Chapter 821 Not A Good Person

Chapter 821 is not a good person.

He stood in front of the window and looked outside.

Outside, there was a garden. Opposite the garden, there was a high wall.

As long as he jumped out of here and quietly climbed out of the wall at the fastest speed, he could leave.

At the thought of this, Wan could not help but feel a little eager to try.

But she was afraid that she would fail. After all, the wall was still very high, and the top of the wall was inlaid with broken glass pieces, probably to prevent thieves from climbing over the wall.

Wan was not afraid of pain, she was afraid that she could not climb up the wall.

As her mind spun around, Wan ran upstairs and entered a random bedroom.

She found the bedroom a little dull, but luxurious.

Someone lives here!

I don't know whose home it is!

Wan pulled a sheet off the bed and ran back to the bathroom downstairs.

From there, he jumped out of the window and quietly came to the bottom of the wall.

She twisted a knot at the end of the sheet and threw it against the wall.

There was a sharp piece of glass inserted upside down, and the knot she tied happened to be stuck on the piece of glass.

She tugged, a little loose, and then pulled it off.

He had to do it again.

After throwing it up again this time, she tugged again, and this tug caused the gap in the knot to penetrate into the glass shards.

Pull harder, it's a little tight.

Wan didn't dare to waste any more time, so he grabbed the sheets and climbed up.

If the sheets fall off and you fall, don't make a sound, or you can do it again.

Wan was very fast. She was afraid of being discovered and quickly climbed up the wall.

He held the knot at the head of the bed so that he could avoid cutting his hand through the glass.

Not sure how long the knot would last, Wan accidentally cut his leg on the glass when he climbed over the wall.

She gritted her teeth and jumped down.

It was so high that when she jumped down, she only felt her feet sink.

Fortunately, this feeling quickly recovered.

She dared not delay any longer and ran forward.

This area is full of villas, there are no taxis, occasionally passing by private cars.

Wan was afraid that if he ran like this, he would be caught up sooner or later.

She tried to stop a passing car, but no one paid attention to her.

There was really no way. When the next car came, Wan ran forward and stopped the car with his own body.

The driver slammed on the brakes and almost hit Wan.

The driver pressed down the window and stuck his head out, looking angrily at Wan standing in front of the car.

"You want to die!" The driver couldn't help but scold.

Wan folded his hands and pleaded, "Big brother, please give me a ride. Just send me to the city. Please!"

The driver's eyes flashed with disgust, "If you don't let me drive, I'll call the police!"

If the driver had threatened to call the police, it might have been a good thing.

But Wan knew that once Totem's forces called the police, they would expose themselves.

Wan burst into tears, looking very pitiful and pleading, "Please, please do your best and take me for a ride! I can give you money!"

When the driver heard about money, the disgust in his eyes lessened.

"How much is it?"

The driver wasted too much time. Wan was afraid that if he delayed any longer, he would not be able to escape.

He said directly, "I'll give you a thousand dollars!"

The driver was immediately tempted, "Come on up!"

Wan hurried over and opened the door.

There was no one else on the car except the driver.

Wan could tell that the driver was only the driver of a certain family in the villa area.

Because if he was the owner of a certain family in the villa area, he wouldn't care about the thousand dollars she offered when he was rich.

After getting in the car, the driver asked Su Xiaowan who was sitting behind him as he drove forward.

"Are you sure you have a thousand dollars?"

Wan didn't. She just gave the card to the taxi driver.

"My friend has one. Don't worry. I will definitely give you the thousand dollars I promised."

Wan hesitated and said, "Can I borrow your phone to make a call?"

"You don't have any money, do you?" The driver's face darkened.

Wan shook his head, "No, I just called and asked my friend to prepare the money over there and wait."

The driver was dubious about what Wan said.

For that thousand dollars, the driver gave his phone to Wan.

Wan took the call and quickly called Ou Yi.

Only Ou Yi can save himself now. I wonder if he saw the message he just sent him.


In the office, after testing the new program, Ou Yi picked up his phone and looked at the time, wondering if he could go up to Osh and have lunch with her.

It's still early. It's only eleven o' clock.

Ou Yi looked at his phone and put it down again.

He didn't notice a message on his phone.

He got up and went to the bathroom in the office to wash his face.

I've been looking at the screen for too long and my eyes are tired.

After wiping his face, he sat on the sofa and massaged the acupoints around his eyes.

Not long after, the phone rang again.

Just listening to the bell, he knew it wasn't Osh.

He remembered that his phone had been ringing for a long time before, and he hesitated to see who was calling.

He opened it, got up, and walked to his desk.

Picking up the phone, it was a strange number.

He hesitated and pressed the answer button.

He didn't like to talk to strangers, so when the phone was picked up, he didn't speak, but waited for them to speak first.

"Ou Yi, you finally answered the phone!"

Wan wanted to cry. This guy finally answered the phone.

"Osh? Whose phone are you calling from?" Ou Yi asked.

"Don't worry about it. You have to find a way to save me. Your big brother wants to deal with me. I called you several times before, but you didn't answer. You almost killed me, do you know?"

"What?" Ou Yi's face suddenly changed.

"Where are you now?" Ou Yi asked quickly.

Wan didn't know where it was either. She asked the driver, "Where are we now?"

"Don't you know where you are?" The driver replied angrily.

Wan did not care about him and said kindly, "I was caught. I don't know where this is. Please kindly tell me that my friend can come to me and give you the money."

"Who are you with?"

"I was locked up by your big brother. I just escaped. This seems to be a villa area. I ran out and couldn't walk back, so I stopped a car."

"How can you get into someone else's car!" Ou yi was afraid that xiao wan had just escaped from his big brother and met a bad driver.

From the tone of the driver just now, you can tell that the driver is not a good person.