Buding looked up at grandma.

He also wanted to know that his second uncle did not know his biological father.

Qiaodong Lady came in and looked at his precious grandson.

"Buding, your mother only recently found out that your biological father is Yan Mo's?" Qiaodong Lady asked his grandson.

Buding didn't know. He shook his head, "Mom didn't tell me when she found out. Just now, mom took me to the hospital to see him. He told me that he was my real father."

"What did your mother say?" Qiaodong Lady asked pudding.

"Mom said he had a paternity test. He's my biological father." Buding told grandma.

When Qiaodong Lady heard this, he seemed to be right.

That Yan Mo was indeed Buding's biological father.

She had just spoken to her second son on the phone and had learned from his second son that Yan Mo had been in a car accident for four years to save xiao wan.

It was just a while ago that she woke up, and as soon as she woke up, she came back to look for Wan and Buding.

When Buding appeared at the hospital, Yan Mo did not return home, and he was still looking for the missing Wan.

So how exactly did Buding get transferred? Qiaodong Lady was confused.

Who is the mastermind behind this?

What is the purpose of this?

The doubt in Qiaodong Lady's eyes faded and she looked at her precious grandson gently.

Pulling him into his arms, he lowered his head and said, "Buding, this is an adult's business. Don't think about it in the future. As long as you study hard, you will be happy every day."

Buding knew that grandma loved him, but things had happened. It wasn't that he couldn't stop thinking.

But he didn't want grandma to worry. He nodded to her.

Buding was chatting with his father and grandmother in the ward. Everyone avoided the topic and didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Until Qiao Li Chen arrived.

Seeing his uncle who was usually very strict with him, Buding felt very kind.

He didn't like his second uncle before, but he didn't like him if he didn't like him. He never hated his second uncle, and when he saw his second uncle and the The qiao family, he would have a kind feeling.

But today, when his mother told his biological father, Buding was not at all friendly to him.

As soon as Qiao Li Chen came in, his eyes fell on Buding.

"Where's your mother?" Qiao Li Chen asked Buding.

"Mom and uncle went to the office together and said they would pick me up this afternoon." Buding looked up at his uncle.

In the past, he was so against second uncle that he tried to break up his mother and second uncle.

That was because he wanted his father and mother to be together.

But in this situation, Buding hoped that his second uncle could be with his mother.

"Second uncle, are you going to find your mother?" Buding asked his second uncle.

Qiao Li Chen walked over and sat on the sofa.

"Why?" Qiao Li Chen raised his eyebrows with a slightly cold smile on his lips.

Wei Xiao followed closely in and frowned when he heard the president say so.

Is the president giving up?

Ever since the president got the information about Yan Mo and learned that Yan Mo had been in a daze for four years to save xiao wan, and that Yan Mo was indeed Buding's biological father, he kept silent.

Wei Xiao, who had been following the president, could not understand the president's attitude.

He didn't know if the president would try to get xiao wan back.

But is the president giving up on Wan?

Buding bowed his head when he heard his second uncle say that.

"Buding, come here!" Qiao Li Chen called Buding.

Buding looked up and obediently walked towards his second uncle.

Qiao Li Chen rarely hugged Buding, but now he picked Buding up and sat on his lap.

He looked down at the troubled Buding.

At the thought that Buding would call Yan Mo dad and that Buding would be taken away by Yan Mo, Qiao Li Chen felt strangely and especially unhappy.

Still very reluctant.

"Second uncle, are you going to give up on mom?" Buding wanted to know the answer, so he asked without hesitation.

Qiao Li Chen looked at Buding and said, "What do you think?"

Buding didn't know what his second uncle was thinking.

Yesterday morning, I got married with your mother. Now that she's my wife, no one can take her away. Even your biological father can't be taken away." Qiao Li Chen told his son.

Qiaodong Lady and Qiao Li Ting were shocked.

Qiao Li Chen and Wan got married?

Qiaodong Lady immediately looked at his eldest son, afraid that his eldest son would be provoked.

Qiao Li Ting's dark eyes flashed with emotions that Qiaodong Lady could not understand.

But in a split second, Qiao Li Ting's eyes returned to calm.

He looked at his brother and said, "I wish you all the best, second brother. This time, you must take good care of xiao wan. Don't give up on anyone or anything. It's not easy to find your true love for the rest of your life."

Qiao Li Chen chose to talk about it in front of his eldest brother. He actually wanted to see his eldest brother's feelings for xiao wan.

Was it all because of yay?

Of course, he also saw the complex emotions that flashed in his big brother's eyes just now.

Qiao Li Chen said to big brother, "Thank you, big brother. This time, I will not let go!"

Buding was sitting on Qiao Li Chen's lap, very close to him. Hearing him say that, he felt relieved.

He did not expect that he would stop his second uncle from being with his mother for his father's sake.

Now that his biological father had someone else, he couldn't stand up to stop his mother and uncle for the sake of his biological father.

Perhaps that biological father was not as important to him as Qiao Li Ting's father.

While Buding was thinking about it, Qiao Li Ting was thinking about it as well.

When he saw how relieved Buding was, he knew that Buding was not standing with his own father.

But in the past, Buding ignored his mother's feelings and his second uncle for his father.

It can be seen that at that time in Buding's eyes and heart, he was the most important.

Qiao Li Ting was touched.

He also understood that his son, whether he was born or not, would be the most important person in his life.

For Buding, he didn't want to look for his own son.

He didn't even want to think about Buding, who was not his own son.

Buding looked at his second uncle, who was very close, but he was very kind.

"Second uncle, come on!" He cheered up his second uncle.

Qiao Li Chen looked at Buding and said to him, "If you say that, can second uncle think that you are on second uncle's side?"

Buding nodded, "Yes!"

With Buding's words and Buding's assist, Qiao Li Chen felt a lot more confident. In Wan's heart, she cared about Buding the most.