Chapter 713 A Slip of the Wrist

Qiao Li Chen still ignored the people around him as if he hadn't heard them.

However, his whole body released a kind of icy breath, which made the whole space feel oppressive.

His grief, his heartbreak, seemed to be contagious, and no one dared to say anything more.

But qiao li ting had to say it.

"Li Chen, it's summer. Wan's body can't be exposed like this." He wanted to say that if this went on, Wan's body would slowly smell and rot.

When Qiao Li Chen heard this, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He turned to look at the older brother who was talking about it.

It was the first time Qiao Li Ting had seen a fierce spirit in his second brother's eyes.

His relationship with his second brother had always been very good, but at this moment, his second brother regarded him as someone else and glared at him fiercely.

It seemed that if he said one more word, he would rush up and strangle him to death.

For the first time, Qiao Li Ting was shocked by his second brother's angry, cruel, and sad eyes.

He immediately shut his mouth, not daring to say anything more.

At this moment, he knew that in the eyes of his second brother, he could no longer recognize his family.

The only thing in his eyes was the agony of losing Wan.

Qiao Li Ting didn't dare to persuade his second brother anymore.

He also regretted that if it weren't for himself, Wan and Qiao Li Chen would have been together a long time ago.

If they were together, maybe his brother wouldn't be in so much pain right now.

At least they used to be happy together.

Qiaodong Lady had wanted to persuade her son, but seeing that his son was so heartless towards his respected eldest brother, she dared not say anything more.

Qiao Li Ting slid out of the wheelchair.

The moment the wheelchair turned, Qiao Li Ting couldn't help but shed tears.

Qiao Li Chen and He Yimu stayed in the ward, not getting a drop of water.

Everyone could feel that these two men were going with Wan.

Chairman he and madam he dong wanted to pull he yimu out and let him go back to rest first.

Tomorrow would be a good day to deal with Wan's funeral, but when He Yimu heard the word "Funeral," he was like a lion in a riot, roaring with excitement.

His roar sounded like he was venting some kind of uncontrollable extreme pessimism, but also like he was yearning for all the gods that could manifest themselves, hoping that they could see how sad, desperate, and sad he was now...

He Yimu's reaction, chairman he and Mrs. He dong pulled a few times, then did not dare to pull again.

They had no choice but to stay here.

Madam he dong's eyes were swollen from crying and she leaned weakly against her husband's arms.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao called Jiang Futao again. It's been so many hours. Why haven't they gotten off the plane yet?


Yan Mo's assistant told Yan Mo about Yan Fei's death.

"Mmm!" Yan Mo nodded, "It's just that Buding is too young to bear the despair and grief of losing his mother."

"But we are saving them. Wan is not going back to the family. None of us has the ability to save her and Buding." The assistant comforted Yan Mo.

It seemed that he was afraid that yan mo would call Buding and tell him that his mother was not dead.

Yan Mo was still more rational. He nodded, "Have you found Ou Ye and the others?"

"Not yet!"

Yan Fei's Wan is dead. They should be back with Wan. Just send someone to the hospital to wait." Yan Mo said.

"But if Ou Ye called xiao wan, wouldn't he know that Wan wasn't dead?" The assistant said worriedly.

"I have my own way." Yan Mo seemed confident.

The assistant nodded, turned around and went out to arrange for someone to wait at the hospital.

It was night in the country, but it was noon here.

Wan took a nap and found blood on the pillow again.

She's been bleeding a lot lately, and she's seriously anemic.

Yan Mo said several times that he wanted to give her blood.

Wan did not agree. The servants made her blood food every day.

She got up and washed the blood off her face.

Then he washed the blood off the pillow and put it on the balcony to dry.

The servant heard the noise inside and knocked on the door.

Seeing Wan drying the pillowcases, he quickly came over and said, "Miss Wan, just tell us to do this."

The servant who Wan rushed in smiled, "It's okay. I'll do it myself!"

The servants were embarrassed because the young master told them to take good care of Wan.

But now Wan was washing her own pillowcase, which made them not know how to tell the young master.

Wan seemed to know that she was in a difficult position and said, "Your young master won't know."

The servant understood what Wan meant. She smiled unnaturally and said, "Miss Wan, next time you should let us wash it!"

Wan nodded, "Okay!"

She went downstairs, probably because of anemia and dizziness, her footsteps were a little frivolous, and accidentally, one step missed, and she fell backwards.

Yan Mo was looking at the tablet. When Wan fell back, the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of him. He looked up abruptly and rushed over subconsciously.

However, the living room was a little far from the spiral staircase, and even if he rushed over, it was useless.

Behind Wan, the servant was quick to help, but he still could not.

The main Wan fell back too fast, and the maid came down again, a little away from xiao wan.

The back of Wan's head hit the edge of the stairs directly, although the edge had been sharpened during the renovation and had become a certain degree of arc. But Wan's head was still broken by the force of gravity.

It hurt so much that she bared her teeth and grinned...

Yan Mo had already come to Wan and quickly helped her up.

The servant was behind, so timid that he did not know what to do.

Yan Mo's deep eyes swept over, scaring the servant into a shiver.

"Young master, I just..." The servant seemed to want to say that she had tried her best to help, but she could not.

Yan Mo did not give her a chance to continue. With a wave of gravity, the servant's body scurried down the stairs.

There was a loud noise as they rolled down every staircase.

Wan looked at the servant rolling down the stairs in astonishment, then raised his eyes and met the furious Yan Mo, who was not as gentle as usual.

"Why did you push her?" Wan was a little angry.

She had just fallen down. She did not care about the servants, nor could she blame them.

When Yan Mo saw Wan, the anger in his eyes immediately subsided.

But Wan still ran into him.

He said, "It was a mistake!"

Wan wouldn't believe what he said. He had just pushed the servant down on purpose.

What kind of person was he, and how could he be so heartless towards the servants who had worked for his family for so many years?

"Let's go down first!" Yan Mo said to Wan.

Wan didn't want to get into a standoff with Yan Mo over this. After all, she was still trying to figure out a way to get out of here. She could at least find a phone and call home.

When Yan Mo looked up at the back of xiao wan's head, he saw that her black hair was wet. He reached out and touched it. It was all blood. His face suddenly changed and he shouted at the other servants who were guarding below, "Call the doctor!"