If he hadn't betrayed Wan's mother, Wan wouldn't be so miserable now...

But there was no if!

Jiang Futao was filled with regret!

He didn't know if he would have the courage to live if Wan had really left.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and Jiang Futao looked out of the window at the thick clouds with a solemn and sad expression.

When Qiao Li Chen arrived at the hospital, the doctor came out of the emergency room.

When they saw Qiao Li Chen, their faces were filled with panic and fear.

The dean also rushed over, but when he saw the faces of the attending doctors, he knew the result.

He didn't dare to ask, so he could only lower his sense of existence.

"How's it going?" Qiao Li Chen's deep voice was still panting.

He got out of the car and rushed over.

The attending doctor looked a little embarrassed, but he still had to say, "President, we have tried our best. You can go in and see her for the last time!"

Last time!

Everyone present who cared about Wan shuddered as if they had been struck by lightning.

Qiao Li Chen was so angry that he pushed the attending doctor away.

He was so strong that the attending doctor was pushed out and his forehead hit the corner of the wall.

But ignoring the pain, he turned to look at the murderous Qiao Li Chen.

He looks so scary right now!

The attending doctor raised his head and touched it, and blood flowed down his eyelids.

None of the doctors around him dared to care about him, and everyone tried their best to reduce their sense of existence.

He Yimu was the first to step in and wanted to see xiao wan.

Qiao Li Chen was stunned for a moment, as if he did not dare to accept this reality.

As his long legs moved in, he only felt his legs weigh a thousand pounds.

Jiang Hao's face turned pale. He had not expected the little party to leave so quickly.

Even if Jiang Futao and the others came back, they probably wouldn't be able to see Wan.

Jiang hao walked to the door and looked at Wan, who was lying inside, with all kinds of tubes inserted in his body. His face was ghastly pale.

She seemed to have difficulty breathing, but as she watched everyone enter, she forced the corners of her lips to rise.

A pair of weak eyes, looking at everyone.

Finally, she saw Qiao Li Chen.

His beautiful face, which would be unforgettable for a lifetime, could only be seen once.

Yan Fei's eyes were filled with complex emotions that looked like satisfaction and loss.

She wanted to speak. The poison she drank was not something that Qiao Li Chen and the others could find out.

Qiao Li Chen couldn't be suspicious, so Yan Fei told joe Li Chen and He Yimu according to the lines he had arranged from the beginning:

"I... Am leaving... Don't... Be sad, actually... My life and death have long been... Doomed... Ou Ye and the others... Will come... Right? If they come... You should know... Why... Would I die!"

Finally finished, finally used up the last breath of his life to finish.

Everyone watched with their own eyes as Wan's pupils began to dilate and her body gradually lost its vitality...

Qiao Li Chen's eyes were filled with pain. He screamed loudly, but Wan's life was over.

Next to it, the heartbeat on the life detector was in a straight line...

The doctors were outside, and no one dared to come in.

Jiang hao stood at the door, not daring to take a step. He could not believe that the little party had left so suddenly!

Half an hour ago, they were still talking together.

Half an hour ago, Wan was in good shape.

He Yimu never thought that a small party would leave the world before him.

The moment he saw Wan close his eyes, he cried out loud, his voice filled with endless grief...

He loved Wan for so many years, he used his life to love Wan for the rest of his life, and just like that, he would disappear forever in his life!

He Yimu's tall body fell to the ground like that as soon as he saw the darkness in front of him.

Qiao Li Chen sensed that He Yimu had fainted. Just as he was about to fall to the ground, he reached out and grabbed him.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao also walked in quickly and held He Yimu.

Jiang Hao shouted for the doctor so that the doctor outside dared to come in.

Immediately, He Yimu was transferred to the ward. He was suddenly stunned by such a terrible shock.

In the emergency room, only Qiao Li Chen and Wan were left.

He was very sad, very sad, very sad, very difficult to accept.

But his heart didn't hurt.

His black eyes, which were staring at the waves, stared at Wan, who was lying on the bed.

He raised his hand and gently stroked her face...

He couldn't accept Wan leaving like this!

He could not accept such a reality!

His eyes were wide open, and his heart grew flustered at the quiet Wan in front of him...

It was as if something more important than life was moving away from him little by little.

But there was nothing he could do to keep it...

Too helpless!

This feeling was so strong in Qiao Li Chen's heart that he began to doubt his life and himself.

He felt that he was an incompetent person, and even xiao wan couldn't protect him well.

Can't keep her alive...

When Wei Xiao arrived, he saw his own president in a state of utter loss, as if he had completely lost his soul, standing in front of Wan's bed.

Wan, on the bed, was so quiet that it was frightening.

His face was pale and tinged with green, which was the face of a dead man.

It was a face that had lost its vitality and the blood was no longer circulating.

Wei Xiao was so scared that his steps trembled. Wan just left?

Qiaodong Lady, who received the news, helped Qiao Li Ting to the emergency room.

Qiaodong Lady used to like Wan very much, but recently, because her husband suspected Wan, and because Qiao Li Ting had an accident, she had some opinions about Wan.

But there were some opinions, not dislikes.

Seeing Wan lying there so quietly at this moment, he would never appear alive again. Qiaodong Lady's heart was also very shocked and very disappointed.

Qiao Li Ting's eyes were red, and he could not accept that Wan, who was so talented and so capable and kind, would leave forever.

In his heart, a wave of intense grief surged up.

Qiao Li Ting's eyes were wet...

Mrs. He picked Buding up after school.

Mrs. He also received the fact that Wan had left, and she almost fainted.

Chairman he comforted her, "Now you can't fall. You still have Buding to take care of. Now Buding needs you!"

Mrs. He braced herself and asked the driver to drive to school to pick up the pudding.

There was no way to hide the fact that Wan had left.

And you can't hide this from Buding.

Buding had to see his mother for the last time.

Buding hadn't finished school yet, but grandma came to pick him up early.

Buding's heart thumped when he saw the heavy grief on grandma's face.

For a moment, she was a little afraid to ask grandma what was wrong. Buding was quiet all the way to the hospital with grandma.