Chapter 770 video

Hearing this, Wan was a little anxious.

She couldn't help but say, "I... I'm looking for Su Xiaowan."

Wan was too anxious for Buding to hang up.

He simply said that.

"Are you looking for my mother?"

Buding was shocked, "Are you my mother's friend?"

Wan's voice was a little hoarse now, plus on the phone, and the real voice was also a little different.

Buding didn't recognize it immediately.

"Yes, is she there?" Wan asked.

"My mother isn't here..." Buding's tears started to fall again.

"My mother, she's gone. She doesn't want me anymore!" Buding cried,

Wan's heart ached when he heard that his son seemed to be crying and his voice was filled with sadness.

She was afraid that she would burst into tears, so she quickly hung up the phone.

Chairman Qiao had already made a note of the call. He comforted Buding first, "Buding, shall we go and see your uncle? The person on the phone might be a friend of your mother's. Let's ask your second uncle if he knows her."

Buding nodded, "Okay!"

Chairman Qiao took his grandson to the study on the second floor.

Qiao Li Chen was busy in front of the computer when he heard footsteps.

He looked up and saw his father carrying Buding in.

Buding still had tears on his face, and his eyes looked especially sad.

Qiao Li Chen immediately put down his work and stood up and walked quickly to Buding.

"What happened to Buding?" Qiao Li Chen asked his father and took Buding from his father's arms.

"Someone just called Buding overseas and said it was for Wan." Chairman Qiao told Qiao Li Chen.

"Looking for xiao wan?" Qiao Li Chen didn't know that Wan had friends abroad.

He asked his father, "What's the number?"

"It's on the phone. I'll have someone check it out."

"Okay!" Qiao Li Chen nodded.

She carried her son to the sofa and sat down.

Chairman Qiao went out and asked the housekeeper to check the call.

After making the call, Wan also realized that he might be exposed.

Put on your clothes and get out of bed to look for Ou Tian.

Ou Tian's bedroom, next door to Wan's.

Hearing the knock on the door outside, Ou Tian opened his eyes immediately.

In the middle of the night, did something unexpected happen?

Ou Tian got up immediately, walked quickly to the back of the door and opened it.

He saw the slim Wan standing at the door.

He quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Wan looked at Ou Tian guiltily and said, "I couldn't help but call my son on my cell phone."

Hearing this, Ou Tian's face changed slightly.

"You!" Ou Tian seemed a little speechless.

Wan bit his lip, "I'm sorry, I really couldn't hold it back just now. I had a terrible dream that Buding was in danger."

Ou Tian understood what xiao wan said.

After all, Wan was not around Buding right now, and she was especially concerned about her son. She would not be able to stand the slightest disturbance.

He would be very worried and couldn't help but want to call to confirm.

"Is the little pudding okay?" Ou Tian asked.

Wan shook his head, "It should be fine. I heard his voice. He should be at the The qiao family."

"That's good!" God knows that as long as Buding is well in the country, Wan can be at ease here and conspire with them to pull the clan leader down.

"What do we do now?" Wan asked Ou Tian.

Ou tian frowned, "You are calling from Ou Yi's number. According to joe Li Chen's ability, you may soon find out that this is Ou Yi's number."

"That way, you won't suspect us, right?" Wan said.

Ou Tian shook his head, "With joe Li Chen's intelligence, he will definitely send someone to investigate Ou Yi directly."

"Wouldn't it be easy to find out if I followed Ou Yi around every day?" Wan was a little anxious.

Wan now basically believed in Ou Tian and the others.

She also thought that since everyone in the country knew she was dead, let them think so.

This way, it would be safe and would not let the clan leader suspect Buding.

Ou Tian looked at Wan and said, "You look different now. Plus, you've been wearing makeup outside during the day. You don't usually see it. And your voice is different from before. As long as the people you know are not with you every day, they won't be discovered."

Wan breathed a sigh of relief when he said that.

But seeing Ou Tian still frowning, Wan asked, "What's wrong? Any more questions?"

"In the past few days, I have discovered something."

"What is it?" Wan asked.

"The clan leader really values Ou Yi. On the surface, he doesn't have anything special about Ou Yi. However, the clan leader secretly sent someone to protect Ou Yi. Also, you told me tonight that the clan leader wanted to replace Ou Yi as the clan leader."

At this point, Ou Tian looked at Wan with a slightly deep gaze, "You think this Ou Yi is not simple."

"Do you suspect that he is the patriarch's biological son? But didn't you say that the clan leader had no children?" Wan said.

Ou Tian shook his head uncertainly, "There's such suspicion, but I'm not sure. The clan leader was actually a very heartless person. He seemed nice to the people around him on the surface, but in fact, these people were still useful to him. Once it's useless, he can give it up in minutes."

"If Ou Yi is really the son of the clan leader, or his close relatives or something, then the clan leader will definitely let Ou Yi succeed, and will never let Totem. And Totem really wants this position." Wan said to Ou Tian.

"Well, we can make use of this, at least to promote the relationship between Totem and the clan leader." Ou Tian already had a plan in mind.

"Is it to promote the relationship between Totem and the clan leader, not Totem and Ou Yi?" Wan didn't understand.

"I was afraid that if Totem dealt with Ou Yi, Ou Yi would be caught off guard and killed by Totem. Then, no matter how much the clan leader cared about Ou Yi, it was impossible for him to put Totem, his only son, to death again. When the time comes, even if there is a gap between the two of them, the position of clan leader will be Totem's."

"But if Totem's relationship with the clan leader starts to crack, they will be hurt if they fight. Let's just sit back and enjoy ourselves." Ou Tian said.

Wan understood, "Do I need to encourage Ou Yi to succeed as the head of the clan?"

Ou Tian thought about it and said, "Wait a minute. I'll talk to Yan Mo tomorrow. Let's see what we have to do next to win."

"Okay, are you guys talking on the phone?" Wan asked.

"Yeah, it's safer to call now than to meet. It's easy to expose when you meet." Ou Tian said.

"Then you can ask him over the phone if he sent someone to take a video of Buding. I really miss Buding." Wan said, "He probably misses Buding too."