother and said, "Mom, grandpa just called the army. The army said that dad went on a mission."

Hearing this, Wan's eyelids jumped.

She reached out and pressed her bouncing eyelids.

"A mission is a business trip." Wan lied to Buding.

Buding seemed to know what a mission meant. He stared at his mother with wide eyes, "Mom, I'm still scared."

"Don't be afraid. Your father is so strong and powerful that no one can hurt him." Wan carried his son to bed.

Buding nodded. He also felt that his father was very strong, very powerful.

"Then I'll wait and see if dad will call back tomorrow." Buding said, leaning against his mother's arms.

Wan touched his son's head, "Okay, go to sleep! I have to get up early tomorrow!"

Buding closed his eyes but couldn't sleep.

After a while, he asked, "Mom, why do you think people dream?"

"The day is full of thoughts, the night is full of dreams. You probably missed your father so much these past two days that you dreamed about him." Wan told his son.

"But why did I dream that dad was shot?" Buding did not understand this.

"Maybe during this time, you watched some gangster movie, and then when you dream, you put it into the story." Wan said to his son.

Buding also felt that her mother's words made sense.

Maybe it's really the reason why I saw the movie a few days ago.

After thinking about it this way and thinking that it wasn't really dad who got shot, Buding could sleep soundly.

After a while, she finally heard Buding breathe slowly after he fell asleep.

Wan closed his eyes and went to sleep.

In the morning, when Wan went to the construction office, he saw gu yan, the heir to the consortium. "Why are you here?" Wan was surprised. Did his master call him to look at the design drawings?