Chapter 733 Send Someone over

Chapter 733 sends someone over

"He Yimu, if you don't come down, I'll call your parents right now to see if they know you're in such a hurry!"

As he spoke, Qiao Li Chen took out his phone and pretended to call chairman he.

He Yimu looked at Qiao Li Chen, his calm black eyes finally rippling.

Seeing this, Qiao Li Chen continued to say loudly, "I heard that your father has high blood pressure. On this phone call, his blood pressure is estimated to rise directly..."

In the corner of He Yimu's eyes, a tear fell silently.

He looked up at the front of the car.

The car was in the air, and he knew very well that he and the car would die if they fell like this.

But when he thought of seeing Wan after he died, he felt that it was an accomplishment.

But, mom and dad...

"Uncle!" Buding came up with Ou Chen at this moment. Looking at the scene in front of him, his face turned pale with fear and he cried out in horror.

Suddenly hearing Buding's voice, He Yimu suddenly returned to the scene when he was with Wan and Buding.

He turned his head sharply and looked out through the window. Buding was held tightly by Ou Chen so that he wouldn't run over.

"Uncle, come down quickly!" Buding was frightened and her tears flowed.

He didn't want to lose his mother, not even his uncle.

Buding and He Yimu had a deep relationship, on the one hand, because uncle and mother had a good relationship, on the other hand, during Buding's most helpless period, this uncle had been with him and mother.

It was everyone in the He family who gave him and his mother home and warmth.

He Yimu choked and bit his thin lips.

He unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door, and tried to get off.

But just as he moved, the front of the crumpled car suddenly leaned forward a lot.

Everyone was so frightened that they cried out.

Qiao Li Chen and Ou Chen immediately dragged the car to the back so that the back of the car would weigh more than the front and not fall off.

"Get out of the car!"

Qiao Li Chen shouted at he yimu.

Buding was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything as he watched this dangerous scene.

He Yimu also took advantage of this gap and quickly jumped out of the car.

Fortunately, after he jumped out of the car, the balance of the car was controlled and did not fall off.

Soon, the police and firefighters arrived to deal with the suspended car.

Qiao Li Chen immediately sent he yimu to the hospital.

Along the way, Buding held his uncle's hand tightly, afraid that he would do something stupid again.

With Buding's company, He Yimu's sad state of mind suddenly improved a lot.

After the wound on her head was healed, He Dong and Mrs. He rushed over.

Qiao Li Chen didn't call them. It was the police who called.

Seeing the wound on her son's head, Mrs. He came crying and hugged him tightly.

These days, my son has been drinking at home and drinking to drown his sorrows.

Mrs. He knew that her son had been buried in the grief of losing Wan.

However, she did not expect that her son would have the idea of reincarnation.

Chairman he was also heartbroken, but he didn't have the ability to make his son forget Wan.

Qiao Li Chen also saw that He Yimu could not come out at all for the time being, and he could not ignore He Yimu's life or death.

He walked over and said to He Yimu, "Come over and we'll talk!"

He Yimu looked up at Qiao Li Chen's dark eyes.

He couldn't help but remember how Qiao Li Chen had yelled at him before in the car to keep him from thinking.

He nodded and followed Qiao Li Chen out.

Chairman he hugged Mrs. He with tears on her face and consoled, "Maybe Li Chen has a way to get mu er out of the pain of losing Wan."

"Really?" Madam he dong was skeptical.

Although it was rumored that Qiao Li Chen was an unfeeling and ruthless person, chairman he believed in Qiao Li Chen.

If it hadn't been for Qiao Li Chen, they might not have seen He Yimu by now.

In order to make He Yimu stop being so pessimistic and desperate, Qiao Li Chen had to tell He Yimu about saving Buding.

He Yimu only knew why Wan died, but he did not know that Buding was now in danger.

In other words, if they don't find a way to get Buding back to that family now, then Buding might die in the future, just like Wan.

He Yimu's face suddenly changed when he heard this.

"How is that possible? You must have lied to me, right?" He Yimu grabbed Qiao Li Chen by the shoulder.

Qiao Li Chen frowned. He especially didn't like people touching him.

But at this moment, he stifled his displeasure.

He looked at He Yimu and said in a deep voice, "Do you think I would lie to you about Buding's safety?"

He Yimu also felt that it was impossible.

Qiao Li Chen was not such a despicable person.

"Then what should we do?" He Yimu lost his bearings and stared at Qiao Li Chen.

It was as if in his eyes, only Qiao Li Chen could solve all this.

Qiao Li Chen didn't want He Yimu to be involved in this at first.

But at this moment, he couldn't let He Yimu do something.

He opened his mouth and said, "Don't look at me with such eyes. If I had a way and I was sure, I wouldn't have told you about it."

"Even you are not sure. Is that clan leader really so powerful?" He Yimu took a step back and looked at Qiao Li Chen in disbelief.

"I don't know anything about that family. I learned a little about it from Ou Ye. The family was huge and had a wide range of industries, but they were all concentrated in their country. We want to infiltrate that family now. I can't do it alone." Qiao Li Chen stared at He Yimu with dark eyes.

He Yimu was also a smart man, and he understood immediately.

Nodding his head, he said, "Okay, I can do whatever I need."

Qiao Li Chen had never seen He Yimu's feelings for Wan before.

He was so affectionate, but in order not to lose his previous friendship with Wan, from the beginning of the buddy, to later good friends, and then to later siblings.

He personally turned Wan into his sister.

Qiao Li Chen said to He Yimu, "Now that Qin Wei is in trouble over there, we are waiting for his news. What I need you to do now is send someone over to infiltrate the family business."

He Yimu nodded, "Okay, I'll make the arrangements now."

Qiao Li Chen stopped him, "Don't worry, this matter will be discussed slowly. The people you arranged needed time to get in. Do you want your people to be suspected and monitored as soon as they pass by?"