Chapter 819 control

Totem hung up the phone and looked at Su Xiaowan.

His eyes were dark and full of pride.

"Your brother will be controlled immediately. The dna test you want to do will come out tomorrow at the latest."

Wan smiled, "As long as you don't make a fool out of it and don't make a fake dna, the result will definitely hit you in the face!"

Totem's eyes turned cold, "Hit the face. I want to see who hit the face."

After that, Totem pressed the phone on the table and let the secretary in.

When the secretary came in, Totem said, "Hold her down and take some of her blood."

The secretary was a little stunned before she realized it and approached Su Xiaowan.

Wan smiled and said, "No, I'll do it myself!"

Wan put his finger in his mouth and bit it, watching the blood flow out.

She used a little tissue to wipe off the blood on it.

"That should be enough!" Pass the blood wipe paper to Totem.

Totem glanced at the secretary, who immediately picked him up.

"Take it to the first floor. There are people waiting there." Totem said to the secretary.

The secretary nodded and went out with the bloody paper.

Wan was very guilty, but he had to pretend.

Acting like this, it was really tiring, and it required a lot of mental endurance.

"Since you have sent someone to control my brother, what about me? What are you going to do with me?" Wan asked.

"You will naturally be under control." After that, Totem called and asked the bodyguard to come up.

Wan lamented in his heart that he had never escaped this disaster.

It only implicated Ou Tian.

Soon, the bodyguard came in.

Take Wan away.

Wan was led to the elevator and took the elevator to the ground floor.

How she wished she could meet Ou Yi in the process.

As long as he met Ou Yi, even if he believed what Totem and the others said, at least before the result came out, he should have protected his life and freedom!

Wan went to the basement, with a tall bodyguard beside him. Wan was not sure if he could escape.

But no matter what, you have to take a risk.

As long as he escaped and tried to contact Yan Mo, maybe he had a way to save Ou Tian.

Wan was not frisked, and the small protective gear Ou Tian had given her to prevent her from getting hurt by Ou Yi was still in the black pocket she was wearing today.

She thought that although the baton was small, it was too heavy and she didn't bring it with her.

She only brought the spray that Ou Tian gave her, which was the best and most effective.

As she walked, she suddenly covered her stomach and bent over.

"What are you doing?" The two bodyguards asked angrily.

Wan looked up with a pained look on his face, "My stomach suddenly hurts. Did I just get poisoned from eating?"

"Stop pretending!" The bodyguard didn't believe it at all.

Wan simply pretended to be serious and squatted on the ground, clutching his abdomen tightly, "No, it's too painful. You can send me to the hospital now!"

"Still pretending?" The bodyguard said that, but he was beginning to believe it.

Another bodyguard took out his cell phone and was about to call Totem for instructions.

Wan took advantage of one of the bodyguards to come over and check whether she was pretending or not, and with a flash of lightning, he quickly reached out his hand and sprayed it hard into the eyes of the approaching man.

The bodyguard was attacked, and his eyes hurt so much that he screamed in pain, covering his eyes and retreating.

The bodyguard on the phone, who was still on the line, rushed up immediately after hearing the screams behind him and wanted to punch Wan on the head.

Wan had no strength in his hands, so he could only press the bottle of spray and spray it at the man who attacked him.

Because the distance was not close, the man was on guard again. Wan sprayed a lot of pepper spray. The man's eyes were only stimulated, and his fighting power was still very strong.

Wan dodged from side to side, the force in his hand was not stopping.

At this moment, she only hated that the wolf spray was too small. If it was big enough, the spray would be far and wide.

Wan retreated to a corner, behind the wall, and the spray in his hand was almost gone.

Just as the man's fist hit again, the spray in Wan's hand was already out. The man no longer needed to avoid it, and his fist fell directly.

Wan ducked and quickly threw the bottle in his hand at the man's eyes.

The bottle wasn't heavy, and even if Wan was strong, the damage was much less.

The bodyguard went all out, hoping that this punch would knock Wan down.

And he knew that there was no spray in the spray bottle, so he didn't hide. When the bottle hit him, it hit his eyes.

Instinctively, he closed his eyes, but he was still hit.

He felt his eyes closed, his eyes darkened, and he took a few steps back in pain.

Wan took this opportunity to run out quickly.

The concentration of the spray was very high, and the person he shot before still had no power to fight back.

Wan was glad that the spray Ou Tian gave her was so lethal that she ran past the bodyguard, who couldn't care less about chasing her.

Wan ran out of the underground parking lot to avoid the company's security from chasing him. Wan quickly stopped a taxi outside.

She didn't have a cell phone, but she knew it was time to inform Ou Tian.

So she borrowed the driver's phone to call Ou Tian.

"Where are you now?" Wan asked urgently as soon as the phone rang.

"I'm outside." Ou Tian told Wan.

From the tone of his voice, he didn't seem to know what had happened and he wasn't under control.

"Get out of here. That Totem didn't know what to do. He got a fake dna and tried to kill us. And he told the clan leader to keep you under control."

After what happened to Qin Wei last time, Wan became extremely cautious.

Even in such a bad situation, she instinctively wanted to stay on the line and not expose herself on the phone.

When ou tian heard this, he suddenly felt bad.

"Where are you now?" Ou tian asked Wan.

"I'm near the company. I just escaped and got into a taxi. The taxi driver I borrowed called you." Wan said.

Ou Tian was a little flustered, and all sorts of guesses flashed through his mind.

How did Totem get his dna?

If the clan leader had suspected it from the beginning, then that time when Wan was injured, he would have taken Wan's blood to make their dna. It wouldn't have taken so long.

So this time, Totem should have done it.

Totem wanted to get rid of himself and Wan so that no one would incite Ou Yi to take over as the head of the clan.

However, according to the law, he and Totem didn't have much interaction. He couldn't get his dna at all.

Could this be another trap?

Ou Tian quickly calmed down and said to xiao wan, "Don't worry. They're clearly wronging us, just trying to get rid of us. You call Ou Yi now. He's the closest to you. He can save you."

Hearing Ou Tian say that, Wan understood.

"What about you? Totem called the clan leader and said that he would come and control you immediately."