Chapter 753 Seeing Ou Yi

Chapter 753 sees Ou Yi

Wan went to work for the first day today and got up early.

She put on an exquisite makeup and changed into a small suit.

Ou Tian was having breakfast when he went downstairs.

Seeing Wan in a small suit, Ou Tian curled his lips and smiled, "It looks like there's something about working women."

"Really?" Wan walked over with a smile.

The maid quickly brought her breakfast.

"Will you accompany me to the company later?" Wan asked ou tian dao.

"I can't go. I have to ask the driver to take you there. As for your position, you should report to the human resources department and see what position the clan leader has arranged for you."

Ou Tian happened to have business to do today.

Wan nodded, "I see."

When you go to the company, be careful not to provoke the two sons of the clan leader. One was the current head of the company, his eldest son, Totem. One was Ou Yi, the head of research and development and the youngest son of the clan leader. Ou Yi's temper was particularly withdrawn. All he could see was technological design. If you meet him, just smile and say hello."

Ou Tian was a little worried and warned again.

Wan had been listening to Ou Tian talk about the company's internal relations for the past two days.

"I see."

"Call me if you need anything. If an emergency like Qin Wei happens again, you must not be impulsive. You have to know that what is in front of you may not be true. It is most likely the clan leader's plan to test you." Ou Tian said to Wan.

Wan nodded, "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive this time."

Ou Tian was not at all reassured. Wan was a man of character.

Her emotions were easily affected by the people around her.

But anyone she knew, anyone who had a relationship with her, if she showed up in front of her, she would probably leak.

The driver took xiao wan to the company's underground parking lot and said, "There's an elevator in front of you. You can go straight up to the eighth floor, which is the personnel department."

Wan nodded, "Okay, thank you!"

With that, Wan pushed open the door and got out of the car.

He went into the elevator and pressed the eighth floor.

Because it was his first day at work, Wan came earlier.

When they reached the eighth floor, they found no one inside.

He looked up at his watch and it was almost eight o' clock.

Why is there no one?

Doesn't this place work at eight in the morning?

Wan walked to the sofa and sat down, waiting.

After waiting for a while, the elevator door that was facing opened.

Wan quickly stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Coming out of the elevator was a tall, thin man.

His expression looked a little gloomy. His eyes only gave Wan a faint glance and then moved away.

Wan quickly stepped forward and asked with a smile, "Excuse me, what time do you work here? Why is it eight o' clock and there's no one?"

The man ignored Wan and treated her like air.

Wan thought this man was too arrogant!

"Sir, can you answer me?" Wan chased after him and asked again.

The man was tired of being chased up like this and asked him questions.

The man paused in his footsteps and turned around, his dark eyes slowly burning with anger.

"If you make any more noise, I'll kill you!" The man said fiercely.

Wan was startled when he said such crazy things.

This man is sick!

Wan did not dare to provoke this man again!

She walked back to the sofa and sat down, waiting.

Soon, a lot of people came out of the elevator.

Wan finally asked the right person and went to the hr manager's office to wait.

The manager of the personnel department didn't arrive until 8: 30.

Only then did Wan know that the working time here was 8: 30, not 8: 00 in china.

"What's your name?" The hr manager put down his bag and sat down gracefully. He looked at Wan and asked.

Wan smiled and replied, "My name is Osh."

"Osh!" The hr manager was also a member of the clan leader, so he naturally knew that this woman was arranged by the clan leader.

"The director of research and development is short of an assistant. You can go to work with him now!"

"Director of research and development?" Wan remembered that Ou Tian had said that the director of research and development was the youngest son of the clan leader.

A man with a particularly solitary personality.

"Yes, I'll get someone to take you there." After that, the hr manager picked up the phone and informed a colleague outside to come in and take her to the technical department.

Wan got up and went to the technical department with this colleague from the personnel department.

The r & d department was very large. The ninth and tenth floors were all r & d departments.

Outside the office, a colleague raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Without hearing any response from inside, the colleague had to wait outside with Wan.

"Is the director not here?" Wan asked.

The colleague shook his head, "I'm not sure, but even if the director is inside now and he doesn't say anything, we won't dare to go in."

"Why wouldn't he say anything inside?" Wan thought it was impossible.

But more than half an hour later, she saw the office door, which had been tightly closed, open from inside.

Only then did she realize that the eccentric director was really inside.

It was really someone who could hear a knock on the door, but could not make a sound.

Wan's face changed slightly when he saw the tall, thin man in front of him.

Isn't this the tall, thin man I saw in the hr department this morning?

Is he the director here?

Is he the youngest son of the clan leader?

If so, that's not surprising.

In the morning, when he only asked him a few questions, he said impatiently that he was going to kill himself.

It seems that in the future, you must be more careful when you work with him.

When the colleague saw the director, he immediately lowered his head and said respectfully, "Ouzongjian, this is a new recruit from the personnel department. He will be your assistant in the future. Would you like to see if it fits?"

Ou Yi just glanced at Su Xiaowan, as if she could not remember that she was the woman she had seen in the personnel department before.

"Mmm!" Director Ou Yi simply replied and walked away with long legs.

The colleague quickly pushed Wan, "Hurry up and follow him!"

"Oh!" Wan reacted and immediately chased after him.

Ou Yi was not an ordinary loner. Wherever he went, his subordinates could not help but bow their heads and greet him from afar, but he completely ignored him.

Wan followed him into the elevator.

Only the two of them were left in the elevator.

Unexpectedly, it was the president's office on the top floor with Ou Yi.

The president was the patriarch's eldest son, where Totem worked.

Totem's secretary saw Ou Yi and immediately stood up, "Ouzongjian, the president is waiting for you inside!"

Ou Yi strode towards the president's office without hearing.

Wan also wanted to follow in and meet Totem.

But now that I'm just a little assistant to Ou Yi, wouldn't it be inappropriate to go in with me?