Chapter 722 Second Uncle

At home.

After Qiao Li Chen was buried in Wan's grave, he had no intention of going to the group these days and was drunk every day.

He Yimu, too, could only use the wine to numb his strong yearning for xiao wan, as well as the sadness that Wan was not around at all.

Although Qiao Li Chen used alcohol to numb himself, he did not give up investigating Ou Ye's mysterious family.

He couldn't find out where the family was, so he had to check the property under the family first.

In fact, from the beginning, it was difficult to find out which businesses that family owned. After all, they never made it public.

Fortunately, Ou Ye and the others knew something and told Qiao Li Chen.

Qiao Li Chen sent people to work undercover in those industries, infiltrated them and investigated them.

Among the businesses he sent to infiltrate, there were nightclubs that Wan was going to.

Buding was brought back to Qiao manor by chairman Qiao and Qiaodong Lady. The only thing they had to do now was to stay with Buding all day.

Qiao Li Ting couldn't leave the hospital, but he wanted to accompany Buding and forced him out.

Qiao Li Chen drank in the hotel every day. It was already night when he woke up.

At night, he would return to the manor.

He had to stay with Buding.

He was afraid that Buding would be lonely at night.

After losing his mother, Buding got used to Qiao Li Chen sleeping with him.

If Qiao Li Chen wasn't there, Buding wouldn't be able to sleep.

From the initial grief of losing her mother to the feeling of not being able to breathe, the feeling of uneasiness and helplessness, Buding's state of mind had apparently calmed down a little.

Perhaps it was because he was a child after all, and his grief over the loss of his family would not last long.

It could also be that Buding's heart gradually lost the sorrow of losing his loved ones.

But at night, he felt very lonely and helpless.

This feeling of loneliness and helplessness, only with Qiao Li Chen's company, would not be so intense.

Qiao Li Chen looked at Buding, who was asleep in his arms, with long eyelashes like feathers.

Seeing Buding now, Qiao Li Chen couldn't help but think of Wan.

Qiao Li Chen had not slept well for many days. He drank during the day and stayed with Buding at night.

After Buding fell asleep, he still couldn't sleep well.

He couldn't sleep. He missed Wan.

That night, he fell asleep, probably too sleepy.

Buding woke up first, and the early morning sun shone through the window.

He turned his head and looked at his second uncle.

I can't help but think of the mother I saw every time I woke up.

He pursed his lips and tears were coming out again.

He quietly wiped away the tears on his face and quietly looked at his second uncle's face.

For some reason, after losing his mother, Buding had a strong intuition in his heart.

He always felt that second uncle was the closest.

Clearly, he was closest to Qiao Li Ting's father and his grandparents.

But now, without his second uncle to accompany him every night, it was difficult for Buding to fall asleep, and he would miss his mother very much.

Would be especially insecure.

He had rested for many days and didn't go to school.

Chairman Qiao and Qiaodong Lady also refused to let Buding go to school, afraid that he would go to school alone. They were not around him, and they were even more worried.

After a long time, Buding spoke weakly and called out, "Uncle!"

He had called Qiao Li Chen his father for a while, but sometimes he still called him second uncle.

Hearing Buding's voice, Qiao Li Chen immediately woke up and opened his eyes.

Buding's shadow immediately appeared in his dark eyes.

He raised his big hand and stroked Buding's face.

He said softly, "I'm awake!"

Buding nodded. He looked at his uncle and said, "Uncle, I miss my mother!"

Qiao Li Chen choked at the words.

He took Buding into his arms and comforted him gently, "In the future, my second uncle will accompany you and grow up with you!"

The feeling of helplessness in Buding's heart, which was pressed against his second uncle's chest, decreased a lot.

He nodded, "Second uncle, don't leave me like mom!"

"Okay, second uncle won't leave you." Qiao Li Chen gently rubbed Buding's head.

He took Buding with him to wash up and go downstairs.

Chairman Qiao, Qiaodong Lady and Qiao Li Ting were waiting in the restaurant.

Seeing Buding come down, Qiaodong Lady rushed over and picked Buding up.

"Baby, grandma made you your favorite steak breakfast!"

Qiaodong Lady carried his grandson to the dining room and put him on a chair.

Qiaodong Lady cut the steak into small pieces and put it on a plate. He watched Buding fork it up and put it into his mouth piece by piece.

Chairman Qiao also came over and sat down. Instead of eating, he looked at his grandson.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Buding looked up at his uncle sitting opposite him.

"Second uncle, why don't you eat?" Buding didn't know why, but he felt the same way about his second uncle as he did about his mother.

He would subconsciously pay attention to second uncle, subconsciously care about second uncle.

He was afraid that his second uncle would leave him like his mother.

Therefore, he did not allow his second uncle not to have a good meal, and he did not allow his second uncle not to come back at night.

Qiao Li Chen had no appetite, but in Buding's concerned eyes, he picked up the knife and fork.

Pretending to be relaxed, he smiled, "Second uncle, too!"

Qiao Li Ting watched as his son became more and more attached to his second uncle, but he was not his father.

He actually found it strange, too. Was it because Buding thought that Qiao Li Chen and his mother had received the certificate and were his legal guardians?

Qiao Li Ting wasn't jealous, he just felt as if something had changed.

Gioroi came downstairs and saw Buding having breakfast. He smiled and said, "Good morning, Buding!"

Wan's death was also a blow to Gioroi.

One of her closest friends that she had finally had was gone.

Because of Wan's death, Qin Wei came back in a hurry and disappeared again.

Now Gioroi didn't know what qin wei was going to do.

"Good morning, auntie!" Buding looked up and smiled at her aunt.

Gioroi looked at the smile on his nephew's face. It was not as warm as before.

The smile looked as if it had been forced out.

The thought of Buding losing her mother at such a young age made her heart ache for Buding.

After breakfast, Buding jumped down from his chair.

Ran to the second uncle, took his hand and said, "Second uncle, can I go to the group with you?"

Qiao Li Chen hadn't been to the group for many days. He had been drinking in the hotel during the day for so long.

Qiao Li Ting also knew that although it was inconvenient for him to move now, he could still go out.

He went to the hotel a few times, but his words didn't work at all with his brother, who would only let me drink to drown his sorrows. The wine in the cellar was almost taken out by his brother.